New Posts, March 2-6

  1. Director's Calendar, March 9-13
  2. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, 3/6/15
  3. Graves Elected to MLA Committee
  4. Centennial Committee Meeting, Feb. 26
  5. Library Assembly Meeting, Feb. 25
  6. Black History Month Trivia Night Will Become a Tradition!
  7. Active Shooter Training
  8. Employment Opportunity
  9. Muse Blog Posts
  10. Congratulations and Goodbye to Nancy Messina
  11. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, 2/17/15
  12. Congratulations to Victoria Yu, One of the Mizzou 39 Outstanding Seniors
  13. Amigos Update

Director’s Calendar March 9th – 13th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday and Tuesday, March 9th– 10th     
Jim Cogswell will attend the Director’s meeting of the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), San Diego, CA

Thursday, March 12th  
8:00-10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, General Services Building

2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Friday, March 13th
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. – UM Library Directors TelePresence Meeting, TelePresence Rooms 

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 3/6/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim Cogswell reported on his time spent with Provost Garnett Stokes, who was scheduled to meet with him and tour the Library on Wednesday, March 4th, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. She is still getting to know the job and the campus. She agrees the library has bigger issues than mold. Jim shared with her the Library presentation to the Budget Allocation Advisory Council (BAAC) as well as discussed Open Access, the Student Fee Proposal and many other issues.  Jim made it a point to promote and discuss the Specialized Libraries.  They agreed the discussion on all these and many other library topics will continue once she gets settled. Jim is not yet certain how often he and Provost Stokes will meet one on one.   

INFORMATION ITEM: Matt Gaunt joined LMT for a discussion about the student fee proposal and his hopes to hold open forums in the month of April to gather student feedback.  Matt suggests six such forums, each one hosted by a student organizations and assisted by small Library working groups made up of library employees.   Matt and LMT discussed who would make up the working groups based on the focus of the forums.  Each forum will focus on an aspect of the student library fee proposal (such as one forum for Collections, a forum for Services, possibly two forums for Space, etc.).  The last forum Matt hopes to be a large “town-hall” meeting hosted by the Library Student Ambassadors with Chancellor Loftin present.  


Centennial Committee Meeting, Feb. 26

Attending: Shannon Cary, Marie Concannon, John Budd, Rebecca Graves, Gary Cox, Matt Gaunt, Sheila Voss

Kickoff Celebration – Matt Gaunt, Rebecca Graves and Sheila Voss on the subcommittee

  • The Kickoff Celebration is scheduled for September 23, 2015 in Lowry Mall. This event will be geared toward the students. Shannon met with the Libraries’ Student Ambassadors yesterday and asked them to think about what they would like at the event and what giveaways they would prefer.
  • Sheila confirmed that she had scheduled Chancellor Loftin to speak at the celebration.
  • Matt met with the Mizzou athletic department this week to discuss athletic participation at the event. He will continue to follow up.
  • The library student fee is expected to be on the student ballot in November, so promotion of the student fee may also be part of the kickoff celebration.
  • The committee needs to decide if we will order different t-shirts for the kickoff in addition to the ones for the student fee campaign.
  • The committee considered having five days of student giveaways during the week of the Kickoff Celebration. Matt didn’t think it was a good idea to have giveaways so close to the student fee vote. The committee agreed to move the giveaways to Library Week in April 2016.  

Rededication Celebration – Marie Concannon and Gary Cox on the subcommittee

  • The Rededication Celebration will occur on January 28, 2016 in the Grand Reading Room of Ellis Library. This celebration will be geared toward current and retired library employees and the Friends of the Libraries. Rebecca suggested that we also invite faculty to this celebration.
  • Sheila will make a formal request for Chancellor Loftin to speak at the event.
  • Gary will work on assembling exhibits from the last century of the Libraries for the exhibit cases in the Ellis Library Colonnade and for the Grand Reading Room where the event will take place. 
  • Marie plans to hire a person with a Victrola to play historic 78s at the event.

Library Society Dinner – John Budd and Sheila Voss on the subcommittee

  • The Library Society Dinner will occur on April 15, 2016. The Centennial Committee would like to have the event in the Ellis Library Grand Reading Room but we have also reserved the Columns Ballroom in the Reynolds Alumni Center in case the crowd is too large for Ellis Library.
  • The keynote speaker will be David Ferriero, U.S. National Archivist. John suggested that we ask Mr. Ferriero to give a speech on the history of archives or digital archives for faculty, staff and students in Room 114 Ellis Library the morning of the Library Society Dinner.
  • We plan to have a historic textile display in the Ellis Colonnade exhibit cases for the month of April and possibly a mannequin display during the Library Society Dinner in the Grand Reading Room of Ellis Library.

