#PlutoFlyby Looking Backwards

While you're waiting for the first updates from the New Horizons #PlutoFlyby, we collected some of the earliest news about its discovery from our microfilm collection. The Boston Evening Transcript actually ran the news the day the discovery was made public; here's their headline from March 13, 1930.

While Boston was fairly restrained, both the New York Times and the Arkansas Gazette, running their headlines on March 14th, expected the "newly discovered body" to be quite massive indeed —

NYT-314     AR-gazette

Our last paper, the Tribune of Lahore, India, brought expectations back towards Earth; it did not, as the NYT did, suggest that the new object might even be bigger than Jupiter. The Tribune didn't publish this piece until March 16, 1930: between March and April that year, Ghandi led his Salt March, which took precedence even over new planets in their newspaper.


By the mid-1930s, although we still weren't clear on the scale of Pluto, we were already talking about the feasibility of a visit. In his book Rockets through Space, P.E. Cleator painted a picture of the first space travelers truly "set[ting] off into illimitable space for destinations unknown." Unknown destinations indeed! Here, from Astronomy for the Millions, is one of the earliest photos of Pluto ever released.


Tonight, we'll know for sure that New Horizons successfully flew within just a few thousand miles of Pluto, and over the next few days, our pictures will be in one pixel per mile definition: a far cry from the one pixel per planet of 1930!


home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives 12 Days of Christmas in July Countdown

12 Days of Christmas in July Countdown

Many of the books in our collections were written in by previous owners, whether it was a student in the 1890s making notes in their textbook, or a grateful author from 1954 inscribing a thank you to someone that had provided them with some of their research.  To countdown the twelve days until July 25th, each day on our blog we will feature a book from our collection that was inscribed with a Christmas message.

On the first day of Christmas in July, we give to you… one Post-Mortem Finding.

Inscribed by the author of the introduction, J. Christian Bay, "With best Christmas wishes" to an unknown recipient.


Published on Christmas in 1942, this slim volume was written by psychiatrist/ administrator George Anthony Zeller of the Peoria State Hospital in Illinois.  It contains the story of one of the patients known to the doctor, as well as the events leading up to and following his death.

Little details like the portrait of the author at the beginning, the inscription, and the pretty details of the first letters of the introduction and body of the story (pictured below) make this an interesting item, despite the oddity of such a title as a Christmas gift.


Stay tuned for Day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas in July!

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day from those of us here at Special Collections!  In honor of the day of America's declaration of independence from England, here are some items from our collections about the document that started it all.

First, from our poster collection, is this reproduction of the Declaration, produced by the Marquette Cement Manufacturing Company to "foster a greater appreciation of the fundamentals of Americanism" in 1925.  A block of text on the back asks the question "Why not celebrate the 4th of July by displaying this facsimile of the Declaration of Independence in your home or place of business."  To that we say: way ahead of you, Marquette Cement Manufacturing.

Here's a close up of some of the signatures that anyone familiar with the document will recognize:


From our Rare Collection is this beautifully illustrated pamphlet on the story of the Declaration:


Published in 1903, it includes a history of the events leading up to the writing of the document, portraits of the signers, and an essay on the history of the American flag by John Quincy Adams.

For other items relating to Independence Day in our collections, including our collection of Fourth of July Orations, stop by and see us, and have a happy Fourth!

home Resources and Services Ann Campion Riley Named Acting Director of MU Libraries

Ann Campion Riley Named Acting Director of MU Libraries

Starting July 1, 2015, Ann Campion Riley became the acting director of the MU Libraries. She will serve in this capacity during the 2015-16 year while a national search takes place for the next library director. Riley has served as the associate director for access, collections and technical services for the MU Libraries since 2007. Riley has been active in local, state and national library associations, and is currently serving as the president of the Association of College and Research Libraries. She is a past president of the Missouri Library Association and served as an Association of Research Libraries Leadership Fellow in 2010-11. She is a writer and speaker on assessment and organizational culture in higher education. Riley was formerly director for technical and access services at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. She was library director at Saint Louis Community College, Meramec, where she twice served as an acting dean and one year as chief campus academic officer. Other academic libraries where Riley has served in a professional capacity include Maryville University, the University of Missouri-St. Louis and New Mexico State University. She earned her B.A. in English and her M.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois. She has an M.A. in English from the University of Missouri and pursued a Ph.D. in English at Saint Louis University.

home Resources and Services West side access to Library during construction

West side access to Library during construction

Site prep has begun to prepare for construction of the Patient Centered Care Learning Center medical education building to the west of the Health Sciences Library.
maps of hsl area showing construction detours

The atrium door on the west side of the library will be closed on August 1, and won’t reopen until construction is complete.
Access from the west side will be available through the Medical Science Building during construction.

