home Staff news In the News

In the News

“RJI, MU Libraries strive to save Columbia history at KMOU, Missourian with help of grant”
The Maneater, November 11, 2019

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 11/19/19

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 11/19/19

LMT 11.19.19 Information and Action Items

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Quiet Study Space with Computers Available During Finals

Quiet Study Space with Computers Available During Finals

Looking for a quiet study space with access to computers. Check out room 213 and 4D11 of Ellis Library. The rooms will be available from the morning of Friday, December 6, to the afternoon of Friday, May 13.

You can find a complete list of library study spaces at http://library.missouri.edu/about/studyspaces/.

home Events and Exhibits Therapy Dogs for Finals

Therapy Dogs for Finals

Yes, it’s that time of the semester again. You’re studying, you’re researching, you’re writing, you’re living on coffee and no sleep…but look, a fluffy puff of pure love and joy! These calm, cheerful, trained therapy dogs are here to give you a break and put a smile on your face ?

Come to Ellis Library on the main floor by the North Doors / checkout desk. Tentative schedule:

  • Sunday, December 8 from 6-9pm
  • Monday, December 9 from 6-9pm
  • Tuesday, December 10 from 6-9pm

There will also be therapy dogs in the Engineering Library on Monday and Wednesday from 9am to noon and Tuesday from 1-4pm.

Thanks to Ann Gafke’s Teacher’s Pet for coordinating all the dogs and owners who help us de-stress during finals!

home Ellis Library, Hours Ellis Library Extended Hours for Finals

Ellis Library Extended Hours for Finals

Ellis Library will be open continuously until Friday, December 13 at 7 pm. For additional information about service hours and specialized library hours, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.

home Resources and Services University Libraries Holiday Guide

University Libraries Holiday Guide

Happy Holidays to the Mizzou community from the University Libraries!!!

Check out this holiday guide for information about local events and holiday-related library materials.

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

The Libraries’ Marketing Team was recognized by Campus Communications. Gwen Gray nominated us for the newly created Brand Wagon award, and we received an honorable mention (with cookies)! The award recognizes campus departments that promote the Mizzou identity and brand.

Past and Present Marketing Team Members
Grace Atkins
Shannon Cary
John Fifield
Kelli Hansen
Taira Meadowcroft
Ali Sauer

Thanks, Gwen!


home Staff news Updated Organizational Charts Now Available

Updated Organizational Charts Now Available

The Library Organizational charts have been updated with information about the interim appointments.

home Staff news Still Time to Support United Way

Still Time to Support United Way

While the active period of the Mizzou Heart of United Way Campaign has come to an end, there is still time to join the campaign! So far we have raised nearly $300,000 and we still hope to hit our goal of $400,000 by the end of the year.

For those hoping to give through payroll deduction, those pledges can be made at unitedway.missouri.edu until Dec. 15.

Live United Day – November 21

Join the Columbia community at Level Up Entertainment (in the Columbia Mall) on November 21. From 5-9 p.m. 50% of ALL REVENUE at Level Up will benefit United Way. Great way to support the community while having a fun night with your family.

Every additional person that we mobilize, every extra dollar that is donated, helps address critical needs in our community.

If you haven’t already given, please consider making a pledge for long-term impact in our community. You can make an electronic pledge at unitedway.missouri.edu.

If you have any questions about Heart of Missouri United Way or making a gift, please contact me.

Thanks for your support and your commitment to the community.


home Ellis Library, Hours Thanksgiving Hours at Ellis Library

Thanksgiving Hours at Ellis Library

Ellis Library will have limited hours during the Thanksgiving Break. For a complete list of the hours of Ellis Library and the specialized library hours, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.

The Bookmark Cafe, which is run by Campus Dining Services, will be closed from November 23 to November 30. For a complete list of hours for Campus Dining Services locations, visit dining.missouri.edu/hours.

Ellis Library Hours, November 23 to December 1

Saturday (Nov. 23)…..10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sunday (Nov. 24)……Closed

Monday (Nov. 25)…..7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Tues (Nov. 26)…..7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Wed (Nov. 27)…..7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thurs (Nov. 28)……Closed

Fri (Nov. 29)…..Closed

Sat (Nov. 30)…..10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sun (Dec. 1)…..Noon to 12 a.m. (Return to 24 hour schedule)