home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Columbia Public Library Book Bike

Columbia Public Library Book Bike

Daniel Boone Regional Library’s Book Bike is visiting campus!

On April 18, 10:30AM-12:30PM, come to Speaker’s Circle to see the Book Bike. Check out a public library book or apply for a DBRL library card!

For more information about the Book Bike, visit DBRL’s website. 

home Engineering Library, Events and Exhibits Comic Book Club Meeting Thursday May 2nd

Comic Book Club Meeting Thursday May 2nd

Comic Book Club will meet Thursday May 2nd at 5pm.  We will meet at the Engineering Library & Technology Commons, Room W2001H.  Just because we meet in Engineering doesn’t mean we’re an Engineering club.  All are welcome!  We will be discussing Monstress by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda and Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb by Jonathan Fetter-Vorm.  Haven’t read them?  We have them on reserve at the EL & TC.  Come by and check one out or feel free to request via your MU Libraries account.  No time to read before Thursday?  Don’t worry!  Come anyway and meet the friendly folks of Comic Book Club.  We’d love to see you!  Contact Mara Inge at inget@missouri.edu for more information.

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Events and Exhibits Show Me Mizzou Day 2019

Show Me Mizzou Day 2019

Show Me Mizzou Day

Saturday, April 13, 2019
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.   |   Free admission and parking

Join us for a day of discovery and fun. Explore our state’s flagship university through more than 100 events for people of all ages.

Your 21st Century Library
Stop by the 104-year-old Ellis Library to view rare books from the special collections vault and test out high-tech equipment from the digital media lab. Enjoy refreshments and crafting tables for kids.

Register for Show Me Mizzou Day


home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits MLK Teach-In Exhibit at Ellis Library

MLK Teach-In Exhibit at Ellis Library

In support of the MLK Teach-In this month, University Libraries has created an exhibit on Confederate Rock. Confederate Rock was a monument erected by the John S. Marmaduke Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1935. The monument originally stood in the area we know today as Speakers Circle. In 1974, Mizzou activists led by the Legion of Black Collegians succeeded in having the monument removed from the MU campus. The monument has had many homes in Boone County, eventually being placed at the Centralia Battlefield Historical Site in 2015. This exhibit contains several newspaper articles and photographs that highlight the history of the monument.

Explore this topic with us at Ellis Library. The theme of this year’s MLK Teach-In is “Where Do We Go From Here?”  The exhibit will be on display through Friday, March 29th. Interact with us at libraryguides.missouri.edu/mlk

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Events and Exhibits, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Mike Hall Photography on Display in Health Sciences Library

Mike Hall Photography on Display in Health Sciences Library

Escape the dreariness of Missouri winters when you view Mike Hall’s colorful, panoramic photos of lighthouses and waves crashing upon the shores of the coasts in Maine and California.

Check out the differing moods of Columbia with scenes of local landmarks like the courthouse under a cloud filled sky at twilight and the banner bedecked columns near Jesse Hall.

The Health Sciences Library is pleased to exhibit a selection of the late photographer’s works, showcasing his passion and talent for the art of photography. This display will remain in the library through the spring semester.



home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Black History Month Event, Feb. 4

Black History Month Event, Feb. 4

Exodus: Images of Black Migration in Missouri and Beyond, 1866-1940

Presentation on the images and other items in the Black History Month display in Ellis Library on Black Migration in Missouri. Contact: Joan Stack (stackj@ shsmo.org) and Paula Roper (roperp@ missour.edu) Sponsors: State Historical Society and Black History Month Committee

February 4, 2019
4 p.m.
114A Ellis Library

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Junior Duck Stamp Program Display in Ellis Library

Junior Duck Stamp Program Display in Ellis Library

The Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program is a dynamic art- and science-based curriculum that teaches wetland and waterfowl conservation to students in kindergarten through high school.
The Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest is the culmination of the Junior Duck Stamp educational program. After studying waterfowl anatomy and habitat, students
express their newfound knowledge by drawing or painting a picture of an eligible North American waterfowl species.
Students from across the United States submit their artwork to their state, territory or district art competition.
The “Best of Show” from each competition is submitted to the National Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest, where judges select one image to become the next Junior Duck Stamp.
In 20018, more than 20,000 youth participated in state and territory Junior Duck Stamp art contests. On display in the Ellis Library colonnade during the month of January are winners of the Missouri Junior Duck Stamp Contest.
For more information, contact:
Tim Haller
Visitor Services Manager
Big Muddy National Fish and Wildlife Refuge
18500 Brady Lane
Boonville, MO  65233
Follow us on Facebook
Learn more on our website
home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits THERAPY DOGS FOR FINALS


