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Finals Week Stress Relief Activity Run Down

Thank you to everyone who helped with Finals Week activities!

  • We sent 75 pet grams! 
  • Health Sciences Library tabled 4 times outside of the library and in the School of Nursing. Each time they tabled, they had around ~65 students stop by. They gave out snack bags, fidget toys, library swag, and did mystery date with a book.
  • Ellis Library had 100+ students stop by both days they tabled.
  • Vet Med Library left out snacks and fidget toys for their students
  • Journalism Library hosted a lemonade stand as well as a DIY Candy Salad Bar (in place of our trail mix bar that we normally put out). So far, we’ve seen 51 people stop by the lemonade stand and I would geusstimate ~70 for the candy salad. We don’t get total numbers on the candy salad until the end of the week (we put out a box of 200 ziplock bags for people to mix their candy in and then count the leftover bags at the end of the day on Friday).
  • Engineering Library has 80 students stop by for their trail mix bar and about 60 students for their Kittens in the Library.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.