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PubMed: results by year; PMC image search

On your PubMed results screen, you’ll now see year information and image search information in the right-hand column.
2012 June 08 [posted]

PubMed “Results by year” and PubMed Central “PMC images search” tools will soon display in the discovery column for all PubMed users (see Figure 1).

Screen capture of PubMed results with "Results by year" and "PMC images search" tools
Figure 1: PubMed results with “Results by year” and “PMC images search” tools.

The “Results by year” timeline tool will display for search results with 10,000 or more citations. Mouseover the bars in the timeline to display the number of citations for each year, click the right and left arrows to display older or newer years, and click the individual bars in the timeline to display the results for a single year (see Figure 2).

Screen capture of Mouseover for the PubMed "Results by year" timeline tool
Figure 2: Mouseover for the PubMed “Results by year” timeline tool.

The “PMC images search” tool will display for PubMed search results that meet a number of criteria, e.g., results with a minimum of 250 citations, filters are not active, the search does not include Boolean operators, the search retrieves a minimum of 4 relevant images calculated using a term weighted algorithm.

To enhance the size of an image, mouseover the thumbnail in the tool (see Figure 3).

Screen capture of Mouseover for the PubMed "Results by year" timeline tool
Figure 3: Mouseover of an image in the “PMC Images search” tool.

Click within the enhanced image box to display the PubMed Central article for the image.

The PubMed discovery column tools may be modified in the future.

By Kathi Canese
National Center for Biotechnology Information