The north entrance will remain open as usual throughout construction.

New Impact Factors Released!

The 2015 release of the Journal Citation Reports is now available!

Please note: this latest release provides data for 2014. You’ll see the “JCR Year” listed as 2014.

Have questions? Ask Kate!

The Battle of Waterloo

You, whose greatcoats were lithely streaming,
Reminiscent of broad sails,
Whose voice and spurs were gaily ringing
Like silver bells,

Whose eyes, like diamonds, were leaving
On hearts their delightful trace,–
The charming fops of vanished being
In time and space.
(Marina Tsvetaeva, To the Generals of 1812)

“The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.”

Two hundred years ago two very ambitious generals met in the battlefield.

Napoleon Bonaparte, former Emperor of the French, and Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, had a lot in common: both were forty-six years old, born only a few month apart; both had very little interest in education, but could make rapid and precise mental calculations; overconfident and dictatorial, both were unhappily married yet loved by many women. The difference between them was one — but a major one: Wellington was born noble, while Napoleon was not… That defined their characters: almost “supernaturally balanced” Wellington was not vain in any sense, treated everyone equally, with the same directness, from monarchs to soldiers; Napoleon admired pomp, power and attention; treated people as inferiors, including kings and princes. Wellington cared for his soldiers, never sacrificed his troops for a quick victory; Napoleon was his complete opposite, could not stand rivals and claimed all credits for victories for himself. He never learned from his failures, in which he usually blamed others.

The battle of Waterloo was one of the bloodiest at the time. More than fifty thousand men and countless horses were left dead on the field at the end of the day.

It seems that fate was not on Napoleon’s side this time. It had been raining the whole night before, and by the dawn the battlefield turned into a bog. Napoleon’s cannons got stuck in the heavy mud up to the axles; Wellington’s smaller troops were positioned uphill, so Napoleon’s cavalry could not effectively attack; while Wellington was athletic and exceptionally fit, Napoleon’s suffering from hemorrhoids that day was also seen by historians as the reason for his failure; both sides were exhausted in the five hours of fighting, when Blucher with his Prussian troops arrived and decided the outcome of the battle in favor of the Allies. This ended Napoleon’s military career and the war which was going on and off since 1805.

big-book2Here in Special Collections we have a very beautiful book, A Summary of the Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington: from His First Achievements to the Decisive Battle of Waterloo, June 18, 1815, by Robert Southey.

Known mostly as one of the finest poets of the so called “Lake School”, Robert Southey (1774-1843) was also known to his contemporaries as a biographer of John Wesley and Lord Nelson, and to the majority of us as the author of “The Three Bears”.

The book in our collection is bound in a crimson morocco leather with gold tooled borders. But the most delightful secret lurks in its fore-edge paining. Practically unnoticeable to the unsuspecting reader, it suddenly reveals a battlefield when edges are squeezed properly. You can then see charging soldiers, explosions… And if you look long enough you might even hear a distant rumble of cannons!



home Resources and Services MERLIN Catalog Unavailable on May 26

MERLIN Catalog Unavailable on May 26

The MERLIN Catalog will be down on Tuesday, May 26th beginning at 8 am Central as the UM Libraries move to a new integrated library system   We anticipate the transition taking most of the day on Tuesday.

During this time the classic MERLIN Catalog will be unavailable, however, the MOBIUS Union Catalog (http://searchmobius.org) will still be up and running.  All faculty, staff and students will be able to place holds in MOBIUS using their MERLIN EMPL ID's. Those transactions will be queued until the MERLIN server is back up after the migration.


5/26/15 5:02 PM  The MERLIN database is now live.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services MERLIN library catalog unavailable Tuesday May 26

MERLIN library catalog unavailable Tuesday May 26

The MERLIN Library Catalog will be unavailable beginning at 8am CST.
Contact us if you need help locating or requesting books during this outage.
Book searching will be still be available in the MOBIUS Statewide Library Catalog and Summon during this time.

Weekend reading: Week of May 10

It's time for our weekly post roundup! Here's a collection of links for your weekend perusal, in no particular order: