August 2012 MULSA Spotlight Award Winner: Ashley Nelson

Our Spotlight Award winner for August 2012 is Ashley Nelson!

Ashley is a Library Information Specialist II with the Engineering Library, a position she has held for two years.  She previously worked for two years as a graduate student in several departments, including Tech Services, Reference, and the Journalism library before receiving her Master’s degree in Library Science from MU.  She also holds a degree from Westminster College in Fulton (English major, Math minor) and is originally from metro Seattle, Washington.

Ashley has two pets, a cat named Creamy Delight Bubba Boedeker Nelson (not a cuddler) and a green-cheeked conure/parakeet named Lucy (a major cuddler).

When my family got Creamy from the pound, she wasn’t old enough to be weaned yet, but she refused to eat anything except dry cat food and quickly taught herself how to hunt.

Lucy’s wings aren’t clipped, and she loves to fly around and land in your hair or try to stroll up and down your arm while you’re trying to eat. She’ll even land on Creamy’s back, but Creamy just ignores her.


In her free time, Ashley has many hobbies.  She reads quirky non-fiction, obscure histories, and classic YA, and loves to write, especially autobiographical short stories and YA novels).  Her interest in film and TV tends towards psychological thrillers and British comedy.  She also likes to pick up conversation-starting hobbies like Morse Code, cross-stitching, and glass beadmaking.  She also loves to spend time with family and friends by going on walks and reading aloud.  Her favorite snack or candy is fruit, particularly strawberries and watermelon.

In answer to the question “what’s the coolest place you’ve ever visited?”, Ashley replies:

Most adventurous cool: With my mom, cycling the Katy Trail both ways (aprx.480 miles) in June-heat with no training or conditioning other than having ridden to the park once the previous year.
Most “this-will-make-a-great-story-later” cool: In Germany, accidentally buying drug paraphernalia out of a vending machine when trying to buy a train ticket.
Most “wacky teen comedy movie” cool: Having a door handle come off, trapping me in a German bar/internet café bathroom at 6:30AM where I yelled 20 minutes for help through a barred window at an empty street.

In a movie of her life, Ashley would like to be portrayed by “a glamorous old-timey actress who can act, sing, and dance. Because if they’re making a movie about my life, they must already be significantly embellishing things and won’t mind a bit more.”  For the soundtrack: “I love Broadway musicals, but I think they would be an overly-dramatic score for my life. Classical music would probably be more appropriate.”

If picking any fictional or real person to have a drink with, Ashley would choose James Wight (aka James Herriot).  “His humor, genuineness, and empathy are evident in his books, and the beer would ensure I’d get to hear a lot of his stories.”  If she was featured in a magazine, she would be most surprised and thrilled to be featured in a literary or world magazine.

Ashley has a range of shoes that she would pick as her favorite:

I enjoy my oxford heels (Chelsea Crew Jenny) and my grey and white polka-dot Converse (dELiA*s). My third choice (I know you only asked for one!) would be my high heels with cat faces on them (ModCloth).

I am pretty conservative in footwear now when compared to high school where I wore fuzzy slippers, mismatched sneakers with neon-colored shoelaces, and striped knee-high toe socks with flip-flops.

Ashley’s photo was taken off the southwest coast of Ireland on her summer vacation this year.  She was inspired to use it for this Spotlight post after seeing Diane Johnson’s picture with the meerkat from earlier this year.  “It was the very first fish I caught and ate (instead of tearfully breaking down and releasing it.)”

Congratulations, Ashley!

May 2012 MULSA Spotlight Award Winner: Dustin Hoffmann

Our May 2012 MULSA Spotlight Award winner is Dustin Hoffmann!  Congratulations, Dustin!

Dustin is a User Support Analyst in Library Technology Services (LTS).  He’s been with MU at MU Libraries since 2001, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.  He originally hails from Washington, Missouri.  He has a sweet tooth, and prefers white chocolate-covered fruit.

Geocaching is a primary hobby for Dustin:

My primary hobby is geocaching, a treasure hunting game involving a hand-held GPS that interprets longitude and latitude.  As a friend puts it, “we use multi-million dollar satellites to find tupperware in the woods.”  I’ve been featured in both the Columbia Missourian ( ) and the Columbia Tribune ( ) in regards to this sport.  More information can be found online at .  Fun fact:  There’s a geocache hidden in Ellis Library!

The hot pursuit of tupperware in the woods has led Dustin to many interesting places.  “One particular location, Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park near Manchester, Tennessee, comes to mind.  Two branches of the Duck River converge at the end of a plateau, and the waterfalls are simply spectacular (not to mention fun to swim through!).  Many different cultures have inhabited the area and left their mark.”

In a movie of his life, Dustin Hoffmann jokes that Dustin Hoffman could do a fair job of portraying him (Dustin Hoffmann).  But, in the event that Mr. Hoffman is unavailable, Mr. Hoffmann believes that Matt Smith would tackle the role, though “it’d be pretty mundane in comparison to his other works, though.”

