home Resources and Services Graduate Student Research Workshops on March 16 & 17

Graduate Student Research Workshops on March 16 & 17

home Resources and Services MU Libraries Seek Student Ambassadors

MU Libraries Seek Student Ambassadors

Want to get involved? Make new friends? Gain valuable leadership skills? And most importantly, do you want to make a difference?! The MU Libraries are looking for enthusiastic, energetic and dedicated undergraduate students who would like to serve as Ruth E. Ridenhour MU Libraries Student Ambassadors. Ambassadors will teach fellow students about the libraries, represent the libraries at alumni events and advise the libraries on marketing services to students.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Sign up today at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/about/studentambassadors.htm.

For more information, contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu or (573) 882-4703.

home Resources and Services Supplies Vending Machine Now in Ellis Library

Supplies Vending Machine Now in Ellis Library

A school/office supplies vending machine is now located by the north entrance of Ellis Library. You may use money or a student ID to purchase the following items:

12 page blue book, $.50

Index cards, $.85

8 page blue book, $.35

Sharpie Accent, $1.60

Correction Pen $3.00

BandAids, $1.40

Binder Clips, $2.20

Sharpie TT, $2.20

Maxell Ear Buds, $7.50

Pilot G2 Black, $2.20

Pilot G2 Blue, $2.20

Bic Pencil  .7mm, $2.70

Bic Pencil .5mm, $2.70

Memo Books, $.35

Pocket Tissues, $.55

CD-R, $1.05

CD-RW, $1.05

AA Batteries, $5.35

AAA Batteries, $5.35

Mini Stapler, $2.20

Fiskars Scissors, $3.60

Ear Plugs, $2.20

Post It Flags, $2.70

Scotch Tape, $2.20

Sticky Notes, $3.20

12 page blue books, $.50

Pencil, $1.40

Flash Drive, $10.00

8 page blue books, $.35

4 Function Calculator, $3.20

Envelopes 5 Pack, $.55

home Resources and Services New Video Tour of Ellis Library Available

New Video Tour of Ellis Library Available

home Resources and Services Create an MU Libraries Wish List Using My Lists

Create an MU Libraries Wish List Using My Lists

  1. Do a search in the MU Libraries Catalog (MERLIN)
  2. Click in the box by one or more titles and click “Create and/or Save to My Lists.”
  3. If you are not already logged in, the system will prompt you to log in.
  4. Log into your account and select “Create a New List.”
  5. Name your list and click submit.
  6. Use My lists to:
    • Create different lists for different subjects.
    • Add, delete, or place holds on items in your lists.
home Resources and Services Life Sciences & Society Symposium Exhibit in Ellis Library

Life Sciences & Society Symposium Exhibit in Ellis Library

On March 4, MU Libraries’ Special Collections, Archives, and Rare Books (SCARaB) division will open an exhibition in the Ellis Library Colonnade entitled Anatomical Illustration: Art Informing Science: 1543 -1950. The exhibition will run in conjunction with the 6th Annual Life Sciences & Society Symposium “From Art to Biology and Back Again”. A wide variety of materials—books, prints, artifacts—from the collections of Special Collections & Rare Books, University Archives, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Rare Book Room and the Zalk Veterinary Medical Library will be displayed. Michael Holland, the Director of SCARAB division, is the curator of the exhibit. The display will run till March 26th 2010.

Opening lecture entitled: “Art and Human Nature” by Professor Carsten Strathausen
Chair, MU Department of German & Russian Studies

  • Thurs. March 4, 2:00pm
  • Ellis Library Colonnade
home Resources and Services Chants of Hildegard von Bingen Performed by Margaret Waddell, Feb. 19

Chants of Hildegard von Bingen Performed by Margaret Waddell, Feb. 19

The Honors Humanities Sequence presents Chants of Hildegard von Bingen performed by Margaret Waddell in Ellis Library, Room 201 on Friday, Feb. 19 at 4 p.m.
Hildegard von Bingen was a Benedictine abbess in the 12th century. She composed 77 chants, plus a morality play containing 87 chants called Ordo Virtutum (Order of the Virtues), which is the earliest known western music-drama by a single composer. Unlike Gregorian chant, Hildegard’s expressive melodies contain large leaps, with the range sometimes spanning well over an octave.

Margaret Waddell has been studying and singing Hildegard’s chants since 1993. Margaret is a member of the International Society of Hildegard von Bingen Studies. Margaret performs Hildegard’s chants throughout the Midwest.

Come join the Honors Humanities students and faculty for this amazing performance.
For more information, contact Julie Melnyk at melnykj@missouri.edu.

home Resources and Services Bring Your Lunch, Learn a Bunch

Bring Your Lunch, Learn a Bunch

home Resources and Services Text Message Feature Added to Library Catalog

Text Message Feature Added to Library Catalog

You finally found that book you’ve been wanting to read or that DVD you wanted to watch right here in your library…and it’s available! All you have to do now is find a piece of scrap paper, hunt down a pen that has ink, and write down the call number to take with you to the stacks. Or, you could text it to your phone!

Save yourself time and be green with the latest feature in MERLIN: the library catalog. While viewing any item, just click the “Send via Text” button. Just enter your mobile phone information, and click “Send.” In seconds, you’ll get a text message with the location, call number, and title of the item. Normal carrier charges may apply.

home Resources and Services MU Libraries Faculty Lecture Series Presents Dr. Sam Cohen

MU Libraries Faculty Lecture Series Presents Dr. Sam Cohen

Thursday, February 18, 1 p.m.
Ellis Library, 1st Floor Colonnade

Professor Sam Cohen, assistant professor of English, will explore the persistence of nuclear fear in the American historical imagination after the end of the Cold War and
after 9/11. Reading a number of documents, creative works and creative works masquerading as documents, Professor Cohen will examine the ways in which our fears about the future help determine the shapes taken by our stories of the past. Please join us for this fascinating lecture and discussion. Dr. Cohen will be signing copies of his book After the End of History: American Fiction in the 1990s, which will be available for purchase. This event is free and open to the public.