A School of Journalism AdZou team is conducting research on behalf of the Health Sciences Library for their capstone project. As part of their research, they are looking for survey responses from faculty as well as students.
Your participation in this short survey will help us improve your experience at the Health Sciences Library.
They are also aiming to conduct interviews to get more in-depth information about your experience using the Health Sciences Library’s resources. If you are willing to participate in an in-person or phone interview, please email Nina Jen at ncjmrb@mail.missouri.edu with a date, time and location that would work for you in the next two weeks.
Any assistance you can give to make the Health Sciences Library a better place for education, teaching, and research, would be beneficial. We want to make this library, your library.
The survey can be found here: https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0oXT8Ulnfy8EWmp