Update on March 2012 Activities:
HathiTrust Research Center Semi-annual Report (October 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)
Web tips of the week, April 16, 2012- pain management
April 2012 MULSA Spotlight Award Winner: Judy Maseles
Human Resource Services is sponsoring series of training sessions during Staff Appreciation Week, May 14-18, 2012. Overall, there will be 15 sessions covering diverse topics for managers, supervisors, professionals, office, technical and service/maintenance staff. All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside a couple of days for development for you and/or your staff. The speakers are primarily MU staff and faculty who are all experts in their fields.
Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and attend as many sessions as you can during this two day training. Most sessions are intended for Columbia Campus, UM System and UOEXT staff employees, however, academic employees can register and attend on a space-available basis.
The follow link goes to a HR website http://hrs.missouri.edu/training/all-employees/staff-recognition-week-seminars/index.php where you can find a complete course description and a link to register on-line. Supervisor approval is required to attend. If granted, attendance is considered release time.
Of note: Bob Almony returns to campus to conduct two financial planning courses as part of the conference:
Take Charge of Your Finances, May 15
Time: 1:00-4:30 p.m.
Location: N201/202, Mark Twain Ballroom
Presenter: Bob Almony w/Beth Steele (a teacher of Real Estate at MU’s College of Business as well as at Columbia College)
This course deals with misconceptions about money management, your net worth, and tracking your cash flow each month. Learn to set up a real budget, handle debt, and discuss the 10 leading causes of overspending. We will review the overall personal budget process
Invest Now on a Small Budget for Better Retirement, May 17
Time: 1:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: S203 Aarvah Strickland Room
Presenter: Bob Almony
Learn the principles of investing for the long-term accumulation of wealth, especially for a comfortable retirement. We will discuss the issues of 403(b), IRA, Roth IRA, 401(1), 456, etc., and which one you should use in your retirement planning and why.
In addition, Leo and his colleagues with the MU Trainers’ Network will present the teambuilding/leadership skit based on the book by Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
May 18
Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: S203 Aarvah Strickland Room
Presenter: Members of the MU Trainers’ Network
The skit portrays a new Executive Director of a fictitional software company. The Executive Director inherits a dysfunctional team and engages them in an effort to increase their capacity to function as a team. This is a dynamic training program in which audience members will be able to interact with each other and with skit characters. By observing skits on group dysfunction, and by assessing and comparing their recommendations for improving the skit team, participants will develop skills to tackle tough team-based issues.
“Survivor shares his experience as part of Holocaust Remembrance Day”
The Columbia Missourian, April 17, 2012
“Library student fee under consideration by MSA, GPC”
The Maneater, April 20, 2012
“Library fee campaign needs education, promotion”
The Maneater, April 20, 2012
Election for MULSA’s Executive Board officers is coming up in May. If anyone is interested, below is a list of positions and their descriptions. For more complete descriptions, please go to http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/committees/mulsa/offices.htm. Currently, we are in need of anyone interested in being a Book Sale Co-Chair or MUSE Co-Chair. However, you are welcome to nominate yourself for any position, except the Presidency. You must have your supervisors’ approval before you do so. Elected officers assume their duties on June 1st. Members of the Executive Board meet once a month.
President – The president is actually elected as vice president in order to become president. Responsibilities are relatively steady over the year.
Vice President/President Elect – This is a two-year commitment, with the second year service as MULSA President.
Secretary –
Treasurer –
Staff Lounge Chair –
Book Sale Co-Chairs (2 positions) – This is a two-person chair with one person elected each year to provide for continuity in service.
Social Co-Chairs (2 positions) – This is another two-person chair because it is probably the most time consuming of positions, but it is the ideal office to have for those who have the ability to plan and be creative.
Courtesy Chair –
Community Service Chair –
MUSE Co-Chair (2 positions) – This chair is also for a two-person team.
