Marketing Highlights

To better inform Libraries staff of marketing efforts, the Marketing Team will share regular highlights of our activities.

Sharing some Tweet activity stats:

  • 20% engagement on the #HarryPotter20 tweet (wow!) AND it was shared by the @Mizzou account.
  • 158 people engaged with Wish List tweet. The alumni account and the student government accounts shared it, so the reach was likely beyond what we can see.

Photos Needed: One Week Until 2016 Library Snapshot Day!

Start submitting your photos now—Library Snapshot Day is 1 week away!

Every year, MLA, MPLD and MASL ask all types of libraries to post images, videos and stories about what's going on in their library. The content is all posted on one random day. This year it’s on Sept. 14.

Why? ​Too many people don't know what happens in 21st century libraries. Library Snapshot Day lets us share stories about how our services touch lives and are relevant to the 21st century.

How can you participate? Send all photos, videos or stories to Grace Atkins via email:
I’ll work with one of our new social media interns, Sarah Fine, to post these images to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

What kind of content are we looking for? Photos that show individuals and/or departments helping our users “on the front lines” and “behind the scenes.

What happens next?  MOLibraries will use the hashtag #molibraries2016 to gather these stories and post them to their Storify site: They then invite library users and staff to share the URL with their legislators and other important stakeholders to invite them to learn more about what library staff do on a daily basis.

We had some great submissions last year: Facebook example one, Facebook example two, #molibraries mulibraries Twitter feed Let’s post even more this year!

Don’t forget: if you’re going to photograph students, make sure they fill out a photo release form:

Forms can be turned in to Shannon Cary or me.

– Grace & Sarah

Public Relations & Marketing Committee Meeting, 8/3/15

Present: Dorothy Carner, Jeannette Pierce, Sandy Schiefer, Terri Hall , Shannon Cary, Goodie Bhullar

AdZou: It is late for fall semester but if we get our project in by September we can qualify for Spring 2016.  For this project, the target audience will be faculty—creating collaborative partnerships and communicating about our resources and services.

Formats and style guide for communication:  Shannon indicated that we use AP style.   Logo has to be compliant with MU guidelines.  More information is available at  It was suggested that we put updated information regarding formats, style guides, logos, etc. on Sharepoint.  Ask Shannon if you have questions.  She has the print guidebook in her office.

Action Items:

Dorothy will fill out AdZou form and send it to committee members for their comments and suggestions.  She will send the final form to John Stemmle.

Dorothy will use Box to set up a SWOT grid that will also include a column for stakeholders.  The committee members will fill out the SWOT information.