We all know that everyone is busy and you don’t want to return equipment late and find out that you have fines for returning it late.
- Look over our equipment page which tells you what we have to check out and what the check out times are.
- Look over the equipment agreement form that you signed to be able to check out equipment.
- You can always check your Merlin account online which tells you what you have checked out and when it’s due.
- Create a calendar alert on your phone to tell you when items are due.
- When checking out the equipment you can have the desk attendant show you on his/her checkout screen to see exactly when it’s due.
- Watch your email for courtesy/overdue reminders and always check your spam folder.
- If you can’t get back in time for when the equipment is due, call the library to get it extended 573-882-7502. You can also contact Mary McFillen, Sue Schuermann, Danielle Wilson or Dorothy Carner.
- If you do get fined for late equipment, remember that you will get charges for each piece of equipment you check out. That can be several items on a camera kit.
- Here are how fines work:
Fines for Reserve Books & Equipment
Overdue Books on Reserve = $2/hr/book
Overdue Equipment = $2/hr with $50 maximum
Items not returned will need to be replaced with an exact replacement. Items not returned or replaced will result in a replacement cost and loss of MU Library checkout privileges and if replacement costs are high enough and you do not respond to emails about overdue or billed equipment, you can have a report filed on you at the Student Conduct Center. Always answer any emails about overdue equipment. Equipment must be returned or replaced. Fines can be negotiated on request.
Returning Overdue Reserve/Equipment Items Will Not Remove Fines