MU MU Libraries

Engineering Library Updates

Starting June 1, Engineering Library staff will be on-site Monday and Wednesday mornings.

While we will still be closed to patrons, having access to our print collection a few mornings a week will allow us to scan items for you in a much more timely fashion! More information on how the University Libraries are expanding services

Need an article from our print collection? Make a request through FindIt@MU or email us at

Need a book chapter for your students? Email us at

Ways to contact us:

  • Email
  • Call 573-882-2379 (we are checking voicemail regularly)
  • Set up a Zoom meeting with Noël

How to access our online resources:

  • Use the links on the Engineering Library home page or from any Libraries page. These links have all been “proxied,” so when you hit a subscribed resource, you’ll be asked to log-in with your SSO.
  • Use the Journal Finder to get to specific journal titles. The Journal Finder will let you know which years are available electronically.
  • Set your Google Scholar settings to show the FindIt@MU link for easy off-campus access to journal articles
  • Use VPN — but use it sparingly. Because of the heavy load to VPN across campus, it’s often quicker to use the links on our home page and proxy in to the library resources.
  • More information on Off-campus Access to Library Resources
  • Note: many libraries around the country are still closed or have very limited access to their print collections. You may experience delays with requests from other libraries.

Temporary access to more electronic journals and books:

  • Many publishers and vendors are lowering their paywalls during the outbreak and/or providing MU with additional electronic access due to our existing relationships with them. See our guide to temporary and expanded access.

Have something checked out from the Libraries?

  • If you have books checked out, please hang on to your books for later return.
  • The Libraries are suspending any billing and fines for overdue materials.

Libraries have a long tradition of providing faculty, students, and staff a welcoming space in which to gather, study, and think. With the unprecedented need to physically distance ourselves from one another while also remaining a connected community, it is difficult for us to close our doors to you. Fortunately, the Libraries also have decades of experience providing online and remote services, and we’re confident that we’ll get through this together.

Please keep in mind that Noël, Michelle, and Mara will be working remotely and that we, like you, are doing our best to take care of ourselves and our families in these strange times.

Erin Go Bragh – Rah for the Engineers

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.