Photos Needed: One Week Until 2016 Library Snapshot Day!

Start submitting your photos now—Library Snapshot Day is 1 week away!

Every year, MLA, MPLD and MASL ask all types of libraries to post images, videos and stories about what's going on in their library. The content is all posted on one random day. This year it’s on Sept. 14.

Why? ​Too many people don't know what happens in 21st century libraries. Library Snapshot Day lets us share stories about how our services touch lives and are relevant to the 21st century.

How can you participate? Send all photos, videos or stories to Grace Atkins via email:
I’ll work with one of our new social media interns, Sarah Fine, to post these images to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

What kind of content are we looking for? Photos that show individuals and/or departments helping our users “on the front lines” and “behind the scenes.

What happens next?  MOLibraries will use the hashtag #molibraries2016 to gather these stories and post them to their Storify site: They then invite library users and staff to share the URL with their legislators and other important stakeholders to invite them to learn more about what library staff do on a daily basis.

We had some great submissions last year: Facebook example one, Facebook example two, #molibraries mulibraries Twitter feed Let’s post even more this year!

Don’t forget: if you’re going to photograph students, make sure they fill out a photo release form:

Forms can be turned in to Shannon Cary or me.

– Grace & Sarah

New Posts, Aug. 29-Sept. 2

  1. Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 8/30/16

    • Update on Activities Fee
    • Education Grant
    • Dean's Council Items
    • Discussion of Policies

      • Ellis Library Faculty Research Office
      • Ellis Library Graduate Study Carrels
      • Ellis Library Rental Lockers
      • Policy on Acquiring Value Gift Material
    • Update on Travel Cards and Procedures
    • Membership for Library Committees
    • Collection Steering Committee Update
  2. Save the Date! Libraries Annual Chili Cook-Off, Sept. 28
  3. Provost Office Faculty Fellows
  4. Collections Budget Information
  5. Healthy for Life Update
  6. Mike Holland to Retire in February
  7. Low Waste Update
  8. Employment Opportunities
  9. Fiscal Officer Interviews
  10. Active Threat Training Session
  11. Goodbye to Geoffrey Stumbaugh
  12. New MUSE Posts

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 8/30/16

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Visitor: Noah Hartsfield

Update on Activities Fee
INFORMATION: Ann announced the Libraries will be part of the Student Affairs’ student activity fee.

  • This will be a brand new fee that will also include money for Counseling, the Rec Center and the Student Center.
  • New money for the Libraries could increase hours of access, enhance learning spaces and improve study resources.
  • Grace Atkins will be our point person on this because she can help with the marketing, especially using our social media platforms.
  • Student affairs will need to go through the process of getting this on the ballot, but they plan to have students vote on it in the Spring during the MSA election.

Education Grant
INFORMATION: Ann will be meeting with faculty from Education to discuss a collaborative grant in the next few weeks. SISLT is possibly interested in participating.

Dean’s Council Items
INFORMATION: Ann shared some draft ideas that Admissions is working on to attract more students. This information is not to be shared widely at this point, but Ann wanted everyone to know that the administration is working hard on ways to increase enrollment.

She also shared some data about faculty salaries. Sheryl is working on putting together this type of data about the librarians.

Discussion of Policies
Policy #17: Ellis Library Faculty Research Office

INFORMATION: Noah presented the updated policy to LMT. He stated that he revised the policy to make sure it was in line with current practice. The primary changes were to eligibility and assignment priorities. He removed references to a fee or deposit, because it was current practice to provide offices at no charge. He changed the length of time in which faculty needed to contact library before losing their office privileges.

ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter offices in search of          
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” A few other minor changes in wording.

ACTION: Jeannette will work with Freddy on procedures for checking out materials that faculty have in research offices.

ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.

Policy #61: Ellis Library Graduate Study Carrels
INFORMATION: Noah stated that this was a new policy and is similar to the faculty research office policy.

ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter carrels in search of
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” Addition of a new first priority on carrels for those engaged in the writing of their dissertation. A few other minor changes in wording.

