home Resources and Services Is Liberal Education Out of Style

Is Liberal Education Out of Style

Is ‘Liberal’ Education Out of Style? – a conversation with former Chancellor Richard Wallace, UM President Emeritus Mel George and Interim Deputy Provost Patricia Okker

Stotler Lounge, Memorial Union

3-4 pm, September 16, 2014

Reception of light refreshments immediately following

This event is sponsored by the MU Libraries on the occasion of the 175th Anniversary Commemorative Week.

The word “liberal” has a nomenclature problem – it carries baggage for some people because of its political connotations. What does a “liberal education” really mean? The origin of the word is the Latin word “liber” (free), and the history of the concept goes back at least as far as ancient Greece. A common misunderstanding is that the concept describes specific subject matter (such as “Great Books”); but a liberal education is less about specific subject matter content than about the goals and emphases of the education. For example, a liberal education carries public benefit, not simply private benefit.

There are many threats and challenges to liberal education today, including financial pressures and vocationalism. In this conversation, two highly regarded MU educators lay out compelling reasons suggesting that a liberal education is even more important today than in the past and promote the idea that its continued vitality and central role in American higher education should be ensured.

home Resources and Services Unlock the Secrets of Ellis Library! Join Us on a Tour

Unlock the Secrets of Ellis Library! Join Us on a Tour

Friday, August 22                                       11:00 am

Monday, August 25                                    9:00 am

Tuesday, August 26                                   10:00 am

Wednesday, August 27                             11:00 am

Thursday, August 28                                  Noon

Friday, August 29                                        1:00 pm

Tuesday, September 2                               4:00 pm

Wednesday, September 3                         3:00 pm

Thursday, September 4                              2:00 pm

Friday, September 5                                    1:00 pm

Monday, September 8                                 Noon

Tuesday, September 9                                1:00 pm

Wednesday, September 10                        2:00 pm

Thursday, September 11                            3:00 pm

Friday, September 12                                   4:00 pm


Tours start at the West Entrance of Ellis Library, Ground Floor, near the Security Desk.

home Resources and Services Books with Personality on Display in Ellis Library Colonnade

Books with Personality on Display in Ellis Library Colonnade

Books with Personality Exhibit, August 1-29, 2014
Ellis library Colonnade
Brought to you by the Special Collections Department of Ellis Library

“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years.  To read is to voyage though time”
-Carl Sagan

The books on display, from the Special Collections Department of Ellis Library, all carry traces of their former owners. Some contain notes in the margins; others hold mementos between their pages. In either case, these traces tell stories not only about the books’ reception but about the lives of those who read them.

home Resources and Services The MU Libraries Receive Funding from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for Recovery of Materials Damaged by Mold

The MU Libraries Receive Funding from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for Recovery of Materials Damaged by Mold

COLUMBIA, Mo.− The University of Missouri (MU) Libraries have received $400,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support remediation or content replacement of materials damaged by an extensive mold outbreak in an off-site storage facility. This outbreak, discovered in October 2013, is presumed to have contaminated all of the approximately 600,000 volumes housed in that facility.

Partnerships with Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) and Missouri State University (MSU) will provide access to replacement copies of federal government documents and inter-library loan access to Missouri state materials, respectively. Subcontracts with these universities through this project will support the cataloguing, retrieving and preparing of relevant materials to share with MU Libraries on an as-needed basis. The funding also will help MU review the availability of online or print-ready copies of needed replacements through cooperation with membership organizations. WUSTL will benefit by regaining space vacated by federal documents transferred to MU, while MSU will benefit by having its Missouri state materials catalogued in order to provide access to MU and other area libraries.

“The MU Libraries are deeply grateful to the Mellon Foundation for their support of this project that leverages tools of digital librarianship to help preserve scholarship in traditional formats,” said MU Libraries Director Jim Cogswell. “Institutional partnerships will enable the preservation of regional documents collections. The Mellon Foundation funding will allow MU Libraries to remediate mold for key groups of materials, work effectively with partner institutions for resource sharing, provide continued access to needed content of the damaged materials, and support part of the recovery effort.”

