4th Floor Renovation Update

The 4th floor Ellis student study space expansion is well under way.  Rooms 4C12 and 4B11 have been removed and the space is being painted this week and the week of August 11. A study bar will soon be installed along the north wall and run between the 3 window wells.  Bar stools have been purchased and comfortable chairs will be moved into the area from other parts of Ellis.



Electrical upgrades will provide ample power for the students and will include USB jacks for device charging. 6 electric poles will be placed where the original walls were; this will give power to the center of the study space and allow power for tables and other seating in that area.

Renovation 3
Walls down and ready to paint!

8 computers will be moved into room 4D11 to replace the quiet study area we lost with Admissions’ move to room 114 and a student Printsmart printer will be installed at the corner of 4D21, at the top of the stairs from the 3rd floor.

As this is considered a quiet study area, noise will be dampened with wall treatments. We are looking at using stretched canvas photos of Ellis and its surroundings to help dampen sound and incorporate a Libraries theme.

The project should be completed by the end of September 2014. This renovation is funded by a 2013-14 award from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee.

Renovation 4

MULSA 2014 Annual Rainbow House Back-to-School Supply Drive

School Supplies 2014

The 2014 Rainbow House Back-To-School Supply Drive items were delivered Friday, August 8, 2014. The Rainbow House Staff was very excited by our generous donation of school supply items and backpacks. There were also 35 conference and travel bags, plus $130 in cash donations and 4 large boxes of crackers (each 48 count from Sam’s Club).  An item/donation list is belows.

The day before, the items from the Staff Lounge drop off box, additional clothing donations, 2 large suitcases, 1 travel bag and a comforter were also delivered.

Thank you, everyone for your generosity.  The smiles are wonderful!!

Total Supply Count of items donated to the

MULSA 2014 Annual Rainbow House Back-to-School Supply Drive

20  Backpacks  — 14 New;  6 Used

  7  Lge boxes of Facial Tissues

  6  small pouches of Facial Tissues

  5  Bottles Hand Sanitizer, 1 Portable Hand Sanitizer Gel

  8  10-packs pens

27  Glue Sticks

 11  Glue Bottles

17  pkgs. Index Cards

20  boxes of 24 ct. Crayons

 2  pkgs. Post-It Notes

 8  boxes 10-ct. Markers

 7 boxes 8-ct. markers

 2  boxes Colored Pencils

2        Dispensers of Scotch Tape

 12 Pencil Sharpeners

10 Rulers

 1 small Pencil Case

 1  3-pack Sharpies

 2  4-pack Mechanical Pencils

13 Scissors

24 Erasers

58 2-Pocket Folders

43 Composition Books

1       Index card box

1       25-pack pencil top erasers

1       Master Lock

1       Pkg Sanitized Wipe

2       24-pack  #2 Pencils

1        20-pack  #2 Pencils

5        10-pack  #2 Pencils

6       8-pack  #2 Pencils 

Pencil total 166!


$130.00 Monetary Donations



35 Conference & Travel Bags

 1 Lge Tote

 1 Duffle Bag

 1 Backpack on Wheels

 1 Messenger Bag

Books with Personality Exhibit, August 1-29, 2014

Ellis library Colonnade
Brought to you by the Special Collections Department of Ellis Library

“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years.  To read is to voyage though time”  -Carl Sagan

The books on display, from the Special Collections Department of Ellis Library, all carry traces of their former owners. Some contain notes in the margins; others hold mementos between their pages. In either case, these traces tell stories not only about the books’ reception but about the lives of those who read them.

SHS Workshop: World I and Your Ancestors

World War I and Your Ancestors

August 11, 2014

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Research Center-Columbia


Join SHSMO for a workshop exploring artifacts from soldiers and civilians of the First World War era. Claire Presley Marks, associate historian, will guide you in evaluating photographs, personal letters, and other firsthand accounts of the wartime experiences of Missourians, both on the home front and abroad. Popular books, songs, and newspapers will offer further glimpses into the time period. Amy Waters, SHSMO reference specialist, will demonstrate tools for tracing the lives of your ancestors during the period of dramatic political, social, and cultural changes initiated by World War I.


Register by calling the Society at 573.882.7083 or email shsofmo@umsystem.edu by August 6. There is a $5.00 workshop fee ($10.00 for nonmembers).


4th Floor Renovation Update


The 4th floor Ellis student study space expansion is well under way.  Rooms 4C12 and 4B11 have been removed and the space is being painted this week and the week of August 11. A study bar will soon be installed along the north wall and run between the 3 window wells.  Bar stools have been purchased and comfortable chairs will be moved into the area from other parts of Ellis.