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Notes From the Director, 8/28/18

By now many of you have received notification you are getting salary increases.  Many of you have not received notification, which means your salary will be the same continuing through August of 2019.  Whether you received a raise or not, I want to thank for another year of service to the libraries, and encourage you with the knowledge that we are working to improve salaries for all.

Deciding how to assign raises was especially difficult this year.  The Libraries received a small raise pool from the University Budget Office, which we had not for about five years previously.  We also received separate, earmarked funding from the Provost’s Office for the promotion raises for librarians being promoted from Librarian II to III and III to IV.  These promotion amounts are set by the Provost’s Office each year.  Campus Human Resources emphasized we could not give a set percentage to everyone.

In assigning raises, the LMT looked at meritorious performance, time in rank, compression, rate penetration within rank and the ARL salary survey.  We did the best we could to do an equitable distribution.  We looked at all categories of employees.

As fall arrives and football begins, we know that campus life is picking up, and more students every day are visiting our libraries.  We are all committed to helping make their student experiences good one.  Thanks for all you do that contributes to the quality of the MU educational experience.

–Ann Campion Riley