Other Activities

  • There was general support for a student art contest featuring art related to Ellis Library or one of the branch libraries. 
  • A subcommittee of student ambassadors could be asked to organize it with advisory assistance from the Centennial Planning Committee. Some of the decisions to be made include establishing a time frame for the contest, determining how long the library will have the works on display, how the vote will take place, what the prizes will be, who is eligible to enter, etc.
  • Marie will ask Amanda Sprochi, chair of the Exhibits Committee, if that committee could commit to hanging the works and getting the materials safely back to the artists when the contest is over.


  • Shannon introduced the idea of adding members to the event subcommittees to help complete the work. This can include staff members and especially library student ambassadors. We currently have 45 student ambassadors who may be available to help.
  • The committee discussed creating a webpage on the MU Libraries Gateway listing the centennial events or creating a paper poster listing the events.

Library Assembly Meeting, Feb. 25

Present: Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Jim Cogswell, Ruth Feldkamp, Rebecca Graves, Shelly McDavid, PT Martin, Jeannette Pierce, Marcia Strong, Bette Stuart, Deb Ward

  1. Discuss:

    • Need a new recorder –Shelly McDavid has accepted a Librarian position with MS&T in Rolla, MO

      • Need someone to volunteer, no one was forthcoming
      • If no one volunteers by next meeting, then a name will be drawn out of a hat at the March 2015 meeting.
  • MOBIUS – RFP (request for proposal) for Courier (Tammy Green)

    • Currently accepting bids from couriers, deadline April 2015
    • Expectations of the upcoming Courier

      • 24 hour delivery time around the state of MO
      • Ability to track materials
      • Ability to work with other couriers outside of the state
  • MOBIUS – LibChat-Springshare (Jeannette Pierce)

    • MOBIUS set-up: Chat Ref Task Force, Jeannette Pierce is the chair of this committee.

      • Chat Ref as a Consortium: shared catalog, shared e-resources
      • Currently speaking with other consortiums that engage in this type of partnership
  1. Director Announcements:
  • Renew Mizzou

    • The work in Jesse Hall is on track, no delays, nor have they encountered any problems that were not already anticipated
    • The work consisted of: Fire, Life, and Safety Systems (sprinkler systems, new elevator)
    • Should be completed by Commencement Week in May 2015
    • Roughly 600 people need to move back into Jesse Hall and will need to be logistically staggered and systematically worked out

      • There has been no timeline determined at this time, they are currently trying to plan this out
      • It has been guaranteed that everyone will be moved back in by the start of classes in the fall 2015

        • This does not necessarily mean that those spaces occupied in Ellis Library will be useable by the start of classes
        • It is hopeful that those housed in Ellis Library will move out early enough to do what needs done to those currently occupied spaces. 
        • There is no funding for any major renovations of these spaces, only enough to restore the spaces to their previous stature

          • Plan to reuse shelving in the west reading room, previously where oversized books were housed
          • Need to determine where the materials temporarily stored in the basement of the law library will go
  • Continuing Mold Saga

    • On February 13, 2015 the Campus Library Committee (faculty, staff, retirees, and students) met, Brian Cain talked in detail about the recovery effort that has transpired since the mold was discovered in October 2013

  • Upcoming Centennial Events

    • 3 Signature Events (scheduled)
  1. Unofficial, informal kick off, Friday April 10th, 2015, Library Society Dinner in Reynold’s Alumni Center. Dr. Don Lindbergh, the Director of the National Library of Medicine is the guest speaker. Dr. Don Lindbergh was at MU from the late 1960’s-1984, he has been the National Library of Medicine Director from 1984-Present. He is very well known for his work with computers and health information, he is the founder of the field of medical informatics, the visible human project (digitized cadaver both male and female) as well as many other projects, awards, and various endeavors. 
  1. September 23, 2015: A student focused kick off: Ice cream party social on the north steps of Ellis Library with a rock band, popcorn, MU football players, the MU women’s volleyball team and the chancellor. 
  1. January 2016: A re-dedication of the first library building erected on campus, now called Ellis Library historically known as the Campus Library
  • On January 6th, 1960 there was an event that focused on the library staff, this January 2016 event will be a recreation of that event.  The chancellor and Steve Weinberg have both been invited. Steve Weinberg is the author of the book on the history of the MU Libraries, this is a centennial volume, and he may give a short talk at this event.
  1. April 15th, 2016 Library Society Dinner: the U.S. Archivist David Ferriero is invited to talk about the future of the past and why we keep this stuff?  That week is also National Library Week, there will be a book signing of the centennial book written by Steve Weinberg, date still to be determined.
  • Student Library Fee

    • Currently publicizing the upcoming proposal.  The student vote is tentatively planned for the first week in November 2015. Visit the website for a copy of the full proposal or a summary:

      • Passing this fee will enhance the value of the student’s degree and leave a legacy for future generations of students.

