home Engineering Library Welcome Back Engineering Students!

Welcome Back Engineering Students!

We hope you all enjoyed your summer break and are ready to start the new semester!

Remember you can always stop by the Engineering Library for research help or to find a comfortable place to study.  Also be sure to check out our Lego Lafferre display.

home Engineering Library Graduate Student Research Workshops

Graduate Student Research Workshops

Join MU Libraries for the Graduate Student Research Workshops March 18-21 and you'll be on your way to better research.  You will learn about tools that help you save time, organize your research, stay current in your field, and even maximize your research impact.  Sessions are offered both in person at Ellis Library or online through Blackboard Collaborate.  Find full details and register at https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/gradworkshops.

home Engineering Library Pass Sessions Schedule

Pass Sessions Schedule

The College of Engineering provides tutoring services for students. Several of these are held in the Engineering Library. See the full schedule and locations: http://engineering.missouri.edu/study-sessions/.