Ellis Library is open until 4 am most nights during finals week. Some of the branch libraries also have extended hours. Please visit http://library.missouri.edu/hours/ for a detailed listing of MU Libraries hours.
Resources and Services
Recordings of All the Fridays @ the Library Workshops Are Now Available Online
Missed one of our workshops? Check out the online recordings. They are available at https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/workshoprecordings.
Congratulations to Nicki Murff! Winner of a Bookmark Cafe Gift Certificate! You Can Be a Winner Too!
The MU Libraries want to hear from you on ways the library can improve to better meet your needs. Complete the MU Libraries Student Survey here: http://tinyurl.com/MULibrary14. The survey takes approximately 5 minutes. Once you have completed the survey you will be asked for your MIZZOU e-mail to be entered into a daily drawing for a $10 gift certificate to the Bookmark Café. The last day to complete the survey is Dec 19th.
Thank you! Your input will help shape the future of MU Libraries services, spaces and collections!
For questions about the survey contact Navadeep Khanal at khanaln@missouri.edu.
Stress Free Zone
Don't let finals stress you out.
Come to the stress-free zone in the Ellis Library colonnade on Dec 15-17 to relax. We will have games, puzzles, comics, snacks and much more. So don’t let those finals get you down.
Extended Library Hours for Finals
The Engineering Library will have extended hours on the following days:
- Friday, December 5: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
- Friday, December 12: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
- Saturday, December 13: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Be sure to check for more extended hours at Ellis Library.
That’s engagement: Forum participants plot course to preserve born-digital news content
The opportunity to advance the preservation of born-digital news is real. That’s my takeaway from the Dodging the Memory Hole: Saving Born-digital News Content forum.
Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: That’s engagement: Forum participants plot course to preserve born-digital news content
Celebrate the Holidays with the MU Libraries
This year the MU Libraries want to help you get into the Holiday Spirit! We have created a holiday guide (https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/holidayguide) to help you know about events that are happening on campus and around Columbia. The guide also has tips on how to find holiday books, videos, music and much more.
For a sampling of some holiday materials that are in Ellis Library, check out the display near the scanners on the 1st floor starting December 2nd.
Interfaith Meditation and Prayer Space Available in Ellis Library
An interfaith meditation and prayer space has been designated for student use in the southeast corner of the Information Commons in Ellis Library. The short hallway that leads to an Emergency Exit is a space that is usually unoccupied and quiet.
At the request of the Missouri Students Association Chief Diversity Officer, this space now has a sign informing users of the purpose of this space and to respect the privacy of those using the space.
A campus Interfaith Prayer Map was created by the Missouri Students Association and Graduate Professional Council with this space in Ellis Library – along with other places on campus – identified for this purpose.
Special Collections Thanksgiving Mini-Exhibit on Nov. 20 from 1-3 pm in Ellis Library Colonnade
Special Collections will be back in the Colonnade with a display of materials related to Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 20, from 1 to 3 pm. Materials on display will include Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom From Want” poster from World War II as well as American pamphlets on Thanksgiving from the 18th and 19th centuries. Stop by and let us know what you’re thankful for!
Engineering Library Thanksgiving Hours
We will have special hours for the Thanksgiving break:
- Friday, November 21: 8 am-5 pm
- Saturday and Sunday, November 22-23: Closed
- Monday-Wednesday, November 24-26: 8 am-5 pm
- Thursday-Saturday, November 27-29: Closed
- Sunday, November 30: 1 pm-12 am (return to normal hours)
Have a safe break and a Happy Thanksgiving!