home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits, Resources and Services Books and Movies by and about Missouri Women

Books and Movies by and about Missouri Women

Stop by Ellis Library to take a look at books and movies by and about Missouri Women. The display is near the Reference Desk, and all items on display are available for check out. Watch The Grace Lee Project, read poems by Missouri's current poet laureate, learn about the Missouri native who was blacklisted from Hollywood, and much more.

home Events and Exhibits Enhance Mizzou Town Hall

Enhance Mizzou Town Hall

Have you heard about the Student Services Enhancement Fee referendum on the ballot during the MSA elections this spring? It could bring 24/5 hours back to Ellis Library, extend hours at specialized libraries, enhance library spaces and resources, and do much more for other areas across campus!





If you have more questions about how this can help Mizzou Libraries, we encourage you to attend the Enhance Mizzou Town Hall:

Date: Wednesday, March 1
Times: 7pm & 8pm
Where: Leadership Auditorium in the Student Center

Student Services Enhancement Fee informational website: studentservicesfee.missouri.edu

Referendum Wording
Do you agree to a student fee of $2.91/credit hour (max $35 in the fall semester of 2017 for a full-time undergraduate*) to improve student access to mental health services, extend library hours, expand wireless in high-density student areas, improve student learning spaces, and maintain opportunities for student involvement in leadership and service programs and campus activities? Similar to other activity fees, this fee may be adjusted by inflation and will be subject to an annual review by the Student Fee Review Committee (SFRC).
* Max $26.19/semester for graduate and professional students
When and where do you vote?
March 6-8 during the MSA student elections online and at polling places around campus:

How was this fee proposal created?
In the spring of 2016, the Division of Student Affairs sent out a satisfaction survey to a sample group of Mizzou’s student body. The survey asked students to rate their satisfaction with a variety of areas on campus and to rank the importance of these areas. Results were shared with key administrative stakeholders, who were asked to identify how much it would cost to try to address these student priorities. After minimum budget needs were identified, administrators met with the Student Fee Review Committee. Information was provided to student executive leaders in MSA, GPC, the President’s Council, the University Libraries Student Advisory Council, and the Student Fee Review Committee leadership and members of MSA senate in fall 2016. The student leaders made recommendations that led to the proposed Student Services Enhancement Fee.
home Events and Exhibits, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library New Art Display – For Our Legacy Teachers

New Art Display – For Our Legacy Teachers

Our new display features artwork, essays and poetry created by third-year medical students. As a part of the Legacy Teachers Program, students create these works to celebrate and thank a patient who has made a difference in their lives.  The Legacy Teachers program helps remind students they must never stop learning from patients, for they will always have much to teach about courage, dignity, the importance of listening and the values of patient-centered care.

Stop by to check out these moving tributes. This display is available through the close of Spring Semester.

home Events and Exhibits Black History Month 2017

Black History Month 2017

During February, the University of Missouri celebrates black history and culture. This year's theme is Focus on Black Education. For more information about events, scroll the Black History Month 2017 Calendar: missouri.edu/blackhistory/

Black History Trivia FUNraiser



Join your friends at Ellis Library for an evening of fun, facts, food and friendly competition, at the third annual Black History Month Trivia Night. Form a team, choose a local charity to support, prepare to show what you know, and come out enriched with more knowledge. 

Suggested donation is $20 per team member, $10 for students/low income, donated at the event.



Also, don't forget to check out our MU Libraries Twitter feed for daily #OnThisDay tweets about black history that occurred across decades during the month of February: twitter.com/MULibraries

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Black History Month 2017

Black History Month 2017

During February, the University of Missouri celebrates black history and culture. This year's theme is Focus on Black Education. For more information about events, scroll the Black History Month 2017 Calendar: missouri.edu/blackhistory/

This year, two Black History Month events are take place in Ellis Library:

  • From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation


    Speaker: Keeanga-Yamatta Taylor
    In her new book, activist and scholar Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor surveys the historical and contemporary ravages of racism and persistence of structural inequality such as mass incarceration and black unemployment. In this context, she argues that this new struggle against police violence holds the potential to reignite a broader push for black liberation.

    Taylor is assistant professor of African American studies at Princeton University. She is working on a book, Race for Profit: Black Housing and the Urban Crisis of the 1970s. She earned a Ph.D from the Department of African American Studies at Northwestern University in 2013, and was the Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.



