The University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest seeks to recognize and reward outstanding research conducted by undergraduate students at the University of Missouri.

This year the winner of the first place prize of a $500 scholarship is Kathryn Colvin, a junior studying English. Her project, “Hamlet and His Solution: ‘How All Occasions’ as Objective Correlative on Page and Screen,” was written for Dr. Kerwin’s Renaissance and 17th Century Literature course. When Dr. Kerwin was notified about Kathryn winning first place they said, “This is great news, and thank you for letting me know! That Kathryn is a very strong student. Normally I wouldn’t be in favor of shipping Missouri money to California, but this is good.”

The second place winner and recipient of a $250 scholarship is Zoe Korte, a senior studying English. Her project, “Love Laws: Trauma and Transgression in Morrison and Roy,” was written for Dr. Okonkwo’s Major Authors: Toni Morrison After Jazz course. Dr. Okonkwo said, “What great news! I won’t say that I’m surprised. Zoe is an outstanding student. I’ll be bragging that I know her; that I had the good fortune of having her in my Morrison class. BIG congratulations, Zoe. Well done.”
Kathyn and Zoe’s paper’s will be archived in MOspace, MU’s digital repository. You can see their projects, as well as past winner’s projects, here.
Special thanks to the Friends of the University of Missouri Libraries for their support of this award.