Homecoming Open House Thank You

Thank you so much to everyone who helped with the Library Open House on Homecoming this year! It was a great event with a lot of happy kids! Jara Anderson Megan Ballengee Isabella Bickhaus Abbie Brown Piper Brown-Kingsley Shannon Cary Cindy Cotner Matt Gaunt Mara Inge Taira Meadowcroft Sheila Voss Kara Whatley

Thanks to Volunteers Who Helped With Tabling and Tours

Student Success Librarians, Abbie Brown and Jill Kline, want to thank all the volunteers who tabled and gave tours in Ellis Library from Aug. 12 – 28. We welcomed and answered questions for 759 people and gave tours for 111! Thank you!

Thank You to Summer Welcome Volunteers

The Mizzou Libraries connected with over 2,400 new students and their parents/guardians during Summer Welcome 2024 tabling! Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers for tabling during 22 sessions this summer! Jara Anderson Megan Ballengee Anne Barker Rachel Brekhus Abbie Brown Janice Dysart Gwen Gray Jill Kline Noel Kopriva Mara Inge Taira Meadowcroft Kimberely Moeller Stephen …

Thank You to Special Collections Field Trip Volunteers

Along with the museums, Special Collections hosted field trip visits for all the sixth grade classes in Columbia Public Schools during April and May. Over 1,300 kids and teachers visited and learned about palm leaf books from Southeast Asia, cuneiform tablets from ancient Mesopotamia, and papyrus from ancient Egypt. We have gotten feedback that the …

Celebration of Service Comments

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a service anniversary this year. The comments posted by supervisors about these employees are posted below. 5 Years Corrie Hutchinson: Corrie has become an invaluable member of the Libraries’ leadership team since she joined us as Acquisitions Librarian five years ago. She has managed cutting huge amounts of money from our …

Notes From the Director 5/13/19

Hello everyone, Today we have a cool and sunny start for finals as we end the semester and head into summer. Lots has been going on with staff, so I’m just going to start listing the changes.  All of these are effective July 1 unless noted otherwise. Abbie Brown is moving to RAIS, to work …

In the News and Marketing Highlight

The Mizzou Libraries Instagram account was mentioned in a BuzzFeed article last week! Congrats to our Instagram coordinator Taira Meadowcroft and the rest of the Instagram team, which includes Kate Anderson, Grace Atkins, Michelle Baggett, Abbie Brown, Shannon Cary, Eric Cusick, Ashley Granger, Mara Inge, Charlotte Landreth and Sean Witzman. Also thanks to the other …

Marketing Highlights

Thanks to the wonders of technology our Social Media Team has made sure we will have new content on our social media feeds during the break. So check out the University Libraries Instagram when you need a break from the holiday festivities! We are up to 286 followers, and we get an average of 30 …