home Resources and Services Personal Reading History Now Available on Library Catalog

Personal Reading History Now Available on Library Catalog

Patrons may now keep a record of the MERLIN materials that they check out. After logging into “My Library Account” on the MU Libraries home page (mulibraries.missouri.edu), you may activate this feature by clicking on “Reading History” and choosing “Opt-in.”

You may choose whether or not you would like this feature enabled within your library account. However, there are some important considerations that you should keep in mind:

  1. The list of items in your Reading History will display only MERLIN (MU, MST, UMKC, UMSL) materials that you have checked out. In other words, nothing that you borrow from MOBIUS or Interlibrary Loan will be included in this Reading History list.
  2. The Reading History list will only include materials you check out from the point that you turn on your Reading History. Materials that were checked out prior to turning on your Reading History will not be included in the list.
  3. The information that you allow to be collected in your Reading History is not protected by any privacy laws. Any records retained by an individual or institution, including your Reading History, could be subpoenaed through the proper legal channels. The UM Libraries will protect a user’s privacy to the fullest extent possible. However, under the State of Missouri Records Law, library records are not exempt from disclosure.
  4. Once an item has been returned, the libraries maintain no record of what you borrowed, and library staff have no access to your reading history.
  5. If you are concerned about someone else seeing a list of what you are reading, the safest step is not to turn on your reading history.

Consider these factors prior to agreeing to “Opt In” to your Reading History.

For more information, contact Judy Maseles at MaselesJ@missouri.edu or (573) 882-2715.

home Resources and Services Women in History Exhibit on Display in Ellis Library

Women in History Exhibit on Display in Ellis Library

View the “Women in History” mural created by the 5th grade students of West Blvd. Elementary School under the guidance of their teacher, Jonette Ford. This exhibit will be on display throughout March in honor of Women’s History Month.

home Resources and Services Ellis Library Chamber Series Presents the MU Bassoon Ensemble

Ellis Library Chamber Series Presents the MU Bassoon Ensemble

Join us for an amazing performance by the MU Bassoon Ensemble on March 11 at noon. This new ensemble is comprised of members of the MU bassoon studio. They made their debut at Whitmore Recital Hall and were later featured in performance at the St. Charles Community College Double Reed Day. Now, you can enjoy their music in the beautiful Grand Reading Room (Room 201) of Ellis Library. This event is free and open to the public.

home Resources and Services MU Librarian Karen Darling Receives National Leadership Award

MU Librarian Karen Darling Receives National Leadership Award

CHICAGO-The Acquisitions Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) has selected Karen Darling, head of acquisitions at the University of Missouri Libraries, to receive the 2008 Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award. The award will be presented on Sunday, June 29, at the ALCTS Awards Ceremony during the 2008 American Library Association (ALA) meeting in Anaheim, Calif.

The Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award, sponsored annually by Harrassowitz, is given to a librarian to recognize contributions and outstanding leadership in the field of acquisitions and includes a $1,500 gift.

Darling has a strong record of dedicated service to all of the institutions in which she has worked and the associations with which she has been active. She brings a global perspective to her work in Missouri through her international affiliations (and through the fact that she earned her advanced degree in London). Darling has demonstrated leadership in developing electronic collections at Missouri and has, in the words of one of her nominators, “helped faculty see librarians as moving the campus forward in electronic access, leading change rather than defending the status quo.”

Darling has had a long and distinguished career. She is currently the head of the acquisitions for the University of Missouri Libraries at Columbia and has held positions at the University of Oregon, the University of Texas at Austin and also the University of Arizona. Darling has presented many papers at ALA and at IFLA on serials and acquisitions management. She has been involved with ALCTS for many years in both the Acquisitions and Serials sections. Most recently, she has served on the ALCTS Board as director at large. She has also served on the ALCTS nominating and membership committees. In addition to being active in ALCTS, she has been on IFLA committees dealing with serial publications and has been a valued member of the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG).

“Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award presented to Karen Darling.” American Library Association. 2008.

