Q: What does Anat Histol Embryol stand for?
Q:What’s the official abbreviation for JVECC?
Need help with a journal abbreviation?
Two good resources:
PubMed’s Journals Database: Enter in title words or abbreviation. The Journals database does list both MEDLINE abbreviation and ISO abbreviation (more often than not these are the same). If you’re preparing a manuscript, check the instructions for authors on which official abbreviation to use.
CAS Source Index (CASSI): From the American Chemical Society. Choose Title or Abbreviation from the drop-down menu. Does not include all veterinary journals, but does include some science journals not found in PubMed.
A: Anatomia, histologia, embryologia
A: J Vet Emerg Crit Care
Bonus question: How is Vaccine abbreviated?
Trick question! One-word journal titles are not abbreviated.