home Resources and Services SciFinder Scholar Security Issue

SciFinder Scholar Security Issue

Recently, a number of researchers throughout the world have gained access to SciFinder Scholar through the unauthorized use of U.S. faculty accounts and IDs on university campuses. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) notified the MU Libraries this week that an unauthorized user in another country was accessing SciFinder Scholar using an MU account. Unauthorized users accessing this database are a violation of UM’s license agreement with CAS.

We have worked with the MU Department of Information Technology to identify the account and have addressed the issue with the account holder. While this particular violation has been addressed, we need to be aware that repeated violations can result in termination of the contract and loss of campus access to SciFinder Scholar.

Please remember to keep your passwords secure. Do not share them with anyone else.

If you feel that your password may be compromised, we encourage you to change your password.

Each time you login to SciFinder Scholar, the license agreement govering the usage displays. When you click on “Accept,” you are verifying to CAS that you have read the terms of the agreement and will abide by them. Please review the terms of agreement  (also available at: http://merlin.missouri.edu/node/439) and let us know if you have any questions.

home Resources and Services Need Research Help? Schedule a Research Assistance Appointment

Need Research Help? Schedule a Research Assistance Appointment

Need in-depth research assistance with a paper or project for class?  The Ellis Reference Services Department provides one-on-one research help if you are having trouble locating information on your topic.  A RAP consultation session gives you one-on-one uninterrupted time with a librarian for in-depth assistance in identifying appropriate sources for a research paper or project.

  • RAP is an appointment-based service and it is open to all MU students.  RAP consultation appointments can last from 15 minutes to an hour.
  • For more information, call the Ellis Library Reference Desk at 882-4581
home Resources and Services New Veterinary Journals in PubMed Central

New Veterinary Journals in PubMed Central

JAALAS and Veterinary Research are now available in PubMed Central.

The Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS: http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/tocrender.fcgi?journal=817 The archive includes volumes 47-48 (2008-2009) and current content is forthcoming. Note: There is a 6-month embargo delay for this journal.

Veterinary Research: http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/tocrender.fcgi?journal=892  Archive includes volume 40(2009) to the present
Note: There is 12-month embargo delay for most articles in this journal

home Resources and Services New Online Exhibit Documents Library of Jacques Flach

New Online Exhibit Documents Library of Jacques Flach

MU Libraries presents an online exhibit that documents the journey of the library of Geofroi Jacques Flach, a renowned bibliophile and professor of law, from France to Ellis Library in Columbia, Missouri. For forty years, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Professor Flach collected books on the political history of Europe, Mesopotamia, Russia, Japan and Ireland on the subjects of religion, feminism and other social causes. Especially notable are the St. Raymond de Peñafort manuscript Summa de poenitentiate et matrimonio, dating ca. 1200 AD, and Disputatio Inter Clericum et Militem, a rare incunabulum published in Paris in 1498.

Henry Ormal Severance, director of Ellis Library from 1907 until 1937, acquired the library of Professor Flach in Paris in March of 1920. This collection of approximately 6,000 volumes, many of which have Professor Flach’s original bookplates, is housed in Ellis Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections.

The online exhibit is available at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/specialcollections/exhibits/flach/index.htm.

home Resources and Services Bookmark Cafe Closed for Renovation

Bookmark Cafe Closed for Renovation

During Intersession, McDonald’s will be open 7:30 am to 4 pm, Monday -Friday. Memorial Union’s Wheatstone Bistro will be open 10 am to 1:30 pm and the Starbuck’s will be open 7 am to 4 pm. No weekend hours.

home Resources and Services VPB5580: Veterinary Informatics

VPB5580: Veterinary Informatics

Materials for the May 13th lecture of Veterinary Informatics are available at: http://missouri.libguides.com/vpb5580.

home Resources and Services New BioSystems Database from NCBI

New BioSystems Database from NCBI

Do you use pathways databases? Check out the NCBI BioSystems database.

BioSystems can be searched directly or accessed via links from other NCBI databases such as Entrez Gene, PubMed, PubChem Compound, and Protein.

Use BioSystems to list the genes, protein, and small molecules that are involved in a biological pathway; find the pathway in which a given gene or protein or specific small molecule is involved; retrieve 3D structures for proteins involved in a biosystem.

More information

home Resources and Services “Giants of Black Thought” Poster Exhibit in Ellis Library on May 7

“Giants of Black Thought” Poster Exhibit in Ellis Library on May 7

The Black Studies Program presents “Giants of Black Thought: An Exhibition of Poster Presentations” by Spring 2009 Introduction to Black Studies students (Dr. David L. Brunsma).

Opening and Reception
Thursday, May 7
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Ellis Library, Room 202

Come see our students’ work and enjoy light refreshments. The students explore the following Giants:

W.E.B. DuBois
Patricia Hill Collins
Audre Lorde
Eldridge Cleaver
Maya Angelou
Marcus Garvey
Carter G. Woodson
Nikki Giovanni
Angela Davis
Toni Morrison
bell hooks
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Frantz Fanon
Randall Robinson
Martin Luther King Jr
Malcolm X
James Baldwin
Michael Eric Dyson
Cornell West
Lisa Jones
Charles Mills
Zora Neale Hurtson
Richard Wright
Assata Shakur

If you are unable to attend, the exhibit will be on display for two weeks in Ellis Library, Room 202.

home Resources and Services Digital Exhibit Celebrates 75 Years of Alley Oop

Digital Exhibit Celebrates 75 Years of Alley Oop

MU Libraries celebrates the 75th anniversary of the syndication of the comic strip Alley Oop with a digital exhibition drawing from the libraries’ V.T. Hamlin and Comic Art Collections, which are permanently housed in Special Collections at Ellis Library. The exhibit explores the evolution of the strip, as well as its place in the history of the comic art medium and American culture. Personal photographs, correspondence, original artwork, daily and Sunday strips, books and various other ephemera are included.

This digital exhibit is inspired by the physical exhibition mounted in Ellis Library from September 10th through the 30th, 2008, and includes all of the items featured in the physical exhibit, plus some additional artifacts. Video of all of the events are available for viewing online as well, including the Keynote speech with Jack and Carole Bender, the current artists of Alley Oop; talks by local literary and art historians; a panel of young cartoonists from St. Louis and Chicago; and a talk by legendary underground cartoonist and MU Professor Emeritus of Art Frank Stack.

The online exhibit is available at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/specialcollections/exhibits/alleyoop75th.htm.

home Resources and Services Cell Press and Nature Backfiles Now Available

Cell Press and Nature Backfiles Now Available

Online access now includes the complete backfiles of six Cell Press journals:

Online access to Nature is now 1987 – present (previously, 1996 – present).

MU Libraries Journal Finder