home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Local Artist John Michael Holman on Display in Bookmark Cafe

Local Artist John Michael Holman on Display in Bookmark Cafe

During the fall semester, the work of John Michael Holman will be on display in Ellis Library’s Bookmark Cafe. Holman is originally from Boston, and he began painting in V.A. Hospital and Art therapy classes after serving in the Gulf War.

Artist statement:

The portrait/landscape/ narrative has been a familiar subject within my history of painting. The process of creating and methodology allows me to develop each piece individually. It also brings me the most satisfaction; even if considered imperfect or slightly awkward in technique by academic standards. Being a self-taught artist has its rewards and allows me the freedom to go outside the lines and paint what I feel and see without restraint.

My more visceral works are achieved through the application of metallic paints plus the occasional inter-vention of the ‘happy accident’ or chance. All these elements contribute in the process of making or de-constructing my paintings. The creative process for me is one of release, provocation and ultimately my way of expressing my memories of places visited and the emotional attachments that accompany them.

This is more apparent as the viewer approaches the completed works; with surfaces dissolving into a color pallet of irregular textures and unconscious imagery. From an academic perspective, I break rules and as a self-taught artist I am completely at peace with that concept. I paint what I feel and if it provokes the viewer with any reaction whether good or bad; then I have done my job.

Thank you for viewing my creations.

T: 660-202-2428


home Cycle of Success Mizzou Librarian Selected as SPARC Open Education Leadership Fellow

Mizzou Librarian Selected as SPARC Open Education Leadership Fellow

Joe Askins, head of instructional services for the University of Missouri Libraries, has been selected as a fellow in the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program, an intensive professional development program to empower library professionals with the knowledge, skills and community connections to lead successful open education initiatives that benefit students.The two-semester program blends online, peer-to-peer and project-based learning to build a comprehensive understanding of the open education space coupled with practical know-how to take action on campus and beyond. Joe is one of 27 fellows selected from a competitive application pool for the program’s 2019-2020 cohort.

“The University Libraries are committed to supporting open education on campus. We are proud that Joe has been selected for this program, and believe that his work will benefit students at Mizzou,” stated Ann Campion Riley, Vice Provost of Libraries. 

The SPARC Open Education Leadership Program spans two semesters, beginning with an intensive online course in the fall to build open education subject matter expertise. In the spring, Joe will work with a mentor to implement a capstone project that will help advance open education at MU and contribute back to the broader open education community as a whole. Joe will join the rest of the cohort in attending the 16th annual Open Education Conference in Phoenix, AZ in late October. 

The UM System’s A&OER initiatives were taking flight right as I arrived at the University of Missouri Libraries in 2017, and I’ve followed the A&OER Task Force’s efforts with great interest in the two years since. The SPARC Open Education Leadership Program represents a great opportunity to learn more about being an effective advocate for open education across the curriculum,” stated Joe Askins.

To support faculty in transitioning to more affordable and open educational resources, the University of Missouri System A&OER Taskforce has created a faculty-first grant funding programs for all UM System faculty who wish to adopt or develop new A&OER course materials. The University of Missouri is also part of the Open Textbook Network through their membership in the MOBIUS academic library consortium, and has a group in the MOBIUS OER Commons hub.

“Academic libraries sit at the intersection of faculty, students, and high-quality resources, and therefore are essential partners in advancing open education on campus,” said Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education for SPARC. “A large part of what makes our program successful is the unique and valuable perspective each participant brings to it, and a vibrant community of practice develops amongst the cohort. We are proud to have Joe Askins among our 2019-2020 class.”

The University Libraries is a member of SPARC, which is a global coalition dedicated to making Open the default in research and education. For more information about the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program, visit sparcopen.org/our-work/open-education-leadership-program.

home Staff news Annual Mandatory Training

Annual Mandatory Training

In order to better protect and empower our community, some members of our University are required to complete annual online courses based on institutional commitments and concerns. As a faculty or staff member, you are required to complete compliance training courses between August 15 and September 30, 2019. Required courses include, but are not limited to: Discrimination Prevention and Title IX, Campus Alert Training and MakeITSafe Training.

All required trainings are hosted in myLearn. To begin, access myLearn, sign in and select the “Learning Plan” icon and launch your required training directly from your Learning Plan page. You and your supervisor will receive reminder emails until your requirements are complete.

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Ellis Library evacuated after chemical leak in basement”
Columbia Missourian, August 8, 2019

“University of Missouri train health librarians to serve in rural and underserved communities”
Journal-Advocate, August 15, 2019


home Ellis Library, Resources and Services West Stacks Closure: How to Request Materials

West Stacks Closure: How to Request Materials

The west stacks of Ellis Library are closed due to work on the foundation of the building. In order to access materials located in the west stacks, you will need to make a request through the MERLIN library catalog. For detailed information about this process, visit http://library.missouri.edu/inthelibrary/borrowing/requestretrieval/.

If you have additional questions, you may get help in person at the Research Help desk or the Check Out desk. Online help is available at Ask the Librarians!

The stacks will open again during the winter semester.

home Staff news Spring/Summer 2019 Library Connections Now Available

Spring/Summer 2019 Library Connections Now Available

The current issue of Library Connections, our biannual print newsletter for University Libraries supporters, is now available online. You may also pick up a print copy in 104 Ellis Library. If you work in a specialized library and would like a copy, please contact Shannon Cary (carysn@missouri.edu).


home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Ellis Library evacuated after chemical leak in basement”
Columbia Missourian, August 8, 2019

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

ALA Needs Your Library Photos

Weekend Fun: Movies in the Park, Columbia Coin Expo, Center for Missouri Studies Grand Opening

home Staff news Ellis Library Power Outage, 8/14 from 5 to 8 AM

Ellis Library Power Outage, 8/14 from 5 to 8 AM

Campus Facilities has scheduled a power outage in Ellis Library on Wednesday, August 14, from 5:00 – 8:00 am to complete some work in the building. Please shut off your computers and other electronic equipment when you leave Tuesday afternoon, August 13.


home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

Check out Mizzou Libraries Instagram to see Kelli Hansen’s vacation photos, one of our most popular recent posts! Don’t forget to follow us @mizzou.libraries.