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home Staff news MU Libraries Receive Mizzou Forward Funding for Two Grant Proposals

MU Libraries Receive Mizzou Forward Funding for Two Grant Proposals

1. The University Libraries received $7,500 from the Mizzou Forward Student Success Enhancement Grant to establish a Wellbeing Book Collection. The Wellbeing Book Collection will consist of approximately 300 new, physical books to be purchased and located in a highly visible location on the first floor of Ellis Library colonnade, close to library service desks, exhibits and the Bookmark Cafe.

2. The University Libraries received $75,000-$100,000 to buy more e-books to support student research and learning. This the second year that the Libraries will receive grant money for e-books.

36. MizzouForward Grant Proposal – Wellbeing Book Collection

32. Enhancing Student Success at Mizzou Ebooks proposal 2024