Please come and share your digitization projects and activities. Last meeting we didn’t get around the whole room to hear what is happening. This time, we’ll start with news and updates from everyone and save discussion items for the end.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Ellis 4F51A
Can’t come? Need more information? Contact:
Felicity Dykas
Kelli Hansen
Wellness Incentive
Due to popular demand, we have extended the Wellness Incentive deadline until May 25th for in person screenings and May 31st for individual screening submissions (you can use our online Doctor Screening Form). Thousands of employees have completed the program and time is running out, don’t miss out on your $100. Simply complete a personal health assessment (15 minutes) and a FREE health screening. Primary subscribers to the UM Medical plans will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2012 Benefit Plan year.
Get started now:
Upcoming Screenings | ||
Date | Time | Location |
April 13 | 8 a.m.-12 p.m. | Missouri Psychiatric Center, Gym |
April 17 | 8-11 a.m. | Hulston Hall, Room 204 |
April 18 | 8 a.m.-12 p.m. | ABNR, Conference Room |
April 20 | 8-11 a.m. | University Hospital, Room GL-20 (Fit for Life Hallway) |
April 24 | 8 a.m.-12 p.m. | Heinkel Building, Room 205 |
April 27 | 8-11 a.m. | University Hospital, Room GL-20 (Fit for Life Hallway) |
*SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT AT www.healthyforlife.umsystem.edu
Questions? Email Blaine Snow at SnowB@umsystem.edu
Our video won the contest!
Thank you to all who voted for the Eat for Life video. The University of Missouri will get national recognition for research on this innovative, mindfulness-based weight management program being presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine conference this week. The video was produced by a team of amazing School of Journalism students. If you’d like to view the video, click on http://youtu.be/PBK05SH2l5g. If you’d like more information about Eat for Life, contact Dr. Lynn Rossy at RossyL@umsystem.edu
Congratulations to Christine Sheriff! She is the winner of our raffle for a free massage or pair of running shoes. We asked employees to complete a brief 14-question survey about how you use social media for your health education and your understanding of the Eat for Life course. We appreciate the hundreds of you who participated.
Join the Mizzou Student Foundation and ESPN’s John Anderson at 5 p.m. on April 26 at Tiger Plaza to participate in a 1 mile or 5K run/walk around campus to raise money for student scholarships. Preregistration is $10 before April 25 and $15 at the event. T-shirts will be provided to participants who register before April 16. Registration forms are available online at musf.missouri.edu/mizzou-mile and in 306 Reynolds Alumni Center. Learn about the importance of private giving while enjoying an evening of fun and entertainment!
The Columbia Slimdown Challenge is fast approaching and organizers are looking for some fun and energetic people to make it a success! They are seeking volunteers to proctor the weight kiosks during this official weigh-in week of April 23rd – April 30th. Sign up now and enter to win a Fitbit, a smart device that tracks steps, calories burned, sleep cycle and more! The Columbia Slimdown Challenge is a 12-week weight-loss challenge where teams of 4 – 6 people compete for prizes and healthier living.
Volunteer Lead sign up | Volunteer Assist sign up
Weigh-in Dates
Weigh-in Locations | (check the Slimdown website for full location details):
Volunteer Responsibilities:
Volunteers will be given a Slimdown T-shirt to wear during their shift. We ask that volunteers wear jeans (no shorts) and tennis shoes. Please bring your own snacks and drinks, as these will not be provided to volunteers. We greatly appreciate the valuable support you will provide by volunteering. Please direct any questions regarding the Columbia Slimdown Challenge and volunteering to comoslimdown@tiger-institute.org.
SISLT is hosting the following NISO webinar and we’re invited:
Schema.org and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data
April 25, 2012
Noon- 1:30 p.m.
Place TBD (check with Felicity if you haven’t heard before the date)
From the website: Schema.org — a collaboration of the Google, Yahoo!, and Bing search engines — provides a way to include structured data in Web pages. Since its introduction in June 2011, the Schema.org vocabulary has grown to cover descriptive terms for content such as movies, music, organizations, TV shows, products, locations, news items, and job listings. The goal of Schema.org is “to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages.” The Schema.org initiative has emerged as a focal point for publishers of structured data in Web pages, especially but not exclusively in the commercial sector.
This webinar will explore how the publication methods of Schema.org relate to the methods used to publish Linked Data. Must data providers commit to one or the other, or can the two approaches exist side-by-side, even reinforcing each other?
More information: http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/linked_data/