home Ellis Library, Resources and Services De-stress in Ellis Library During Finals

De-stress in Ellis Library During Finals

Trained therapy dogs will be in Ellis Library once again during finals week.  Visit the dogs on the first floor of Ellis Library during the following times:

Monday, December 11th: 7-9pm

Tuesday, December 12th: 7-9pm

Wednesday, December 13th:7-9pm

Also check out the Zen coloring tables on the first floor, or if you need a quiet space to work on your final papers and projects, Room 213 (Electronic Classroom II) is open 24/7 during finals as a quiet study space with computers.

Thanks to Ann of Ann Gafke’s Teacher’s Pet for coordinating all the dogs and owners who help us de-stress during finals!

Books to Movies Display

Which is better, the book or the movie? Stop by our display near the Reference Desk at Ellis Library for some pairs to compare.

Several titles on display will be released as movies in 2018–now’s your chance to read them first! All books and movies on display are available for check out.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services #TipTuesday: Lost & Found

#TipTuesday: Lost & Found

Did you recently misplace something in Ellis Library? Are you unsure of where to look?

Visit Lost & Found at the security desk located at the west entrance of Ellis Library.

Don’t have time to stop by? Give them a call at (573) 882-2053.


home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services Add Your Conference Poster to MOspace!

Add Your Conference Poster to MOspace!

Have you presented a poster at a conference? Add your poster to MOspace and a URL to your CV or resume!

MOspace is the freely available online repository for scholarship and other works by University of Missouri faculty, students, and staff.

You retain copyright, and we provide access.

Curious how your poster will look online? Check out a couple of examples.

Like what you see? Submit your poster using our online form today.

home Ellis Library Surprise in the Mail: Patron Returns Book 40 Years Overdue

Surprise in the Mail: Patron Returns Book 40 Years Overdue

We received a nice surprise in the mail!  We always appreciate patrons returning books – even if it is 40 years later!


Note Transcribed below:







home Uncategorized ULSAC Great Libraries Research Trip: Apply!

ULSAC Great Libraries Research Trip: Apply!

In order to better understand what a great academic library is, ULSAC will be sending members to the Research Triangle in North Carolina to collect information that will aid in the creation of the Student Vision Project. Attendees will report back to ULSAC on the great academic libraries at Duke University, North Carolina State University, and the University of North Carolina. Their perspective will shape the final draft of the Student Vision Report, which will be used to communicate with stakeholders and administrators on how Mizzou Libraries should best serve student needs moving forward.

Congratulations to the following ULSAC members who have applied and been approved:

  • Alex Johar (ULSAC Chair, Library Ambassador, former RHA rep)
  • Billy Donley (Library Ambassador)
  • Garren Wegener (Library Ambassador, former RHA rep)
  • Kendal Lynne Lowrey (GPC)
  • Taylor Tutin (MSA)

There is still one remaining slot. All ULSAC members and Library Ambassadors are encouraged to apply.

  • Email your Application to ULSAC advisor Grace Atkins at atkinsge@missouri.edu.
  • The trip will take place the week before Mizzou’s Spring 2018 semester starts.
  • The new deadline is Monday, Nov. 27 at 11:59pm.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Day of the Dead and Antiquities from the Ancient Mediterranean Exhibits

Day of the Dead and Antiquities from the Ancient Mediterranean Exhibits

There’s still time to check out the Day of the Dead and the Ancient Artifacts exhibits on display in the Ellis Library Colonnade through the end of the month.

The Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) exhibit is sponsored by the Latin@ Graduate Professional Network. The Day of the Dead altar incorporates skulls colored by Mizzou students and pictures, blurbs, and trinkets of loved ones shared by the community.

The Museum of Art and Archaeology brings us the Antiquities from the Ancient Mediterranean exhibit. A dozen glass and pottery vessels are on display, including cups, bowls, bottles, jars, and lamps.


home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services #TipTuesday: DVDs & Streaming Video

#TipTuesday: DVDs & Streaming Video

You may be aware that Ellis Library has nearly 3,000 DVDs,

but did you know

…you also have immediate access to almost 20,000 streaming videos?

From feature films and documentaries, to tutorials and educational materials, Mizzou Libraries has you covered.

Search DVDs and videos or browse by genre today.


home Cycle of Success, Ellis Library Cycle of Success: English 1000 Pilot Program Results in Increased Collaboration

Cycle of Success: English 1000 Pilot Program Results in Increased Collaboration

Last year, Cindy Cotner served as the Interim Head of Instructional Services at Ellis Library and oversaw a pilot program where new teaching assistants in the English department were each matched to an individual librarian for library instruction and research assistance for their sections of English 1000, the first-year writing course required of Mizzou students. Due to the success of the program, it has been expanded this year, with every English 1000 instructor matched to a librarian for their courses.

In April, Cindy and Anne Barker presented “Bringing the Library into the Classroom: Rethinking Library Resources” with Deanna Benjamin and Bailey Boyd, the English 1000 instructors they worked with, at the MU Composition Program’s Celebration of Writing and Teaching.

