home Engineering Library, Uncategorized Engineering Library: FY19 Usage Statistics

Engineering Library: FY19 Usage Statistics

Thanks for another excellent year!

We keep track of our interactions with Engineering students and faculty and their use of our services throughout the year. These numbers represent the Engineering Library & Technology Commons usage statistics for Fiscal Year 2019 (from July 2018 to June 2019).

Check out our infographic below to see how well we did:

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Engineering Library, Events and Exhibits, Staff news Engineering Library: History of Removable Media Exhibit

Engineering Library: History of Removable Media Exhibit

Do you fondly remember the floppy disk?  Are you not sure what a floppy disk looks like?  Either way come by the Engineering Library & Technology Commons to see our new exhibit:  A History of Removable Media!  We partnered with Library Technology Services to bring you some cool examples of old tech.

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Engineering Library, Events and Exhibits Engineering Library: Therapy Dogs for Finals

Engineering Library: Therapy Dogs for Finals

Finals can be a stressful time.  Come by the Engineering Library during the following hours to experience the calming effect of trained therapy dogs. Take a break and let these furry friends put a smile on your face!

Monday, May 13th from 1-4pm

Tuesday, May 14th from 1-4pm

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Ellis Display: LGBTQ Guess Who

Ellis Display: LGBTQ Guess Who

How many of these faces do you know?

To celebrate Mizzou’s Pride Month, and staying up until National Pride Month in June, we are highlighting notable Missouri LGBTQ figures.

Test your knowledge with our LGBTQ Guess Who display, now at Ellis Library.



Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Engineering Library, Events and Exhibits Comic Book Club Meeting Thursday May 2nd

Comic Book Club Meeting Thursday May 2nd

Comic Book Club will meet Thursday May 2nd at 5pm.  We will meet at the Engineering Library & Technology Commons, Room W2001H.  Just because we meet in Engineering doesn’t mean we’re an Engineering club.  All are welcome!  We will be discussing Monstress by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda and Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb by Jonathan Fetter-Vorm.  Haven’t read them?  We have them on reserve at the EL & TC.  Come by and check one out or feel free to request via your MU Libraries account.  No time to read before Thursday?  Don’t worry!  Come anyway and meet the friendly folks of Comic Book Club.  We’d love to see you!  Contact Mara Inge at inget@missouri.edu for more information.

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits MLK Teach-In Exhibit at Ellis Library

MLK Teach-In Exhibit at Ellis Library

In support of the MLK Teach-In this month, University Libraries has created an exhibit on Confederate Rock. Confederate Rock was a monument erected by the John S. Marmaduke Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1935. The monument originally stood in the area we know today as Speakers Circle. In 1974, Mizzou activists led by the Legion of Black Collegians succeeded in having the monument removed from the MU campus. The monument has had many homes in Boone County, eventually being placed at the Centralia Battlefield Historical Site in 2015. This exhibit contains several newspaper articles and photographs that highlight the history of the monument.

Explore this topic with us at Ellis Library. The theme of this year’s MLK Teach-In is “Where Do We Go From Here?”  The exhibit will be on display through Friday, March 29th. Interact with us at libraryguides.missouri.edu/mlk

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Engineering Library, Support the Libraries Mizzou Giving Day is here!

Mizzou Giving Day is here!

Please consider a gift of any size to support University Libraries  from noon, Wednesday, March 13 to noon, Thursday, March 14.

Mark the dates on your calendar and share giving information with a friend!

Your support is key to making Mizzou Giving Day 2019 a success. Use the hashtag #MizzouGivingDay and #AllInMizzou on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to spread the word and inspire other Tigers to make a difference at Mizzou. Please put in a good word for University Libraries while you’re at it.

Did you know that Ellis Library is the second most visited building on Campus? Over 6,000 students use Ellis on a typical school day, and another 2,000 students use specialized libraries that serve Engineering, Geological Sciences, Health Sciences, Journalism, Mathematical Sciences, The Missourian and Veterinary Medicine. Yes – Libraries are the heart of the academic experience, and Great Universities have Great Libraries!!

For more information about how you can direct your gift to an area of interest to you, contact Matt Gaunt: gauntm@missouri.edu or 573-884-8645.

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Engineering Library, Uncategorized Comic Book Club Spring Semester Selections

Comic Book Club Spring Semester Selections

Did you know the Engineering Library has a Comic Book Club?

This semester we will be reading Monstress, written by Marjorie Liu and illustrated by Sana Takeda.  Monstress is set in 20th century Asia and tells the story of a teenage girl who shares a psychic link with a powerful monster.  Gorgeously illustrated in a style best described as art deco meets steampunk, this comic has garnered awards for its art as well as its storytelling.  The story includes magical creatures, sorceresses, and cat wizards.

We will also be reading Trinity: A  Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb by Jonathan Fetter-Vorm.  Trinity tells the history of the race to build and the decision to drop the first atomic bomb.  The story takes you from 19th century European labs to the various locations of the Manhattan Project.  It has been described as both a graphic primer and a philosophical meditation.

You do not need to be an engineering student to participate in Comic Book Club nor do you need to be well-versed in the world of comics and graphic novels.  We welcome all majors and all levels of interest!  Contact Mara Inge (inget@missouri.edu) at the Engineering Library if you are interested.

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Engineering Library, Hours Engineering Library: Extended Hours for Finals

Engineering Library: Extended Hours for Finals

It’s that time again!  Finals are coming. The Engineering Library will have extended hours for the following days:

Friday, May 3rd: 8:00am – 8:00pm

Friday, May 10th: 8:00am – 8:00pm

Saturday, May 11th: 9:00am – 9:00pm

Other hours will be normal. For a detailed list of all library hours, visit: http://library.missouri.edu/hours/

Good luck with your finals, Engineers!

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Engineering Library, Uncategorized Engineering Library: FY 18 Usage Statistics

Engineering Library: FY 18 Usage Statistics

We had an excellent year!

We keep track of our interactions with Engineering students and faculty and their use of our services throughout the year. These numbers represent the Engineering Library & Technology Commons usage statistics for Fiscal Year 2018 (from July 2017 to June 2018).

Check out our infographic below to see how well we did:


Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.