home Resources and Services A&OER Survey for Faculty and Graduate Instructors

A&OER Survey for Faculty and Graduate Instructors

Instructor A&OER Survey 2019

Online Survey – approximately 10 minutes

Open to MU faculty and graduate instructors. Please take this anonymous survey to help The UM System’s Affordable & Open Educational Resources (A&OER) learn more about instructor approaches and practices for the selection of teaching materials. The data received from this survey will be used to formulate new strategies for supporting teaching and learning at the University of Missouri. Survey is open until May 20, 2019.

Survey URL: https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0lnuNvcUuysg6G1

Contact: oer@missouri.edu

home Resources and Services OER.MISSOURI.EDU


Interested in finding or creating OER? Just curious to learn more about OER?

Check out oer.missouri.edu or email oer@missouri.edu

What is OER?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are FREE and OPENLY LICENSED educational materials that can be used for teaching, learning, research, and other purposes.

Why does A&OER matter?

Adopting free or low-cost textbooks and digital course materials helps Mizzou control the cost of educational resources. Here are some facts about the textbook affordability in the nation and at Mizzou.

  • According to a report from American Enterprise Institute, from 1998 to 2016, college textbook prices have increased by 90% while recreational book prices have fallen by more than 35%.
  • Due to the high costs of course materials at Mizzou, 75% of students have delayed purchasing a required textbook.
  • 13% of students have considered leaving Mizzou because they couldn’t afford course materials.
home Resources and Services AOER Grant Proposals Due March 8, 2019

AOER Grant Proposals Due March 8, 2019

Reminder: Affordable and Open Educational Resources grant proposals are due on March 8.

Grant Application Schedule

  • Dates for Spring 2019 A&OER Grant Proposal
    • Call for Proposals – OPEN NOW
    • March 8: Proposals Due
    • March 11-15: Proposal Reviews
    • March 22: Faculty notified of grant decisions


  • Grant Proposals
    • Pre-Application Worksheet (PDF) (Word)
    • Explore, Collaborate and Innovate: Course Grant Funding (PPT) (Video)
    • Inclusive Teaching Incentive Guidelines (PDF)
    • Best Practices Webinar: Proposal accepted?…Now what should I do?

For more information, see the UM System’s Affordable & Open Educational Resources webpage: umsystem.edu/ums/aa/oer

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Open Education Week 2018 March 5-9

Open Education Week 2018 March 5-9

Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement. Its goal is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. Join us!

What Open Education Week events are happening on campus? 

See the full list here: Open Education Week Events at the University of Missouri

What is Open Education?

Open education encompasses resources, tools and practices that employ a framework of open sharing to improve educational access and effectiveness worldwide.

Open Education combines the traditions of knowledge sharing and creation with 21st century technology to create a vast pool of openly shared educational resources, while harnessing today’s collaborative spirit to develop educational approaches that are more responsive to learner’s needs.

The idea of free and open sharing in education is not new.  In fact, sharing is probably the most basic characteristic of education: education is sharing knowledge, insights and information with others, upon which new knowledge, skills, ideas and understanding can be built.

Open Education seeks to scale up educational opportunities by taking advantage of the power of the internet, allowing rapid and essentially free dissemination, and enabling people around the world to access knowledge, connect and collaborate.

Open is key; open allows not just access, but the freedom to modify and use materials, information and networks so education can be personalized to individual users or woven together in new ways for diverse audiences, large and small.