You Are Invited to Attend the Ellis Library Centennial Rededication

Join us on Friday, Jan. 15 from 3 to 5 pm in the Ellis Library Grand Reading Room for a rededication of the Ellis Library building in honor of its centennial. There will be music from the time period, remarks from campus officials, and a ribbon cutting hosted by members of Columbia’s Chamber of Commerce. Steve Weinberg, professor emeritus of journalism,  will give a sneak peak into his forthcoming book on the history of MU Libraries. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in historical building tours led by library staff. We hope you will come celebrate this special day with us!

Centennial Committee Meeting, 8/31/15

Attending: Shannon Cary, Sheila Voss, John Budd, Marie Concannon, Jim Cogswell, Gary Cox, Rebecca Graves

Library Society Dinner on April 15, 2016

  • Jim announced that David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, has agreed to make an additional public presentation as well as serve as keynote speaker at the annual Library Society Dinner on April 15th. The committee recommended that we reserve Room 114A for the whole day and choose a time for the event that is convenient with Mr. Ferriero’s schedule. Jim recommended that we advertise with various University departments – history, political science, journalism, library school, etc. – for the public event.

Centennial Kickoff Celebration on September 23, 2015

  • Shannon announced that all the Kickoff giveaways have been ordered and the proofs approved. The t-shirts should be arriving any day.  
  • Marie Concannon created the red star currently attached to the Libraries’ centennial poster advertising the Centennial Kickoff on September 23rd. Shannon will have more stars made to advertise other centennial events for the centennial posters.   
  • Sheila announced that she, Jim and Pat Jones met last week to discuss the layout of Lowry Mall for the Kickoff celebration. Room 114 Ellis Library will be the fallback location if it rains. The carpet in Room 114 should be laid by that date. 
  • Last week, the committee chose the bean bag toss, library trivia, and a cartoon caption contest for the kickoff games. Rebecca has been emailing people to find an artist for the cartoon captioning contest but has not received any responses yet. She would like three different cartoons for the contest. Rebecca also asked the committee to send her any library trivia questions for that game. Lastly, the committee approved the purchase of a bean bag toss game for the kickoff. The committee will donate the game to MULSA after the kickoff.  

Centennial Art Contest

  • Jim and Gary met with Jo Stealey, head of the MU Art department, to discuss the centennial art contest. He and Gary still need to finalize the prospectus for the contest. Jim asked the committee for names of people who might be willing to serve as judges for the contest. The committee recommended asking Bill Bondeson, Lawrence Rugolo, Anne Stanton, Joan Stack and Ruth Tofle to be judges. Jim inquired if the art submissions could be submitted via the MU Libraries website for judging purposes.
  • The MU Libraries would purchase and display the winning artwork from the centennial art contest. We would like all of the art submissions on display in Ellis Library sometime in the centennial year.    

MU Libraries Gateway Website

  • Shannon announced that a centennial page has been created on the Libraries’ gateway website. Information about the centennial events is displayed but the centennial poster graphic has not been added yet. The page can be found here:


Centennial Committee Meeting, 8/24/15

Attending: Shannon Cary, Sheila Voss, John Budd, Marie Concannon, Jim Cogswell, Gary Cox, Rebecca Graves

Centennial Kickoff on September 23, 2015

  • Shannon announced that the centennial t-shirts, frisbees, cups and bottled water have all been ordered for the kickoff on September 23.
  • Announcements about the Centennial Kickoff are listed on the MU events calendar and on the plasma screens in Ellis Library.
  • Sheila announced that the School of Music has confirmed that they can provide a jazz trio to play at the kickoff.
  • The Student Fee group still plans to create t-shirts for the student library fee campaign. They will try to have them available by the kickoff.
  • Gary suggested that stickers be added to the centennial posters to advertise individual centennial events. Marie will work on mock-ups of stickers.
  • Rebecca reported on the list of possible games that Rachel Brekhus compiled for the centennial kickoff. The committee recommended the bean bag toss, library trivia and a cartoon captioning game.  

MU Libraries Gateway Website

  • The committee recommended adding the centennial poster graphic to the MU Libraries Gateway website as well as listing all of the individual centennial events for the year.
  • The committee discussed ways to promote the centennial and the libraries on the website. Shannon will talk to Matthew Stephen about getting help to work on the website pages. 

Library Society Dinner on April 14, 2017

  • Sheila confirmed that the date for the 2017 Library Society Dinner will be April 14, 2017.
  • Marie will ask Ann Riley if she approves of the choice of Alberto Manguel as the keynote speaker for the 2017 Library Society Dinner.

Centennial Art Contest

  • Jim announced that he and Gary will be meeting today with Jo Stealey, head of the MU Art department, to discuss the centennial art contest. The theme for the art contest will be Library at Night, the name of Alberto Manguel’s book. Jim and Gary will review the prospectus to determine the rules and deadlines for the art contest. The submissions will probably be judged by faculty and administrators from allied departments, like art history and design. The committee agreed that winning submissions from the art contest should be displayed in Ellis Library.

Centennial Committee Meeting, 8/10/15

Attending: Shannon Cary, Sheila Voss, John Budd, Marie Concannon, Rebecca Graves, Jim Cogswell

Centennial Kickoff on September 23, 2015

  • Jim offered to make an announcement at the All Staff Meeting on Thursday, August 13, regarding the status of the centennial celebrations. He will ask for volunteers to help with the Kickoff celebration at that time.
  • Sheila has contacted the School of Music about hiring a band to play at the Kickoff. The centennial committee agreed that a jazz band with brass instruments will work for the event.
  • The centennial committee finalized the wording for MU Announcements regarding the Centennial Kickoff. There will also be a description of the centennial events on the MU Libraries Gateway page.
  • Jim and Matt Gaunt will be in touch with Payton Head and Howard Richards about speaking at the Kickoff event.
  • The committee agreed that the Kickoff volunteers should wear some clothing such as a t-shirt or hat that will identify them as working the event. Shannon will work on clothing designs for volunteers. 

Centennial Gifts for Staff

  • The committee discussed possible gifts for library employees as souvenirs for the Libraries’ 100th anniversary. The committee decided on purchasing t-shirts with the centennial logo on them. 

Library Society Dinner on April 15, 2016

  • The centennial committee originally proposed to have Alberto Manguel as the keynote speaker for the 2016 Library Society Dinner. Marie contacted him a year ago to see if he was interested. Manguel originally responded but then Marie heard nothing from him for months. The centennial committee then asked Robert Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, to be the keynote speaker instead. Manguel recently contacted Marie and asked her if we are still interested in having him as the speaker. The committee agreed that we would ask Manguel to be the speaker for the 2017 Library Society Dinner instead. 
  • Jim told the committee that David Ferriero agreed to be the 2016 Library Society Dinner speaker in March. Jim emailed him last week to discuss the details of the dinner but has not received a response from Ferriero yet.

Centennial Art Contest

  • Jim agreed to manage the centennial art contest. The committee discussed sponsoring visual art, literary, music and theatrical art contests to celebrate the Libraries’ 100th anniversary. Jim will contact the appropriate departments in the School of Fine Arts to involve them in the participation and judging of the contest.

Health Sciences Library Centennial Event on October 15, 2015

  • The centennial committee agreed to share any centennial souvenirs and displays with HSL for their event in October.  
  • All branch libraries are encouraged to participate in the centennial art contest this fall.  

Rededication Celebration on January 15, 2016

  • Marie Concannon has confirmed that Steve Gallagher will play historical records for the rededication celebration in January. Sheila will help Marie with the performance contract for Steve.

