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End of Term Archive Presentation Hosted by American Archivists Mizzou Student Chapter

Our own Amanda May is the student president of the Mizzou student chapter of the Society of American Archivists. She and her team have worked hard to organize a zoom presentation about preserving U.S. government websites at the conclusion of presidential administrations. The session is next Monday, 7/22, at noon. Cost is free, but you do need to register to attend. Details and the link to register are below.

Next Monday, the Society of American Archivists Mizzou Student Chapter (SAAMUSC) will host two librarians from the End of Term Archive (EOT) for a presentation over Zoom. An abstract made by the presenters as well as their bios are included below. You must register to attend, it is open to all MU students, faculty, and staff.

The End of Term Web Archive captures and saves U.S. Government websites at the end of presidential administrations. The EOT has thus far preserved websites from administration changes in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 and is currently accepting URL nominations for the End of Term 2024 Web Archive. Members of the project team from Stanford University and the Library of Congress will speak about the history of the project and how it came about, the nomination and archiving process and timeline, and how researchers can use archived federal .gov data from the archive. Come learn how you can get involved in preserving the .gov domain!

Presenter Bios:
Abbie Grotke is Head of the Web Archiving Section at the Library of Congress. She joined the Library in 1997 as part of an early digital library digitization project, and since 2002 she has been involved in the Library’s web archiving program. She currently leads a team of 7 staff who provide overall program management in support of the collecting of web content for the Library’s collections. In her role, she has helped develop policies, workflows, and tools that have enabled the Library to collect and preserve web content. She has worked on a variety of collaborative web archive collections and projects, including the End of Term Government Web Archive since it began in 2008. Grotke currently serves on the Steering Committee of the International Internet Preservation Consortium and is on the Digital Preservation Coalition’s Representative Council.

James R. Jacobs ( is the US Government Information Librarian at Stanford University Libraries where he supports the research needs of the university, and works on both traditional collection development as well as digital projects like LOCKSS-USDOCS and Web harvesting, including the End of Term Archive and FOIA. He received his MSLIS in 2002 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His passion and expertise lie in the realm of digital preservation, digital collection development, FOIA, and the expansion of the public domain and information commons. He is a co-founder of Free Government Information ( and Radical Reference ( A longer bio including a list of his publications and presentations can be found at Free Government Information (

Speakeasy Event Information:
When: Monday, July 22 starting at 12pm CT.
Where: Over Zoom.To register for the event, please click here.

The event will be recorded, so if you are unable to attend we will share the recording within this month’s newsletter!

If you have any questions, concerns, or issues registering for the event please email Amanda May at

2024 SAAMUSC Officers