MU Libraries also will spend up to $600,000 from a self-insurance fund; additional sources are being explored. MU Libraries has contracted with a company for remediation services and negotiated for rental of two storage spaces, one in which pre-treated materials will be stored until they are cleaned, and one for storage of the remediated materials. As a longer-term solution, the Libraries are working with University of Missouri (UM) System's risk and insurance management department to develop a new strategy for fully insuring all collections, including those in storage, and will work with campus and UM System leadership to restore a plan for building an expansion to an existing storage facility and to accelerate fund allocation for its construction.

home Resources and Services Updated hours at the Information Desk

Updated hours at the Information Desk

Starting July 7th, you can reach a librarian anytime from 9am to 5pm. However, there will be some changes at the information desk:

From 9am to 5pm, you can instantly reach a librarian via email, chat, or by phone–see contact details below.

From the hours of 10am to 2pm, you can additionally get in touch with a librarian in person at the information services desk. Outside of these hours, feel welcome to ask for a librarian at the circulation desk–we will be happy to assist you as we are available or by appointment.

This is planned to continue until the end of the summer term. For updates to this schedule, please keep an eye on the news feed on the HSL webpage.

Need help with a search? Stuck with an Endnote concern? The Health Sciences Library is here to help you:

Phone: (573) 882-0471
Email: AskLibrary@health.missouri.edu
Feeling chatty? Talk with us here: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/contact

Have a wonderful and safe Independence Day Holiday!

home Resources and Services Register Now for May 29 & 30 Online Research Workshops

Register Now for May 29 & 30 Online Research Workshops

Thursday, May 29 & Friday, May 30, 2014

REGISTER: To register click on specific workshop: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/upcomingclassesworkshops
Thursday & Friday: All Workshops take place online using Blackboard Collaborate


Thursday May 29, 9:00-10:30 AM [ONLINE]

·        Literature Review & Beyond: Tips & Tricks for Research

   Learn some of the more sophisticated features of database searching to yield the results you want. Using a variety of databases, we'll focus on practical techniques that can save you time and effort.

   Goodie Bhullar, Library Instruction Coordinator; Rachel Brekhus, Humanities Librarian


Thursday May 29, 11:00-11:30 AM [ONLINE]

·        Stay Current with Browzine!

Easily read and follow your favorite scholarly journals from the MU Libraries with Browzine from your iPad or Android tablet.
Rhonda Whithaus, Electronic Resources Coordinator


Friday May 30, 1:00-2:30 PM [ONLINE]                   

·         Creating Bibliographies with Zotero

   Zotero is a free, simple, open-source tool for organizing, managing and formatting bibliographic citations. Learn to extract citations from PDFs and web pages at the click of a button, and create in-text references and bibliographies.I I

            Rachel Brekhus, Humanities Librarian


Friday May 30, 3:00-4:30 PM [ONLINE]

·        Creating Bibliographies with EndNote

   EndNote is a powerful program for storing citation data and producing in-text citations and bibliographies in a plethora of formats. Learn how to put this tool to work for your academic writing.

   Mike Muchow, Humanities Librarian; Ashley Nelson, Science Librarian


Questions:  Goodie Bhullar, bhullarp@missouri.edu

home Resources and Services Bookmark Cafe Closed May 19-June 2

Bookmark Cafe Closed May 19-June 2

The Bookark Café will be closed for renovation from May 19th to June 2.

home Resources and Services Congratulations to the Class of 2014!

Congratulations to the Class of 2014!

After you graduate, the MU Libraries will still be here to serve you. To find out more about the resources available to alumni, visit Library Resources for Alumni.

All of us at the MU Libraries, wish you the very best in your future endeavors!

home Resources and Services Places to Study During Finals

Places to Study During Finals

Locate study spaces in the MU Libraries (Ellis and the branch libraries)

Locate study spaces on campus and in Columbia:

Study Locations_updated_Page_ sm

home Resources and Services Make Sure Your Citations Count: Get an ORCID Number

Make Sure Your Citations Count: Get an ORCID Number

Make sure your theses, dissertation and research publications are correctly attributed to you.  How?  Sign up for an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number. ORCIDs are a relatively new international effort to provide author and contributor disambiguation across many databases and tools. Universities, libraries, publishers and researchers are partners in this effort.   

You can learn more about ORCIDs on the ORCID website (http://support.orcid.org/knowledgebase/topics/19379-frequently-asked-questionsor from your subject librarian (http://library.missouri.edu/contactus/#_contacts_).

Sign up for an ORCID today:  http://orcid.org