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Still Time to Support United Way

While the active period of the Mizzou Heart of United Way Campaign has come to an end, there is still time to join the campaign! So far we have raised nearly $300,000 and we still hope to hit our goal of $400,000 by the end of the year.

For those hoping to give through payroll deduction, those pledges can be made at until Dec. 15.

Live United Day – November 21

Join the Columbia community at Level Up Entertainment (in the Columbia Mall) on November 21. From 5-9 p.m. 50% of ALL REVENUE at Level Up will benefit United Way. Great way to support the community while having a fun night with your family.

Every additional person that we mobilize, every extra dollar that is donated, helps address critical needs in our community.

If you haven’t already given, please consider making a pledge for long-term impact in our community. You can make an electronic pledge at

If you have any questions about Heart of Missouri United Way or making a gift, please contact me.

Thanks for your support and your commitment to the community.