INFORMATION ITEM:  Jim Cogswell gave a report from the Council of Deans meeting and his recent meeting with Interim Provost Ken Dean.  Both meetings discussed MU’s unknown budget situation due to funds withheld from the University at the state level.  An end result of the situation will not be clear until the state general assembly’s veto session in September.

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries All Staff Meeting.  Jim sent a note to the Chancellor thanking him for speaking at the All Staff Meeting on August 12th.  The Chancellor continues to enthusiastically support the idea of student fee for the Library and says he will help promote and communicate.

ACTION ITEM: LMT resolved to make the Student Library Fee Proposal the main topic of discussion for the next LMT meeting, Tuesday, August 19th. They also set a goal of having a completed proposal to give to the Chancellor by the end of August.  The most recent draft of the document was distributed and a short discussion ensued about possible revisions and strategies. 

INFORMATION ITEM:  A discussion ensued about how to lower library expenditures in light of the current tight budget and the dim prospects of large increases anytime soon.  Topics discussed included:

·         Asking Library employees to turn in travel request forms by October 1st of each year so that library Admin can consider requests in light of the annual budget. 

·         How to incentivize the use of work study students over Salary and Wage students.

·         How, if the need arises, to approach staff reassignments across divisions due to future personnel needs. 

·         How to identify which actions and decisions will have a large enough budget impact that they are worth pursuing despite time, complication and potential fallout from students, faculty, peers and employees.

INFORMATION ITEM: Friday, Jim will attend a quarterly TelePresence meeting of the four campus Chief Information Officers and UM Library Directors.  Jim expects MOBIUS and its relationship to the MERLIN cluster to be an agenda item and is not clear of this group’s awareness of the various issues.  He will report back at next week’s LMT.     

Director’s Calendar August 25-29th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, August 25th
3:00-5:00 p.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Tuesday, August 26th     
8:00 a.m. – Jim Cogswell will attend the MU Chair’s Retreat through lunch and then possibly attend other Chair Retreat meetings and events based on his availability. The Retreat is taking place at the Reynolds Alumni Center. 

1:30-2:30 p.m. – Library Assembly, Ellis Library 

MULSA Election Results

Here are the results from the election held at MULSA’s Annual Meeting held on May 12, 2014


Announcement of Ballot Results


Ballot results were:


Proposition #1, Constitutional Change regarding banking:   yes=20, no=0


Proposition #2, Constitutional Change regarding membership:  yes=18, no=2


Proposition #3, Vote to expend funds to reupholster staff room dining chairs:    yes=20, no=0


(see below for the exact changes voted on in Proposition #1 – #3)


Election winners:


Vice-President/President-Elect—Shelly McDavid

Secretary—Karla Geerlings

Treasurer—Jack Batterson

Courtesy Chair—Delores Fisher

MUSE Editors—Erin Blower & Corrie Hutchinson

Ellis Staff Lounge Chair—Ruthe Morse

Social Chairs—Tammy Green & Sheena Wagoner

Book Sale Co-Chair—Karen Eubanks

Community Service Chair—Sue Barnes


To learn more please go the MULSA’s web site at


Proposition #1, Constitutional Change regarding banking


Explanation:  Underlined passages are to be added to the existing text.  These changes will enable MULSA to continue to have bank accounts. They codify and document existing practice.


Article IV


SECTION 2. Duties


A. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Boards; to appoint special committees and fill vacancies with the consent of the Executive Board and to call special meetings when necessary.  The President shall be authorized to open and oversee bank accounts on behalf of MULSA in the event the Treasurer is unable to do so.

B.  The Vice-President/President-elect shall assist the President in carrying out the work of the organization and shall serve as President should that officer be unable to carry out his/her duties; and to preside at meetings in the absence of the president.  The Vice-President/President-elect shall be authorized to open and oversee bank accounts on behalf of MULSA in the event the Treasurer is unable to do so.

D.  The Treasurer shall receive all monies collected by the organization and shall make such disbursements as the Executive Board shall direct. The Treasurer shall occasionally place notices in Library News Notes about membership.  The Treasurer shall be the primary officer authorized to open and oversee bank accounts on behalf of MULSA.


Proposition #2, Constitutional Change regarding membership


Explanation:  This change recognizes all student employees of the MU Libraries as auxiliary members of MULSA, making MULSA-sponsored events free to attend. This change will also open, upon request, MULSA membership to individuals working in Ellis Library (but not employed by the MU Libraries).


