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NEW! ClinicalKey to Replace MDConsult

MDConsult is being phased out and is being replaced by a new product called ClinicalKey. ClinicalKey contains all of the MDConsult content plus much more: over 1,000 additional clinical e-books and over 20,000  videos. In addition, FirstConsult and Vitals, point-of-care information for medicine and surgery, are included. The transition from MDConsult to ClinicalKey is underway, and will be completed by September 2014. The library currently has trial access to ClinicalKey. 

Just some of the books of interest available in ClinicalKey:

  • Cellular and Molecular Immunology
  • Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
  • Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics
  • Miller's Anesthesia
  • Rang and Dale's Pharmacology
  • Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease