Present: Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward
Visitor: Noah Hartsfield
Update on Activities Fee
INFORMATION: Ann announced the Libraries will be part of the Student Affairs’ student activity fee.
This will be a brand new fee that will also include money for Counseling, the Rec Center and the Student Center.
New money for the Libraries could increase hours of access, enhance learning spaces and improve study resources.
Grace Atkins will be our point person on this because she can help with the marketing, especially using our social media platforms.
Student affairs will need to go through the process of getting this on the ballot, but they plan to have students vote on it in the Spring during the MSA election.
Education Grant
INFORMATION: Ann will be meeting with faculty from Education to discuss a collaborative grant in the next few weeks. SISLT is possibly interested in participating.
Dean’s Council Items
INFORMATION: Ann shared some draft ideas that Admissions is working on to attract more students. This information is not to be shared widely at this point, but Ann wanted everyone to know that the administration is working hard on ways to increase enrollment.
She also shared some data about faculty salaries. Sheryl is working on putting together this type of data about the librarians.
Discussion of Policies
Policy #17: Ellis Library Faculty Research Office
INFORMATION: Noah presented the updated policy to LMT. He stated that he revised the policy to make sure it was in line with current practice. The primary changes were to eligibility and assignment priorities. He removed references to a fee or deposit, because it was current practice to provide offices at no charge. He changed the length of time in which faculty needed to contact library before losing their office privileges.
ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter offices in search of
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” A few other minor changes in wording.
ACTION: Jeannette will work with Freddy on procedures for checking out materials that faculty have in research offices.
ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.
Policy #61: Ellis Library Graduate Study Carrels
INFORMATION: Noah stated that this was a new policy and is similar to the faculty research office policy.
ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter carrels in search of
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” Addition of a new first priority on carrels for those engaged in the writing of their dissertation. A few other minor changes in wording.
ACTION: As of January 1st, 2017 carrel rates will increase.
ACTION: Jeannette will work with Freddy on procedures for checking out materials that students have in carrels. She will also talk with Cindy Cotner about whether carrels should be reserved or a priority added for those with disabilities.
ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.
Policy #62: Ellis Library Rental Lockers
INFORMATION: Noah stated that this policy was simplified and written to be in accordance with current practice.
ACTION: Addition of the statement “The Library reserves the right to enter lockers in search of
materials that are not checked-out or for security concerns.” A few other minor changes in wording.
ACTION: As of January 1st, 2017 locker rates will increase.
ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.
Policy #62: Policy on Acquiring Value Gift Material
INFORMATION: Corrie stated that she revised this policy to simplify it and bring it in line with current practice.
ACTION: Corrie will add some language in the policy about working with University Archives. She will check with Matt about the proper terminology for gifts.
ACTION: Revised policy will be sent to LMT for final approval and then to staff for comments.
Update on Travel Cards and Procedures
INFORMATION: Kathy updated LMT on changes to procedures for travel expenses.
ACTION: Kathy and Whitney will work with librarians on getting registered for conferences and letting them know about new expense procedures.
Membership for Library Committees
INFORMATION: Sheryl is still putting together the list of committee members. She has some people she needs to contact and recruit for committees.
ACTION: Sheryl will meet with Jeannette this week to finalize committee membership.
Collections Steering Committee Update
INFORMATION: Jeannette gave a brief update of the work of CSC. She stated that information is being kept up-to-date on webpage and there is a link on the gateway.
A list of cancellation decisions will be made public soon, and they will be asking for input.
They have been working on fund reallocation for the selectors.
Discussing the philosophy of MOBIUS last copy.