This week, Technical Services celebrated two great milestones. Rebecca Schedler recently marked her 30th work anniversary and Sue Barnes her 25th. To celebrate, congratulate, and thank them for their years of service we had cake (of course) and other goodies. Thank you Rebecca and Sue for all you have done for MU Libraries!
PT Martin (Technical Services) loves to sew, and especially to quilt. She has been quilting for three years. PT says that she likes sewing because it’s easy to fix mistakes if necessary. Lately, she’s been making quilts to raise money for good causes.
Where can you find the largest button collection in Ellis Library? No doubt, that would be in room 102 (Access Services). The collection covers a partition behind Delores Fisher's desk. Delores says that many of the buttons have been gifts from co-workers who bring them back from vacations and conferences. There are many library-related buttons. One of Delores's favorites features the King himself, Elvis Presley. Regarding the extensiveness of her button collection, Delores says, "That's what 40 years does for you!"
These pictures were taken out on the floor of the Zalk Veterinary Medical Library. Each semester one of the instructors over here at the vet school invites vet faculty, staff, and students to participate in having photos taken with their pet(s). As you can see, my family used this opportunity to have a family photo taken this past May, when my daughter Penny was only 3 weeks old. I was very happy to have this photo taken, since my dog of 14 years passed away this past June (about a month after the photo was taken). Having your picture taken automatically signs you up for having one hung up somewhere around the Veterinary Medical Building. They keep these up for a year, then pass it on to the person or family.
A common form of creative expression in an office environment is desk décor. Whether it be family photos, posters, knick-knacks, or crafts, desk décor brings personality to a space that could otherwise be a bit dreary.
My primary creative outlet is knitting. I learned the skill from a friend about five years ago and was instantly hooked. There has been much written about the benefits of knitting: it's calming, rewarding, keeps your fingers limber, provides a mental workout, and even burns a few calories. For a fidgety person like me, it's a way to keep my hands occupied while watching TV. I also enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with a finished project.
We have an amazing group of contestants for the 2012 MULSA Halloween Costume Contest!
Please vote by submitting your choices to Ruth Feldkamp ( according to the emailed ballot. You can use the name of the person in the photo or refer to the number next to the photo below.
Please vote according to the rules in the email ballot. If you did not get an email ballot, please contact Ruth Feldkamp (
Michael Spears (HSL) is a father (again) as of 9:15 am, May 27th.
Maura Grace Spears (pictured with her two siblings) weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 20 inches long.
Due to complications with the birth, Maura had to be delivered by C-section, but as of thiw writing mother and baby have been home for nearly two weeks and both are doing fine.
MULSA members and current MU Libraries faculty and staff are encouraged to use the Muse blog to share their creativity with their co-workers. To submit a post, please contact Joel Kramer at
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