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home Staff news Announcing the Great University Libraries Bake Off for United Way!

Announcing the Great University Libraries Bake Off for United Way!

To support United Way, we are going to have a bake off (really, it’s a bake sale) on Nov. 4-8. Please participate by bringing in your best bake goods or purchasing the yummy treats! All the proceeds will support United Way’s fight against poverty in Boone County.

To make it more fun and more like the Great British Bake Off, each day of the bake sale will have a theme!

  • Monday: Cakes and Pies
  • Tuesday: Cookies and Brownies
  • Wednesday: Muffins and Scones
  • Thursday: Free for All
  • Friday: Leftovers!

I will send out more details soon!

If you would like to give to United Way right now, go to