(Accessed 21 Feb, 2008)

home Resources and Services Ellis Library Chamber Music Concert, February 12

Ellis Library Chamber Music Concert, February 12

The Ellis Library Chamber Series presents the Missouri Quintet on Tuesday, February 12 at noon in the 2nd floor Reading Room (Room 201). The Missouri Quintet is quickly generating a reputation as one of the finest woodwind quintet chamber music ensembles in the country. Please join us for this amazing performance. This event is free and open to the public.

home Resources and Services Violinist Nicola Benedetti Performs in Ellis Library, January 23

Violinist Nicola Benedetti Performs in Ellis Library, January 23

Don’t miss Nicola Benedetti’s free mini-performance and audience Q&A in the Colonnade of Ellis Library on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Ms. Benedetti has been performing on the violin since age five. She recorded her debut album in 2005, which received critical acclaim and debuted at Number 1 on the British Broadcasting Company Music charts. She has since captivated audiences worldwide with her performances.

She will be performing Wednesday evening in Jesse Hall with pianist Pei Yao Wang. For ticket information, please visit http://www.concertseries.org/event-details.php?id=103&view=day&date=2008-01-23.

home Resources and Services Free 2008 MU Libraries Calendar Available

Free 2008 MU Libraries Calendar Available

The 2008 MU Libraries calendar posters are now available at the North entrance security desk. Please stop by and pick up your free calendar or contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu or (573) 882-4703.

2008 MU Libraries Calendar Front Cover

home Resources and Services 2007-2008 Study Abroad Photo Contest on Display in Bookmark Cafe

2007-2008 Study Abroad Photo Contest on Display in Bookmark Cafe

Every year over 900 MU students choose to broaden their horizons by spending a term studying overseas. The MU International Center hosts a photo contest for study abroad returnees annually. The photos are divided into three categories: Portraits, Landscapes, and Cross-Cultural Moments. This year 32 finalists will proudly display in the Bookmark Cafe from January to March, 2008. The “Best in Show” prize winners will be selected and honored during the Spring 2008 semester. You are invited to visit the MU International Center Web site to see current finalists and past photo contest winners:

home Resources and Services Chants of Hildegard von Bingen performed by Margaret Waddell, Feb. 29

Chants of Hildegard von Bingen performed by Margaret Waddell, Feb. 29

The Honors Humanities Sequence presents Chants of Hildegard von Bingen performed by Margaret Waddell in Ellis Library, Room 201 on Friday, Feb. 29 at 11:00 a.m.
Hildegard von Bingen was a Benedictine abbess in the 12th century. She composed 77 chants, plus a morality play containing 87 chants called Ordo Virtutum (Order of the Virtues), which is the earliest known western music-drama by a single composer. Unlike Gregorian chant, Hildegard’s expressive melodies contain large leaps, with the range sometimes spanning well over an octave.

Margaret Waddell has been studying and singing Hildegard’s chants since 1993. Margaret is a member of the International Society of Hildegard von Bingen Studies. Margaret performs Hildegard’s chants throughout the Midwest.

Come join the Honors Humanities students and faculty for this amazing performance.
For more information, contact Julie Melnyk at melnykj@missouri.edu.

home Resources and Services University Archives Contributes Documents to Missouri School of Journalism’s Centennial Timeline

University Archives Contributes Documents to Missouri School of Journalism’s Centennial Timeline

The Missouri School of Journalism’s Centennial Timeline is now available at http://journalism.missouri.edu/2008/. The Web site is composed of a significant number of historical images from the MU Libraries University Archives collections. Gary Cox, Public Services Archivist, worked closely with the School to provide copies of almost 200 images to the centennial timeline project.

Each decade of the timeline will be released in a series of monthly e-mail newsletters containing news and updates about the Sept. 10-12, 2008, joint centennial and dedication of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. To receive the e-mails, sign up at http://journalism.missouri.edu/2008/updates.html.

For more information about the images provided by University Archives, contact Gary Cox at CoxGD@missouri.edu.