home Resources and Services Digital Humanities Colloquia

Digital Humanities Colloquia

home Resources and Services Meet Laura Ling at Ellis Library

Meet Laura Ling at Ellis Library

Thursday, September 6
4-5 p.m.
First Floor Colonnade
Ellis Library
MU Campus

The MU Libraries will host a reception for journalist Laura Ling as part of the 2012 Mizzou Reads activities. In  2009, while reporting on the trafficking of North Korean women, Ling was detained by North Korean soldiers along the Chinese-North Korean border. Please join us for refreshments and an opportunity to meet Laura Ling.

For more information, contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu or 573-882-4703.

home Resources and Services New MERLIN Interface

New MERLIN Interface

home Resources and Services International Student Workshops

International Student Workshops

Library Research Workshops for International Students

September 19 &22, 2012
Room 213, 2nd Floor, center, Ellis Library

Critical to academic success is your ability to use a research library and its
resources. In academia, independent research including library research is very important in order to be able to produce papers for classes or complete your thesis or dissertation.

These workshops specifically designed for international students will cover:

Sept. 19 or 22—9 a.m.
Exploring the MU Libraries: Learn how MU Libraries support your research—take advantage of all the free services the MU Libraries have to offer

Sept. 19 or 22 – 10:30 a.m.
Finding Articles using MU article databases and Google Scholar: Discover which databases are best for YOUR research. Learn time-saving tips for effective searching to find the research articles, reports and other materials you need

Sept. 19 or 22 – 1 p.m.
Finding Books using the MERLIN Catalog and Google Books: Use the right online search tools to locate books in the library, find books on a topic, find books that even mention a topic, and retrieve books from other libraries

Sept. 19 or 22 – 2:30 p.m.
Writing your Paper and Citing your Sources: Don’t make the mistake of using other
researchers’ findings and ideas in your paper without proper credit

•    Register for workshops at:
•    Each workshop is limited to 40 students.

Questions: Contact Goodie Bhullar, bhullarp@missouri.edu

home Resources and Services Ellis Library Tours

Ellis Library Tours

Friday, August 17–11 a.m.

Monday, August 20–9 a.m.

Tuesday, August 21–10 a.m.

Wednesday, August 22–11 a.m.

Thursday, August 23–Noon

Friday, August 24– 1 p.m.

Monday, August 27–4 p.m.

Tuesday, August 28–3 p.m.

Wednesday, August 29–2 p.m.

Thursday, August 30–1 p.m.

Friday, August 31– Noon

Tours start at the West Entrance of Ellis Library, Ground Floor, near the Security Desk.

home Resources and Services Olympics Exhibit

Olympics Exhibit

home Resources and Services July 4 Holiday Hours

July 4 Holiday Hours

July 3 (Tuesday)           8am to 5pm

July 4 (Wednesday)     Closed

July 5, Resumer Summer Semester Hours

home Resources and Services Edwin Ellis Art on Display

Edwin Ellis Art on Display

Edwin E. Ellis has over 35 Years of photography experience, traveling throughout the United States plus a few trips to mexico and Canada to capture nature, scenic, and wildlife photographs. He has been awarded 17 first place trophies for prints and slides in competitions and numerous gold ribbons and medals in nature, photo travel, color, contemporary and photo Journalism at Camera Circle of Glendale and (S4C) Southern California Council of Camera Clubs. Mr. Ellis now resides in the beautiful town of Columbia, Missouri, his original home state before leaving Missouri May 2nd 1957 when he was 17 to journey to California where he has lived for many years. Mr Ellis now plans, in between employment to photograph the beauty of Missouri and surrounding states for the rest of his life. His art is on display in the Bookmark Cafe.
home Resources and Services New at the Library – Health Literacy Advisor

New at the Library – Health Literacy Advisor

The J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library has been awarded a 1-year license for the English/Spanish software Package, Health Literacy Advisor from Health Literacy Innovations, Inc. The National Network of Libraries of Medicine /Midcontinental Region awarded licenses to regional libraries to improve health information literacy.  Described on the HLA website “[a]s a health literacy checker, the HLA streamlines the review and simplification process by allowing users to assess the health of their documents and then fix it using plain language principles.”


Documents can be reviewed for readability level and stamp the results in the footer. The software will scan the document and highlight words that compromise the readability. It will then suggest easier to read alternatives. Spanish documents can also be checked.


The Health Literacy Advisor program will run for 1 year from the end of April 2012 through the end of April 2013. This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under Contract No. HHS-N-276-2011-00006-C with the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library.


For more information about how to have your materials checked, feel free to contact Darell Schmick at the Health Sciences Library at 884-3575 or SchmickD@health.missouri.edu.


home Resources and Services Campus Authors Exhibit

Campus Authors Exhibit