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Peer Navigator Corner: Finals Week Resources

Written by: Faith Brown

Finals week is a bittersweet time for most students. While finals mean that the school year is over and summer break is approaching, it also symbolizes a time of stress and uncertainty. Whether you’ve got finals in person, online, or no finals at all, MU Libraries has everything you need to make sure they get through finals week and come out on top.

One of the best resources MU Libraries have are study spaces. Mizzou has a total of five (Engineering, Geological Sciences, Journalism, Mathematical, Veterinary Medical) libraries in addition to Ellis that are currently open with study spaces available for any student, ensuring that everyone has their own niche spot to get work done. If you prefer a private space to study away from any noise, there are reservable study rooms at Ellis, the Engineering, and the Journalism libraries. In Ellis, there are study rooms on every floor (except the ground floor) with the most popular rooms being on the first floor by the color printer and computer lab. Study rooms vary in size and furniture options, some even being equipped with white boards and/or screens to link your computer to. To reserve a study room, visit the MU Libraires website, and scroll down to the “Quick Links” section toward the bottom left of the page. From there, click on “Reserve a study room” and locate the room you want along with an available time slot. If you’re unsure where a specific study room is, ask a Peer Navigator at the first floor help desk, or look at the library’s map. Spots fill up fast during finals week, so make sure you reserve the room you need in advance! For a list of which study spaces contain certain electronics or seating options, visit this website for more information.

During finals you might have papers to write in addition to (or in lieu of) any online or in person exams. Writing those final papers can be challenging and you may want help making sure your paper sounds correct—or figuring out how to start the paper in the first place. Thankfully, Ellis Library has a Writing Center located on the first floor that specializes in assisting students who are struggling to write or finish their papers. Writing tutors are available by appointment only, to schedule an appointment with the writing center visit their website and find a time that works best for you.

Of course, if you’re going to study you might want some extra materials to keep you prepared for finals. While Ellis Library may not have a food vending machine, the north entrance does have a supplies vending machine which includes materials such as writing utensils, exam Blue Books, pencil sharpeners, and more. If you’re looking for specific reading and/or research materials to aid your studies as well, contact a Research Librarian or Peer Navigator for help.

During finals, remember that your mental wellbeing is important in order to get work done efficiently. MU Libraries has a number of activities for students to take their mind off of their studies for a while. On May 5 and 7th, Ellis library is hosting an activity where students can create bookmarks, sticker collages, as well as a number of virtual activities to try as well (such as Library Ambiance for studying, virtual puzzles, and virtual coloring books from Ellis’ Special Collections). Ellis Library, the Engineering library, and the Vet library are also handing out snacks for anyone in need of a quick snack.

While finals is notorious for being the most stressful time of the school year, taking part in the opportunities and resources available to you will help it not only go by faster, but smoother as well. Good luck everyone, you’re almost done!