Entrepreneurial Scholars & Interns Program Recruitment

We are in the process of recruiting students for the “Entrepreneurial Scholars & Interns Program” for 2017.  Selected undergraduate students will receive:

  • Tuition paid for entrepreneurial courses
  • $4,000 for a summer internship
  • Entrepreneurial mentorship
  • Networking opportunities
  • Certificate of Completion

Eligible students can be from any major.  You can find more information here:  www.umsystem.edu/esip

Applications are due by Friday, February 3.  If you would like printed posters or post cards, let us know and we will get you a supply.

Steve Wyatt, J.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor/Vice Provost for Economic Development
University of Missouri
310 Jesse Hall
Columbia, MO  65211E-mail: wyattr@missouri.edu
Phone: 573.882.3087