ACTION: As of January 1st, 2017 carrel rates will increase.

ACTION: Jeannette will work with Freddy on procedures for checking out materials that students have in carrels. She will also talk with Cindy Cotner about whether carrels should be reserved or a priority added for those with disabilities.

ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.

Policy #62: Ellis Library Rental Lockers
INFORMATION: Noah stated that this policy was simplified and written to be in accordance with current practice.

ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter lockers in search of
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” A few other minor changes in wording.

ACTION: As of January 1st, 2017 locker rates will increase.

ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.

Policy #62: Policy on Acquiring Value Gift Material
INFORMATION: Corrie stated that she revised this policy to simplify it and bring it in line with current practice.

ACTION: Corrie will add some language in the policy about working with University Archives. She will check with Matt about the proper terminology for gifts.

ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.

Update on Travel Cards and Procedures
INFORMATION: Kathy updated LMT on changes to procedures for travel expenses.

ACTION: Kathy and Whitney will work with librarians on getting registered for conferences and letting them know about new expense procedures.

Membership for Library Committees
INFORMATION: Sheryl is still putting together the list of committee members. She has some people she needs to contact and recruit for committees.

ACTION: Sheryl will meet with Jeannette this week to finalize committee membership.

Collections Steering Committee Update
INFORMATION: Jeannette gave a brief update of the work of CSC. She stated that information is being kept up-to-date on webpage and there is a link on the gateway.

  • A list of cancellation decisions will be made public soon, and they will be asking for input.
  • They have been working on fund reallocation for the selectors.
  • Discussing the philosophy of MOBIUS last copy.

Provost Office Faculty Fellows

I am pleased to announce the appointment of three Mizzou faculty members as Faculty Fellows in the Provost’s Office: Drs. Anna Ball, Matthew P. Martens, and Mitchell McKinney.

  • Dr. Anna L. Ball will serve as Faculty Fellow for Faculty Development. Her 12 month appointment will be .80 time in the Provost’s office.  Her duties will include faculty development and leadership development programs, Chairs Council, faculty awards, and the promotion and tenure process. Ball is currently a professor in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, where she is former department chair and current Director of Graduate Studies for Agricultural Education and Leadership. She is CAFNR’s former director of faculty development and former chair of the Learning Improvement Committee, is founding director of the Center for the Collaboration and Design of Educational Innovations, and has served on the executive team of the University of Missouri Faculty Council.
  • Dr. Matthew P. Martens will serve as Faculty Fellow for Academic Programs. His 12 month appointment will be .50 time in the Provost’s Office.  His duties will include program and center assessment, accreditation, and new degree proposals. In his 7 years at MU, Martens has served on nearly twenty committees, panels, and councils, many as Chair. Currently he serves as Associate Dean for Administration and Faculty Affairs in the College of Education, and he also has an appointment as Professor in the Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology. He has provided oversight to several academic and administrative departments.
  • Dr. Mitchell S. McKinney will serve as Faculty Fellow for Academic Personnel. His 12 month appointment will be full time in the Provost’s Office.  His duties will include monitoring the processes regarding faculty hiring, grievance petitions, academic integrity, and equity resolution. McKinney, who won the 2009 Kemper Award for Teaching Excellence and the 2014 Outstanding Director of Graduate Studies Award, currently serves as Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication in the College of Arts and Science. Additionally, he is past director of Academic Affairs for the National Communication Association and founder and current director of the Political Communication Institute.

The appointments are effective September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017.

The individual and collective expertise of these faculty members is truly impressive, and I anticipate their leadership will be important in moving MU forward collectively in maintaining excellence teaching, discovery, and outreach. The three fellows will work closely with me and with Christine Holt, who joined the Provost’s Office on August 15 as Associate Provost.  Christine’s legal education and extensive experience in higher education administration is already paying dividends in my office. Please join me in congratulating our new Faculty Fellows and welcoming them to the Mizzou leadership team.

