home Resources and Services It’s Your Fault! Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the New Madrid Earthquakes

It’s Your Fault! Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the New Madrid Earthquakes

home Resources and Services MU Celebrates MLK Jr, 2012 with Larry Wilmore – A FREE EVENT!

MU Celebrates MLK Jr, 2012 with Larry Wilmore – A FREE EVENT!

home Resources and Services Designing the Imperative: Libraries, Technology & Leadership

Designing the Imperative: Libraries, Technology & Leadership

Lisa Carlucci Thomas, who is nationally recognized for her leadership, innovation and research on evolving mobile and social technologies, will give a talk entitled “Designing the Imperative: Libraries, Technology & Leadership” on Wednesday, January 25 at 7 p.m. in Ellis Auditorium.

Thomas is a 2010 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, a 2009 ALA Emerging Leader, and a MLIS graduate of the Syracuse University School of Information Studies. She is currently the director of design think do, a library technology and innovation consultancy. She was formerly digital services librarian at Southern Connecticut State University, responsible for exploring, developing and coordinating library technologies, systems and digital initiatives. Thomas’s previous experience also includes project and services management in Access Services, Manuscripts & Archives, and Electronic Collections at the Yale University Library.

Sponsored by the Library and Information Science Graduate Student Association.

home Resources and Services Ellis Library open until 4:00 a.m.

Ellis Library open until 4:00 a.m.

home Resources and Services King James Exhibit

King James Exhibit

home Resources and Services World War II Posters: Women Called to Action

World War II Posters: Women Called to Action

As many men went abroad to serve in the war, large numbers of women were left behind.  However, women played an integral part in the WWII victory.  War posters on display from the Special Collections Department of Ellis Library illustrate how women were called upon to help win the war both at home and in foreign lands.

World War II Posters will be on display in the Ellis Library Colonnade November 3rd-December 2nd, 2011.

home Resources and Services Instructor Orientation Workshop in Special Collections and Rare Books

Instructor Orientation Workshop in Special Collections and Rare Books

Thinking about those courses you’re teaching next semester?
Think about exploring Special Collections and Rare Books with your students!  Come to Ellis Library for a Special Collections orientation (or just to refresh your memory) on Friday, November 11, at 10:00 am or Monday, November 14, at 2:30 pm.  Topics will include:

  • Materials and collections with potential for use in class visits or assignments
  • Instruction services offered by Special Collections
  • Assignment and activity ideas

Register online and preview the workshop at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/specialcollections/instructor_registration.htm

Questions? Schedule conflicts?
If you have questions, or would like to request a session at a different time, contact Kelli Hansen at hansenkb@missouri.edu.

home Resources and Services Flu Shot Clinic on Nov. 8

Flu Shot Clinic on Nov. 8

home Resources and Services Open Access Week Contest

Open Access Week Contest

home Resources and Services Undergraduate Research Contest

Undergraduate Research Contest