MU Libraries Participates in Women’s and Children’s Hospital Reverse Trick-or-Treat

For the past few years, the Women's and Children's Hospital has organized reverse trick-or-treating. MU employees are invited to hand out treats to pediatric patients, siblings, and children of adult patients. This year, one of our medical librarians, Taira Meadowcroft, asked for volunteers to go with her this Halloween to participate. This fantastic group put …

MU Libraries Fall 2015 Newsletter

Welcome back! Here are some updates about the MU Libraries since last semester: Faculty and graduate students can now renew materials FIVE times online instead of two. If  you experience any glitches with the new renewal amounts, please contact Esther Schnase ( or 882-9158) for a quick fix. Thanks to funding from University administration, Ellis …

MU Libraries Fall 2015 Newsletter

Welcome back! Here are some updates about the MU Libraries since last semester: Faculty and graduate students can now renew materials FIVE times online instead of two. If  you experience any glitches with the new renewal amounts, please contact Esther Schnase ( or 882-9158) for a quick fix. Thanks to funding from University administration, Ellis …

Become a Mizzou Libraries Social Media Ambassador

This year, the marketing team is trying something different this year for National Library Week (April 4-10). We are looking for social media ambassadors to post about Mizzou Libraries, on their social media, 1-2 times that week. Very low time commitment and super easy. Those who participate will receive specials edition Mizzou Libraries stickers and …