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home Resources and Services Art by Richard Dutton on Display in Bookmark Cafe

Art by Richard Dutton on Display in Bookmark Cafe

Richard is a life long artist and educator. Dutton taught art at Indian Hills Community College, Ottumwa, Iowa for over thirty years and served as Chair of the Performing and Visual Arts. Richard retired from college teaching in 1999.  Since that time he and his wife Karen have traveled extensively throughout the US and overseas. Richard and Karen moved to the Hallsville and Columbia, Missouri area six years ago.

Richard continues to paint primarily in watercolor but also working sometimes in oil and acrylic.  He believes that an art work has to transcend the subject matter and take on a visual entity of its own.

Dutton’s paintings can be found in many Midwest art collections. Paintings by Richard can be found in banks, businesses, and private collections. Two examples are the Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch, Iowa, and HyVee Headquarters, Des Moines, Iowa.

10768 N. Barnes School Rd.
Hallsville, MO 65255

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