home Resources and Services New Resources at MU Libraries: Mergent Web Reports and U.S. Code Online

New Resources at MU Libraries: Mergent Web Reports and U.S. Code Online

MERLIN has purchased the Mergent Web Reports.
Mergent Web Reports/Digitized Archive Manuals: provides electronic access to all Moody’s/Mergent manuals ever published dating back to 1909. (Municipal and Govt manual currently not available.) WebReports contain more than 180,000 documents covering over 100 countries and industries using an easy-to-navigate and reliable system.

The Law Library is providing campus access to the U.S. Code.
Complete coverage (1925-1926 Edition – 2006 Current Edition) of The United States Code. The U.S. Code is the official consolidation and codification of all general and permanent laws of the United States that are in force as of a certain date. Exact page-images of the original bound edition are provided. Access provided to the campus by the MU Law Library.

home Resources and Services Follow Journalism Library on Twitter

Follow Journalism Library on Twitter

The Journalism Library is now on Twitter. You can find us at: http://twitter.com/mujlibrary

home Resources and Services Eva Johnston Exhibit at Ellis Library

Eva Johnston Exhibit at Ellis Library

To celebrate Women’s History Month, the Departments of Classics, Women’s and Gender Studies, and the American Association of University Women, Columbia Branch, partnered to salute the life and legacy of Eva Johnston. Johnston, a native Missourian, was the first female professor of Classics at MU as well as its first Dean of Women. A residence hall is named in her honor.

The display is entitled “Eva Johnston: Classicist, Leader, Mentor” and can be found in a wooden case on the main floor of Ellis Library from March 2 to 31, 2009. It includes photographs, letters, reports, translations, books, and pamphlets all made available courtesy of MU Archives, Western Historical Manuscript Collection, the Classics Department, Ellis Library, and the AAUW- Columbia Branch.

The display text, written by Carlynn Trout, highlights Johnston’s work as a scholar, teacher, dean, and organizer of various organizations at the University and in Columbia. Dr. Jane Biers, AAUW, assisted with the installation.

home Resources and Services William Least Heat-Moon to Speak at Ellis Library, March 5

William Least Heat-Moon to Speak at Ellis Library, March 5

Thursday, March 5, 2009
7:00 PM
Ellis Library Colonnade

MU’s Center for the Literary Arts is proud to present – in conjunction with the English Department and MU Libraries – a reading by one of America’s finest travel writers: William Least Heat-Moon. This event is free and open to the public; no tickets are necessary.

home Resources and Services An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe, March 13

An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe, March 13

Friday, March 13
7:00 p.m.
Conley House Parlor
602 Sanford Street

In honor of the 200th anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe’s birth this year, the Friends of the MU Libraries and the Life and Literature Series will be presenting a very special evening of dramatic readings of some of Poe’s most beloved poems and short stories, performed by members of MU’s theatre department. If you are interested in attending, please contact Sheila Voss at vosss@missouri.ed or (573) 882-9168.

home Resources and Services Michael Bednar Is a Winner!

Michael Bednar Is a Winner!

Thank you to everyone who participated in answering a series of pop-up questions on the Libraries Web site. The questions were designed to gather quick feedback on user preferences. The information gathered will inform decisions the Libraries make regarding allocating resources and setting priorities for Ellis Library and the branch libraries.  Several participants were randomly chosen to receive a $15 gift certificate to the University Bookstore.

home Resources and Services Meet MOspace: UM’s New Digital Storehouse for Scholarly Works

Meet MOspace: UM’s New Digital Storehouse for Scholarly Works


home Resources and Services MU Libraries Exhibit: “150 Years of On the Origin of Species”

MU Libraries Exhibit: “150 Years of On the Origin of Species”

Darwin flyer

The MU Libraries will sponsor an exhibition in the Ellis Library Colonnade from March 3rd to March 31st in conjunction with the 5th Annual MU Life Sciences & Society Symposium commemorating the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his On the Origin of Species. “150 Years of On the Origin of Species: The Historical Journey from Specimens to Species to Genes” will trace the concept of biological variation from the Renaissance through the 20th Century using rare and historical books and illustrations, primarily from the MU Libraries Special Collections & Rare Book Department and the Ellis Library general collection.

home Resources and Services Dr. Andre Ariew Presents “Darwinism Old and New” on March 5 in Ellis Library.

Dr. Andre Ariew Presents “Darwinism Old and New” on March 5 in Ellis Library.

In conjunction with the “150 Years of On the Origin of Species” exhibit, the Libraries will host a presentation titled “Darwinism New and Old” by MU Philosophy Professor Andre Ariew on Thursday the 5th of March at 1 p.m. in the Ellis Library Colonnade on the philosophy of evolution and creationism. In this talk, Dr. Ariew will examine the differences between Darwin’s theory of natural selection and modern versions.

home Resources and Services Free Endnote Workshop on Friday, June 19

Free Endnote Workshop on Friday, June 19

Register at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/guides/classestours/endnotefridays/default.php