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home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, April 10

Friday Workshop, April 10

Altmetrics: Alternative Metrics for Measuring the Impact of Research
April 10 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Room 213, Ellis Library

It takes time for your work to be formally cited by other researchers and common citation indexes do not work equally well for all disciplines and research methods. Altmetrics (alternative metrics) are faster and wider-ranging measures of the impact your work is having on other researchers and the general public. This workshop will introduce you to current altmetrics tools and how they’re being used to demonstrate the value of research.

Anne Barker, Interim Head, Ellis Reference Department
Janice Dysart, Science Librarian
Gwen Gray, Social Sciences Librarian

All workshops are offered simultaneously in two formats: Face-to-face in Rm. 213 Ellis Library and live online.
To Register: http//
(click on gold calendar entries for face-to-face workshops and pink calendar entries for live online)