The University of Missouri Libraries Depository (UMLD) is an off-campus storage facility, established in 1997, for important, but infrequently used, library materials. UMLD is designed to provide high-density storage in an excellent climate controlled environment, maintained at a constant 55°F and at a relative humidity near 40%. This controlled environment ensures that valuable, yet fragile, paper materials will be available for generations to come.
Currently UMLD is at capacity, housing over 1 million items. In addition, the Libraries rent space for around 400,000 additional materials, and there are approximately 600,000 items that need to be transferred from the campus libraries. In order to accommodate these materials, the UM Board of Curators approved an expansion of UMLD.
The conditions in UMLD, as it is currently configured, add an average of 125 years of functional life to the items in the collection. The improved conditions in the new module will push that to an average of 150 years. The expansion includes new receiving, processing and storage areas to support the additional collections. A hook up for an emergency generator will allow the Libraries to maintain the conditions inside the new module even during an extended power outage. Utilities updates also include significant upgrades to the technology infrastructure, which allow for connecting the local security system to the campus system, adding security cameras and installing WiFi.
The expansion of UMLD, will allow the libraries on campus to recover some much needed space that is currently used to house infrequently used materials. A space planning project is currently underway that will help to determine the best use of space in the Libraries. Users will continue to have access to these materials by requesting them through the library catalog or having materials scanned.
On March 12, the first fence was put up at UMLD, marking the beginning of construction. The project is scheduled for completion on February 1, 2021.