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Request for Student Worker Participation in Survey

NOTE: Please share this with your student workers.

The University of North Texas Libraries are conducting a research study on Career Readiness and Engagement in Student Library Employee Roles.

This study is seeking participants who are 18 years of age and older and are employed in a U.S. academic library in a part-time or student employee position who may qualify to participate in a research study evaluating the relationships between library student work, career readiness, and academic engagement.

Please share this survey link with qualified employees who may wish to participate. To request additional information contact Jenn Washburn.

Eligible subjects will complete an online survey that takes an estimated ten minutes and subjects will receive no compensation.

To complete the survey visit (

Principal Investigator: Jenn Washburn

For more information, please contact Jenn Washburn Email: Phone: 940-565-4832