Garnett Stokes

Collections Budget Information

Here is the link to the current collections update “announcement” on the library web site:

Here is the link to the stable web page we update – this is where we plan to post the list of cancelations:

Here is the “newsletter” we asked subject librarians to distribute to academic departments – on or around August 25th:  There is a brief update about the collections budget included.

New “announcement” posted from Health Sciences about the impact of the cuts on health sciences collections:

Healthy for Life Update

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction- Now Enrolling
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is an in-person 8-week program that helps participants learn to manage today’s busy lifestyles in a healthy way.

What can I expect from the in-person course?
The eight-week program includes weekly two-hour classes plus a retreat. Classes include instruction in formal mindfulness practices (meditation, body scan, mindful yoga, and walking meditation). Weekly, at-home practice assignments help develop mindfulness skills and take mindfulness into everyday life. Regular class attendance and a commitment of 30 minutes of practice per day for the entire duration of the course are recommended. CD/DVDs of the body scan, sitting meditation, and yoga sessions–plus a manual–will be provided as learning aids.

For more information please contact David Burks at or

First time participants are eligible for 100 Wellness Incentive points. Contact for questions.

Tier 2 of the 2016 Wellness Incentive ends Sept. 30
Continue your journey to health and wellness by completing Tier 2 of the 2016 Wellness Incentive by Friday, Sept. 30. Doing so could earn you $350 in your final October paycheck (however, you must have completed Tier 1 in order to participate in Tier 2). The 2016 Wellness Incentive is all about defining what wellness means to you. There’s more opportunities than ever to earn points and educate yourself. In Tier 2, explore stress reduction, mindful eating, exercise and more.

Find the full list of Tier 2 activities>>>Click Here!

New Fitness Classes
If you are interested in squeezing in physical activity into your workday, look no further. Healthy for Life is sponsoring several fitness classes during the fall semester that will be offered on the MU campus to faculty and staff. Here is a list of the upcoming classes. Please visit the Healthy for Life website to check out the events calendar with a list of all upcoming events.

What: Lunchtime Strength Conditioning Class

When: Ongoing- December 9th. ( Mon. Wed. Fri. )

Time: 12:15-12:45p.m.

Location: Townsend Hall Mondays 222,  Wednesdays 205, Fridays 205

Cost: $1 per class

What: Pilates

When: Ongoing- December 7th. ( Mon. Wed.)

Time: 12:10-12:50p.m.

Location: Townsend Hall Mondays 115, Wednesdays 122

Cost: $3 per class

What: Morning Yoga for Strength, Energy, Focus

When: Sept. 21-Nov. 16 ( Tue. & Thurs. )

Time: 6:50-7:30 a.m.

Location: 204 McKee Gymnasium/ Locker room facilities

Cost: $40session=16 sessions at $2.50per session

What: Yoga at Missouri Theater (Featuring Live String Music)

When: Sept. 21

Time: 12:00-1:00p.m

Location: Missouri Theater

Cost: $3/person

Enroll Now! Financial Wellness Workshop
Shifting from Saving to Spending. If you’re 2 years or less from retirement:  Learn strategies for generating income in retirement, including tips to potentially make your money last and considerations for withdrawals from your retirement savings.

When: September 22, 2016

Time: Noon-1:00p.m.

Location: Telepresence room in the library

Registration: Online or call 800-642-7131

Visit for more information.

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible participants will receive 25 Wellness Incentive points. Contact for questions.

Mike Holland to Retire in February

Mike Holland, University Archivist and Head of SCARAB has announcement his intention to retire on February 1, 2017. His last day on the job at the University Libraries will be November 23, 2016. Holland retires after 20 years of service at the University Libraries. Prior to working for the University of Missouri he was university archivist and records manager at Oregon State University and Appalachian State University.

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have an immediate opening for a Programmer Analyst. The Libraries have an immediate opening for a Library Information Assistant in Circulation Reserve.   

The Libraries have an immediate opening for a Library Information Assistant in Circulation Reserve. For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at