  • Black History Trivia FUNraiser


    Join your friends at Ellis Library for an evening of fun, facts, food and friendly competition, at the third annual Black History Month Trivia Night. Form a team, choose a local charity to support, prepare to show what you know, and come out enriched with more knowledge. 

    Suggested donation is $20 per team member, $10 for students/low income, donated at the event.



Also, don't forget to check out our MU Libraries Twitter feed for daily #OnThisDay tweets about black history that occurred across decades during the month of February: twitter.com/MULibraries

Color Our Collections 2017

Color Our Collections is back! We’re going to be releasing coloring sheets as the week progresses this year, so make sure to come back and check this page regularly.  Our first set of coloring pages is adapted from Hesperides, sive, De malorvm avreorvm cvltvra et vsv libri quatuor by Giovanni Battista Ferrari, published in 1646.  This book is all about growing citrus fruits, and we thought the weird and wonderful illustrations of lemons, oranges, and fruits we can’t quite identify would brighten up your winter day.

We’ll have some art nouveau/Jugendstil offerings, medieval costumes, and more for you throughout this week, including some bookmarks to cut out and color. If you’re in Columbia, be sure to stop by the coloring table on the first floor of Ellis Library to pick up coloring pages and show off your work.

Thurnier Buch Coloring Book











Jugendstil Bookmarks Coloring Book











Hesperides Coloring Book 





Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.

home Events and Exhibits University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest Call for Submissions

University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest Call for Submissions

Fast Facts:

  • All undergraduates are invited to submit a class research project from 2016.
  • Prizes: One $500 scholarship for first prize and one $250 scholarship for second prize will be awarded to an individual or group project. The winners will have their projects archived in MOspace, MU’s digital repository, and will have the opportunity to participate in a research presentation session at Ellis Library.

Acceptable research project formats include:

Traditional research papers · Musical compositions  · Works of art 
Videos · Websites  ·  Other creative works  

Submissions must have been researched using the resources of the MU Libraries.

The project will be judged primarily on sophistication of the research process and the materials used as documented by a Research Process Statement and a Faculty Support Statement. More information is available at https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/researchcontest/.

The deadline for submission of all materials is March 13, 2017.

Contest winners will be notified by April 3.

home Events and Exhibits Grand Reopening of Bookmark Cafe, Feb. 7

Grand Reopening of Bookmark Cafe, Feb. 7

Join us from 10 to 11:30 am on Feb. 7 for the Grand Reopening of Bookmark Cafe in Ellis Library. Over the winter break, the Bookmark Cafe was renovated thanks to funding provided by the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee. Come check out the new seating and outlets available for your study needs. In addition, the Cafe now features Harold's Doughnuts! During this event there will be free coffee and samples of Harold's Doughnuts.

home Events and Exhibits This Week in Black History, Woolworth Sit-In

This Week in Black History, Woolworth Sit-In

On February 1, 1960, four black students from the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University went to the segregated lunch counter at the Woolworth Store in Greensboro, North Carolina where they responded to being denied service by remaining at the counter until closing. The sit-in grew in size and scope eventually leading to the official desegregation of Woolworth lunch counters throughout the South, making it one of the most memorable and impactful efforts of the Civil Rights Movement.

The theme for this year's Black History Month at MU is Focus on Black Education. This year's calendar has many great events including a lecture and discussion with Keeanga-Yamatta Taylor on February 8th at Ellis Library, a concert by the LBC Gospel Choir and the Oakwood University Aeolians on February 17th, and an event on February 24th celebrating Monica Hand and Nina Simone. More details on events are included on the 2017 Black History Month calendar. For more information contact the Department of Black Studies at blackstudies@missouri.edu.

home Events and Exhibits, Special Collections and Archives Special Collections exhibition travels to Kansas City

Special Collections exhibition travels to Kansas City

An exhibition from Special Collections was recently featured at the Mid-America Arts Alliance in Kansas City as part of First Fridays at the Crossroads Art District.  The photos show selections from the traveling exhibition Beyond Words: Visual Narratives from the Block Book to the Graphic Novel, which looks at the ways artists have used words and pictures to tell stories over a span of 500 years. Our exhibition partner, Exhibits USA, did a wonderful job of installing the exhibition in their gallery space! 

The exhibition will be on tour throughout the United States through 2019, sharing the richness of Special Collections with libraries and museums across the country.  For more information about booking the exhibit in your area, see the Exhibits USA bookings page.

Photos provided by Mid-America Arts Alliance. Used with permission.


Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.