Centennial Planning Committee Meeting, 7/23/15

Attending: Shannon Cary, Sheila Voss, John Budd, Rebecca Graves

Centennial Kickoff – Matt Gaunt, Rebecca Graves and Sheila Voss on the sub-committee

  • The food arrangements have been made for the Centennial Kickoff.  We are planning enough food and water for 500 attendees.
  • Sheila contacted Marching Mizzou to find out if they are available to play at the Kickoff. The organizer won’t have that information until August, but was not optimistic about their availability at that time. Sheila will contact someone at the School of Music for ideas. Please contact Sheila if anyone has ideas on another band that could play at the Kickoff.
  • It was decided that there will not be a representative from the Athletics department at the Kickoff, but we would like to have a representative from MSA speak instead.
  • Rebecca will lead the Games sub-committee for the Centennial Kickoff. Rachel Brekhus has already agreed to serve on the sub-committee. Rebecca will recruit additional members as needed.

Rededication Celebration – Marie Concannon and Gary Cox on the sub-committee

  • The Ellis Library Rededication Ceremony has officially been changed to Friday, January 15, 2016, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Chancellor Loftin has confirmed that he will attend the ceremony on January 15.  

Library Society Dinner – John Budd and Sheila Voss on the sub-committee

  • Sheila reserved the Columns Ballroom and Great Room at the Reynolds Alumni Center for the Library Society Dinner on April 15, 2016. The committee needs to decide if we are having the Library Society Dinner at the Reynolds Alumni Center or in the Grand Reading Room (Room 201) of Ellis Library.
  • There was a question if David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, has been confirmed as the keynote speaker at the Library Society Dinner. This committee will follow-up at the next meeting.

 Other Activities

  • Marie Concannon announced at the last meeting that Alberto Manguel has been in contact with her about speaking at one of the centennial events. The committee decided to wait until there were more members present at the next meeting before deciding if we want to host another event with Manguel. The committee also decided to delay making a decision about a centennial art contest until more members were present. 
  •  Shannon Cary announced that the centennial banners will be displayed by the time of the Centennial Kickoff in September. She will send out renderings of the approved banners to the committee members. It was also suggested that we have historical exhibits displayed on the flat screen televisions in the Libraries.
  • Shannon brought up the topic of staff shirts for the Centennial celebration. The shirts would be available for distribution at the Ellis Library Rededication Ceremony in January. 
  • Rebecca Graves reiterated that the Health Sciences Library will be celebrating J. Otto Lottes birthday anniversary this fall as part of the centennial celebrations. 

Centennial Planning Committee Meeting Minutes, July 14

Attending: Shannon Cary, Sheila Voss, Marie Concannon, John Budd, Gary Cox, Matt Gaunt, Jim Cogswell

Rededication Celebration – Marie Concannon and Gary Cox on the subcommittee

  • Marie noted that there was previous discussion about changing the date of the rededication ceremony from January 28, 2016 to January 14, 2016 (the Thursday before the beginning of the winter semester). The committee discussed the different dates and decided that Friday, January 15, 2016, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. will be the official date and time for the Rededication Celebration.
  • Sheila will amend her request for Chancellor Loftin’s attendance to the new date for the rededication.  
  • Marie has talked to Ellen Blair about the contract for hiring a Victrola player to provide music at the rededication. She will contact the Victrola player to work out the details.  

Kickoff Celebration – Matt Gaunt, Rebecca Graves and Sheila Voss on the subcommittee

  • Sheila distributed a sheet with the estimated expenses for the Centennial Kickoff on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. The committee decided on serving Shakespeare’s pizza, popcorn, tiger stripe ice cream, and bottled water.
  • The committee decided that the giveaways for the kickoff will consist of 16 oz. plastic cups (with a possible sponsorship from Shakespeare’s Pizza), frisbees that will second as plates, t-shirts (with a tie-in to the student library fee campaign) and possibly stickers reminding students to vote in November for the student library fee. The student fee working group will be working with students on the t-shirts and student fee handouts, such as stickers.
  • Sheila will contact Dr. Brad Snow about reserving Marching Mizzou for the kickoff celebration. Unfortunately, Truman the Tiger was not available to attend the event.
  • Matt has arranged for Howard Richards to serve as Master of Ceremonies of the event. Matt is also in contact with the Athletics department to try and arrange for some athletes or coaches to speak at the event.
  • Sheila will recruit people for a sub-committee to organize games at the kickoff.
  • The committee changed the time for the kickoff from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. with the program beginning at 12:00 noon.