        • A lasting impact on the current and future students of MU.
      • If you hear students that are confused or needing more information about the student fee, please try to clarify or refer them on to someone that can answer their questions.
      • Jack Batterson asked the question, “If the student fee passes, are we able to do any hiring?”

        • Jim responded that we are still filling vacancies to maintain equilibrium, if we do get the fee, we will quickly move to get some new positions filled. Below is a list of what is currently being filled, per information provided by LMT (the Library Management Team):
  • ACTS

    • Library Specialist in Monograph, Approval, & Fast Cat.:

      • They are in the process of getting the position posted at HR.

        • (Update as of 2/26/15 – no longer accepting applications)
  • HSL openings

    • Library Information Assistant in the Veterinary Medical Library

      • The position was posted.  Applications are being reviewed.
    • Health Sciences Information Services Librarian.

      • Job description has been reviewed and the position has been sent to Provost’s office for approval to post.
      • Search committee members have been identified.
  • Research and Information Services opening

    • Student Success Librarian (new concept for RAIS).

      • Have a higher level of instruction and reference desk coverage than a typical subject specialist.

        • Will allow the subject specialists to work more closely with departments and their research.
      • Will report to Cindy Cotner, RAIS Head of User Engagement.
      • They are identifying potential search committee members.
  • SCARaB

    • Special Collections Reference Librarian.

      • A position Description has been revised.

        • Mike will share with the rest of LMT.
        • The revised position includes a lot more programing and outreach than former position.
      • Most members of the search committee have been identified.

        • Mike would also like to include an MU Faculty member.
  1. Department announcements:
  • HSL/VML Announcements: Deb Ward and Shelly McDavid

    • Today is Shelly McDavid's last day at LA, and she will hand off her recorder duties to another volunteer today.
  • Terri Hall will serve as the HSL/VML Representative for the time period March – June, 2015. 
  • HSL is on Restricted Access until March 6.
  • Kate Anderson’s February 2015 presentations:
  1. Responsible Authorship and Publication Ethics seminar for the School of Medicine, Responsible Conduct of Research Compliance series (Feb 18)
  2. NIH Public Access Compliance for the Comparative Medicine seminar series (Feb 27)
  • Rebecca Graves and Shelley Worden are working on the Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences (program in School of Health Professions) accreditation review. Deb will provide the tour on March 17.
  • Deb is continuing to work with one the School of Medicine accreditation committees to prepare for the site visitors in January, 2016. We are reviewing the self-study and creating the summary statements for the reviewers.
  • One of the associate deans for School of Medicine shared the student survey comments, and the student opinions on how well the library meets their needs, and we saw very positive results. For example, 92 – 96 percent of the students, by class, indicated that they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the "quality of library support and services."  
  • At HSL, we have put up the poster that Shannon made for us, they are large-scale drawings of the proposed HSL renovation, along with a poster describing the library upgrade planning effort. The website with the renderings is up, and we are taking comments. We are getting hand-written comments on the flip chart, but not many electronic comments. The drawings and basic planning material is at:
  • Digital Services, Adrienne Arden

    • We are pleased to report that Digital Services has submitted our first item to Hathi Trust: Burning of the University of Missouri, by George Armstrong Wauchope, dated January 9, 1892.
  • Our student assistants have been busy with a variety of scanning projects.  We are lucky to have found such skilled and dedicated students to carry on this work.
  • On a not so happy note, we are losing our amazing Library Specialist Sr., Mat Miller, as of Friday, 2/27/15.  Mat has accepted a professional position with Do It and he starts his new job the following Monday. Needless to say our 6-person department will be doing business with just three, so we will miss Mat in many ways.
  • In the kudos department, Dr. William Krause brought us 2 items on CD-ROM this week for placement in the institutional repository.  He issued praise for the helpfulness of the IR as he finds MOspace quite useful to his teaching.