SECTION 1. Membership shall be voluntary. All employees of the MU Libraries will be included as members upon appointment and will remain members until and unless they notify the MULSA Secretary that they no longer wish to be considered members.

Section 2. Membership is also open to individuals of the following groups, upon request by the individual to the MULSA Secretary:

  • Students and employees of the MU School of Information Science and Learning Technologies
  • Student employees of the MU Libraries
  • Employees of the Library of the State Historical Society of Missouri
  • Employees of the MU Law Library
  • Employees of the Library Systems Office
  • Retirees from the MU Libraries
  • MU faculty or staff members with a regular workplace in the Ellis Library building not employed by the MU Libraries (e.g., staff employees of the State Historical Society, Bookmark Café, Facilities, units housed temporarily in the library)

SECTION 3. Members, as described in section 1 and 2, receive communications from the Board, are invited to participate in MULSA-sponsored events and projects, and to vote on matters concerning MULSA and the disbursal of funds raised by MULSA.

SECTION 4.  Auxiliary members of MULSA are:

All student employees of the MU Libraries, by default

Retirees from the MU Libraries, by default


SECTION 5.  Auxiliary members of MULSA, as described in section 4, are invited as nonpaying guests to MULSA-sponsored events, but are not asked to assume the obligations of full MULSA members and are nonvoting.


Proposition #3, Vote to expend funds to reupholster staff room dining chairs


The MU Libraries Staff Association will reupholster and replace seat padding in the 31 chairs in the Ellis Library Staff Room at a cost of $131.61 per chair, for a total cost of $4079.91.


·         The maroon chairs were purchased for us by Martha Alexander/Bowman. They are sturdy, stackable chairs, but they are approximately 20 years old

·         Frequently mentioned staff lounge survey results — many are visibly soiled, and some are beginning to fray at rub points for stacking

·         Similar quality chairs (begin at $300 each for NO seat padding

·         Terwelp’s Upholstery is the company used by the Libraries’ when our furniture needs recovering

·         Commercial-grade fabric is cleanable with soap and water

·         These fabrics are highly durable, good for 50,000 double rubs (stacking/un-stacking or sitting/standing).

·         Price include (per chair):

o   $33.11 for upholstery fabric

o   $8.50 (cost of materials) for new seat padding

o   $90 labor

·         When working with textiles, it is important to purchase the total amount you’ll need, to avoid differences in color and quality between various dye lots and manufacturing runs

·         Terwelp’s is willing to do 2-to-4 chairs at a time and deliver one group while picking up the next at no charge


Special Collections Outreach This Month


Special Collections Blog Photo

Along with curators from four other campus museums and collections, Alla Barabtarlo and Kelli Hansen made presentations on using material culture in K-12 social studies and English classes at the Columbia Public Schools Faculty Professional Development conference last week.  The room was full of educators interested in using the collections in their teaching.  We’ve set up a listserv for anyone interested in discussing material culture in education at MU.  If you would like to join, email Kelli at


In other outreach news, Special Collections was trending on Tumblr again last week!  We’ve had a lot of activity on the account, so here are just a few of the best-performing posts from this month:



There is much more to see, so share with your friends! Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr


Improve your relationship with your food and your body—Register for the Eat for Life course now!

Discover the benefits of Eat for Life—an innovative approach to weight management. This 10-week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in creating a healthier relationship to your food, mind and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored or unhappy, this program may be right for you.


·         In-person course (Columbia): Orientation: Sept. 24 | Classes: Oct. 1 – Dec. 10 (12-1p.m.)

·         Online course: Orientation: starting week of Friday Sept. 26 | Classes: week of Oct. 3 – week of Dec. 12.

·         Cost:

o   $50 for faculty, staff and family ($25 rebate with full participation)

o   $180 for community


·         Register:

o   In-person:

o   Online:


Program taught by Dr. Lynn Rossy, health psychologist. For more information: watch informational videos or find more details online. Or, direct questions to Dr. Rossy at


This course can earn eligible employees 100 points toward the newly expanded 2015 Wellness Incentive—which will pay you up to $450 for taking steps to live a healthier life. Information on the Wellness Incentive is forthcoming; keep an eye on this webpage for details:




Jennifer Oetting

myTotal Rewards,­­­ Wellness

Wellness Specialist

Healthy for Life: T.E. Atkins UM Wellness Program

205 Heinkel Building | Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 573.884.7427 | Fax: 573.884.3123 |


Sign up for our new blog—Let’s Talk Total Rewards. Learn about the many perks of being a university employee!


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