Collaboration with librarians is nothing new for Deanna Benjamin, a PhD candidate who, in addition to teaching a variety of courses here at Mizzou, has taught in St. Louis since 2008. Cindy co-taught two sessions regarding the research process with Deanna in her classroom. During the first class session, the class worked on “an exercise that connected Cindy’s introduction to the library and research with the semester research project.” They opened the second class session with a Q&A and then “visited with students individually while they all conducted research online.” Deanna says, “Our collaboration in class helped the students ask a variety of research questions that at least one of us was able to answer.”

When the students presented their research later in the semester, Cindy reinforced the library’s commitment to undergraduate research by attending the presentations.

During her master’s program here at Mizzou, Bailey Boyd first taught English 1000 and began collaborating with the library for research instruction. Now a first-year PhD student in creative nonfiction writing, her personal research interests include “uncovering new bits of information that have been hidden away, such as archival research and new sides to a well-known story.”

Anne Barker

Last year, Bailey met with Anne early in the fall semester to discuss how the library could help her students with their projects. Bailey requires her to students to “select a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph, analyze that photograph, and then use research to fit that photograph within its original historical and cultural moment.” In conjunction with that assignment, Anne “put together an amazing course guide where the students could explore different research on eras, all collected in one place!” For this semester’s library visit for the same assignment, Anne went a step further. Bailey says she “had pulled out old Time magazine archives and Harper’s Bazaar archives so that students could see–in real, tangible form–what people in different decades would be seeing. Students were able to surround themselves and immerse themselves in that world for a short while.”

Bailey saw the effect of library instruction very clearly in her students’ final essays for this project. She says, “The research I saw in their papers was quite extraordinary–some students relayed background stories of famous photos that had changed their minds about the photographs. In my opinion, this research led to richer and more in-depth analysis of their photographs–every essay was interesting and thought-provoking.”

When Bailey wanted to assign her students the Ellis Library scavenger hunt, which can be completed by students on their cell phones, she worked with Anne to customize call numbers to the food research and cookbook area “so that they were led to the stacks that had the information they would need further in the semester.”

Inspired by this collaboration, Bailey has incorporated some changes into her curriculum. She says, “I’ve already increased our class library visits from one visit to three and now require my students to consult with a librarian at least once on their own time throughout the semester. These past semesters of library collaboration have really shown me how important early incorporation of the library truly is.”

Anne says that “the collaboration has allowed us to be more proactive and engaged with the TAs, so that the library portions dovetail more with their objectives for the class. We’ve also been able to experiment more with providing handouts, online lessons, guides, and brief videos that can be used outside of the classroom time, so that the time we have together with students can be a bit more interactive.” Because the level of collaboration between librarians and English 1000 instructors is still evolving, she finds being able to work with the same teaching assistants for multiple semesters helpful.

Deanna and Bailey shared some advice on how to take advantage of library services. Deanna advises teaching assistants and faculty to meet “with a librarian before the semester begins to talk about the topic and goals of the course and ways in which the librarian might use some of the instructional time to get to know students (and for students to get to know their librarian).” Bailey recommends a library tour for everyone new to Mizzou. She advises her fellow graduate students to form a relationship with their subject librarian “because we’re more likely to ask questions if we’ve established that relationship.” In her case, that was also Anne, whom she also visited for research help on her master’s thesis. She says, “I can’t really express how much Anne has helped me these past two years. I don’t think I could have accomplished many of the things I wanted to accomplish in my classroom or as a student if I hadn’t had that relationship.”

Cycle of Success is the idea that libraries, faculty, and students are linked; for one to truly succeed, we must all succeed. The path to success is formed by the connections between University of Missouri Libraries and faculty members, between faculty members and students, and between students and the libraries that serve them. More than just success, this is also a connection of mutual respect, support, and commitment to forward-thinking research.

If you would like to submit your own success story about how the libraries have helped your research and/or work, please use the Cycle of Success form.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits “Seeing Material Culture at Mizzou” Exhibit

“Seeing Material Culture at Mizzou” Exhibit

The student showcase for Seeing Material Culture at Mizzou is now on display in the Ellis Library Colonnade. This semester’s Honors Tutorial, “Get Real, Go Places! Let Objects Take You There,” focused on the study of material culture, specifically the opportunities for research that objects and artifacts make possible.

Students interpreted, inspected, and wrote about objects through sketchbook journals, weekly syntheses, and a culminating analysis. The course is taught by Dr. Sarah Buchanan of the iSchool and by campus gallery, library, archive, and museum professionals who belong to the Material Culture Studies Group.

This exhibit features 22 objects created by eight undergraduate students, each based on a class visit to a particular collection.

Student Work on Display

Items on display include a mixed media booklet and a collage depicting horticulture in the Mizzou Botanic Garden, digital art based on a Harriet Frishmuth sculpture from 1920 at the Museum of Art and Archaeology, clay art based on a Beulah Ecton Woodard terra cotta from 1937-38 also at the Museum of Art and Archaeology, drawings inspired by clothing in the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection and by artwork in the State Historical Society of Missouri, poetry, reflections on letterpress as seen during the Bingham Art Gallery visit, and drawings inspired by objects in the Museum of Anthropology and in Special Collections and Rare Books, among others.

Complementing the student work are two apparel items from the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection and two musical scores from Special Collections and Rare Books.