Yes, it’s that time of the semester again. You’re studying, you’re researching, you’re writing, you’re living on coffee and no sleep…but look, a fluffy puff of pure love and joy! These calm, cheerful, trained therapy dogs are here to give you a break and put a smile on your face 🙂

Come to Ellis Library on the 1st floor by the North Doors / checkout desk. There will be therapy dogs Dec. 9-12 during these hours:

  • Sunday 1-5pm
  • Monday 7-9pm
  • Tuesday 7-9pm
  • Wednesday 7-9pm

Check out the full list of stress relief activities happening at your libraries too!

Thanks to Ann Gafke’s Teacher’s Pet for coordinating all the dogs and owners who help us de-stress during finals!

home Events and Exhibits Finals Stress Relief At Your Libraries

Finals Stress Relief At Your Libraries

Finals are a stressful time, and your libraries are here to help! We have our Ask a Librarian research support services and our study spaces are open 24/7 until Dec. 14! We also have stress relief activities at 4 different locations! Check it out:

Ellis Library

  • Therapy Dogs, Dec. 9-12 by the North Doors on floor 1
    • Sunday 1-5pm
    • Monday 7-9pm
    • Tuesday 7-9pm
    • Wednesday 7-9pm
  • Zen coloring pages station by the North Doors on floor 1

Engineering Library

  • Games and coloring pages

Health Sciences Library

  • Relaxation Station with aromatherapy and a chair massager
  • Coloring pages, puzzles, origami and DIY snowflakes
  • On Tuesday 12/11, we will be giving out Hot Chocolate from 4-6pm

Journalism Library

  • Winter Themed Coloring Pages and DIY snowflakes
  • Handing out treats that week
home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits “Provenance and Possibility” Student Showcase on Display in Ellis Library

“Provenance and Possibility” Student Showcase on Display in Ellis Library

Provenance and Possibility
Ellis Library Colonnade
November and December 2018

“Provenance and Possibility” is a student showcase exhibiting creative works completed by students enrolled in the Honors Tutorial during Fall 2018, GN_HON 1050H, “Get Real, Go Places! Let Objects Take You There.” The eight-week course takes as its focus the study of material culture, specifically the opportunities for research that objects and artifacts make possible. Students are introduced to the practice of interpreting, inspecting, and writing about objects through regular use of a sketchbook journal and weekly syntheses shared with classmates. The course is taught by Dr. Sarah Buchanan of the iSchool at the University of Missouri (in the College of Education) and by gallery, library, archive, and museum professionals based on the Mizzou campus who belong to the Material Culture Studies Group, established in 2014.

Our student showcase features 49 art objects created by 14 undergraduate students, each based on the class visit to a particular collection on the Columbia campus. Students created weekly syntheses reflecting on their visit and a culminating analysis of specific objects appealing to students’ future academic interests.

On display here are embroidery inspired by Native American designs at the Museum of Anthropology, calligraphy and poetry based on Leonardo da Vinci’s typographic letters in Special Collections and Rare Books, origami and an architectural room model inspired by John Schneider’s recent “Battle Folds” thesis exhibition in the Bingham Art Gallery, a photograph compilation of the Mizzou Botanic Garden and the work of Sustain Mizzou Beekeeping, and drawing inspired by Rose O’Neill’s (1874-1994) famous Kewpies in the State Historical Society of Missouri, among others. Complementing the student work is a 1960s vinyl skirt from the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection. For their contributions to the success of the course we gratefully thank: Catherine Armbrust, Alex Barker, Cathy Callaway, Blair Crosby and Buck’s Ice Cream, Chris Daniggelis, John Fifield, Kelli Hansen, Nicole Johnston, John Konzal, Maggie Mayhan, Pete Millier, Candace Sall, John Schneider, Karlan Seville and Joan Stack.

The course will next be offered in Fall 2019 – join us!