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Upcoming Learning Opportunities sponsored by the Division of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity

Fall 2017 Workplace Diversity Series
SERIES FOCUS: Including People with Disabilities in the Workplace

The purpose of this series is to enhance the capacity of faculty and staff as they engage on their daily campus activities to understand and learn about disability as an issue of diversity rather than difference, and of strength rather than deficit.

The skills and attitudes learned in this series can be applied to the workplace, the classroom, and in interpersonal and community contexts. We hope that the participants will serve as leaders in bringing awareness about issues related to disabilities across campus and affect changes in practices and policies.

Pre-registration is required. Participants who attend all sessions will earn a certificate of completion.


Constructive Communication Across Differences Series
The purpose of this series is to enhance the capacity of faculty and staff to engage in conversations about challenging, emotionally-laden topics (i.e., race, discrimination, policy, politics, etc.). The skills learned in this series can be applied to the workplace, the classroom, and in interpersonal and community contexts. The sessions include:

Active Listening Concepts and Tools

Strategies for Navigating Emotions in Conversations

Collaborative and Deliberative Dialogue

Pre-registration is required. Participants who attend all sessions will earn a Certificate of Completion.


Islam: Dispelling Myths to Break down Barriers
Featuring keynote speaker Amer F. Ahmed

7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3

Cornell Auditorium of the Trulaske College of Business

Event is free and open to the public

The post-9/11 era in the U.S. has exposed a significant degree of prejudice and bigotry towards Muslim people. This program will benefit participants interested in learning more about Islam and Islamophobia, providing needed context to bridge divides.