Cycle of Success Stories

January 27, 2017
Marybeth Bohn

I work in a fast-paced office assisting Dr. Stannard with his administrative work. Much of that includes academic activities such as reviewing P&T packets, writing letters, and gathering articles for research. If it weren't for the help of the librarians in the Health Science Library, I would be in dire straits! They come to my rescue often! They are quick, upbeat, and always helpful. Recently, I needed publication metrics for a P&T review. Two of the librarians stopped what they were doing to help me and speed things along. They also took the time to explain what everything meant. I also appreciate their helpfulness in pulling articles for me when I am not able to access the articles myself. I have used the online request system and their online chat system quite easily and have always received excellent assistance. Don't hesitate to ask a friendly librarian!

January 24, 2017
Susan Scott, PhD, RN

MU Health Care's Patient Safety Team is responsible for the review of clinical care events in which the patient experienced harm from the care rendered. Review of current standards of care and matching them with care rendered is an important part of a comprehensive review. In the past, HSL resources have been an invaluable asset to help us with everything from basic reviews of the literature to more comprehensive and detailed literature reviews. Review of these cases in a timely manner is important. I have found the HSL resources as being highly dependable completing thorough reviews with a quick turnaround time. How awesome to have such amazing resources to help complement our clinical resources! Thank you, HSL and team, for helping us provide the safe care to our patients! Your efforts are truly appreciated but more importantly, I truly appreciate your partnership! Please keep up the great work!

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have an immediate opening for a part time Library Information Assistant at UMLD. For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at

The Libraries have an immediate opening for the Head of Instructional Services. For additional information about the position and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at

Black History FUNRaiser on February 28

The Black History Month Trivia FUNRaiser, which has become a tradition at Mizzou, caps the events of February. From 6 to 9 p.m. on February 28 in Ellis Library’s room 114A, teams will compete for prizes, which include donations to the charities of their choice. 

You do not have to be a black history expert to enjoy the the evening's activities, which include comradery, friendly competition and refreshments, and you will definitely learn something! However, attending some of the events on the Black History Month Calendar will be an advantage since one category of questions is always developed relevant to these scheduled presentations.

The FUNRaiser’s coordinators cordially invite you to form a team of five to eight members. If you register your team by January 31, you can also suggest questions for the event. Follow the link to register and see details specific to the FUNRaiser including which charities are eligible for consideration.

Please include the FUNRaiser on your calendar and we look forward to seeing you on February 28.

Storm Spotter Training

Boone County Office of Emergency Management, in conjunction with the National Weather Service is offering a basic Storm Spotter Training on February 23, 2017 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The training is hosted by the American Legion, located at 3669 S. Legion Ln., Columbia, MO. In this training, you will learn how to help your community be prepared for severe weather and how to become listed in the NWS St. Louis storm spotter database. This course is free, and open to the Public.

Course Title: National Weather Service Basic Storm Spotter Training

Course Date: February 23, 2017

Course Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Prerequisites: You must be at least high school age to sign up to be a volunteer storm spotter and attend this course.

For questions or more information, please contact, Elizabeth Thompson at 573-886-7226 or

Copy Paper Requests

I have made a large order for copy paper for the entire University Libraries. We will keep them with Duane Bittle in Ellis. When your copy paper runs low, please send him an email so he can deliver some to your printer. Duane will keep me posted when his stock of paper runs low, and I will place a bulk order. Therefore, you shouldn’t need to order copy paper through Show Me Shop anymore. Feel free to contact me with any feedback regarding this process. 

Thank you,
Jacqueline Rash