If he could have been born in a different time, what time would Dustin choose and why?

This is supposing that I have a time machine and could transport a younger version of myself to another time and place without causing a paradox.  Given that any point in time is a reflection of an infinite combination of past and future events (according to Einstein, anyway), this is conceivable if a bit tricky to get right.  After all, returning to my version of reality would be nearly impossible!

In all seriousness, though, the present is just fine.  One’s environment shapes who they become, and I wouldn’t be who I am without the people I’ve known or places I’ve been.

When asked what real or fictional person Dustin would enjoy having a drink with, and what drink?  He says that Samuel Clemens would be an interesting man to meet.  “A little internet research indicates he liked a particular brand of cognac called Otard.  I’d probably leave all the drinking to him.”

In lieu of a photo, Dustin provided a very cool inked sketch by local cartoonist Josh Nichols.

Congratulations, Dustin!


International Luncheon

The 4th annual International Luncheon was held on Tuesday, July 10.  This is an event co-sponsored by MULSA and the MU Libraries Diversity Action Committee.  A big range of main dishes, side dishes, and desserts were available to the 20-30 people who came together to eat on Tuesday.

If you have photos of the event that you’d like to share, please submit them to Muse!  We would love to put them up.

Thanks to MULSA and DAC members who coordinated the event.  Special thanks to Staff Lounge Chairs Ruthe Morse and Ruth Feldkamp!

April 2012 MULSA Spotlight Award Winner: Judy Maseles

This month’s spotlight award goes to MU Libraries’ Head Engineering Librarian and Web Development Librarian Judy Siebert Maseles!

Originally hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, Judy has spent 31 years here as an employee at MU Libraries. Though she obtained an MLS from Mizzou, Judy also holds degrees from Saint Louis University (BS Communication Disorders) and University of Kansas Medical Center (MSE (Special Education) Deaf Education).

Our resident techie would be thrilled to be featured in an issue of Wired magazine. In a movie about Judy’s life, our star would be cast as Jennifer Ehle. Expect to hear Beethoven’s Sixth Pastoral Symphony, and perhaps a scene at some of Judy’s favorite locations: Acrosanti and Jerome (not to mention the Grand Canyon!) in Arizona.

If the opportunity came up to have a drink with any famous person, Judy would opt for a white wine sangria with Frances Perkins.

Judy is also a proud aunt.

Next time you see Judy and she happens to be wearing her now-famous softspots ankle boots, be sure to send a compliment her way! They are her favorite pair of shoes.

MULSA Halloween Party Photos

MULSA’s swell 2011 Halloween Party was a great time!

Costume and Pumpkin Contest winners are listed (with photos) at the Library News Notes site.

Thumbnails of photos are below.  Click on one to see a larger image.

Here are all the costume contestants, in no particular order:

MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest MULSA Halloween Costume Contest

Here are our Pumpkin Carving Contest entries, in no particular order:

MULSA Halloween Pumpkin Contest MULSA Halloween Pumpkin Contest

Candids from the party are below:

MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween 2011 MULSA Halloween Party 2011 MULSA Halloween Party 2011 MULSA Halloween Party 2011 MULSA Halloween Party 2011

Thanks to Bill Phillips, Abbie Brown, Regina Guccione for photos!  If you have some party pictures to contribute, contact Abbie Brown at MULSA and they’ll be posted with the rest!

MULSA Constitution Changes, August 2010

All of the following proposed changes to the MULSA constitution passed by a vote on the membership on August 20, 2010.

Proposal 1
Plain-language explanation: Part A of the proposal reinstates a definition of MULSA membership in Article III without creating multiple levels of membership or ongoing notification requirements for MU Libraries employees. Part B moves language related to invitations to MULSA-sponsored events from the Constitution to the Bylaws and condenses it slightly in order to conform to the new Article III. The Bylaw provides for MULSA members to invite a guest instead of family, and separately, allows, but does not require, the MULSA Board to invite people who still socialize with MULSA members but who don’t meet membership requirements, such as former employees who worked elsewhere before retiring, to parties. Part C disallows MULSA members who are not current full-time employees (e.g., student employees, etc.) as MULSA officers.

A. The following wording shall be stricken from Article III of the MULSA Constitution:

Article III, Section 1: All employees of the MU Libraries, Law School Library, Western Historical Manuscripts Collection, State Historical Society of Missouri Library System Office, University Archives, UMLD and their family or one friend are invited to regular MULSA-sponsored events, including but not limited to the Annual Picnic and the Holiday Party, at no charge. The Executive Board shall strive to adhere to that standard for all sponsored and cosponsored events. The Executive Board may require fees for exceptional events, but shall not treat employees’ families differently from a single invited guest of the employees choosing.

Section 2: Other invited guest of regular MULSA-sponsored events will be former MU Libraries employees of Emeritus status and selected people voted on by the Executive Board, at no charge.”

That wording shall be replaced with:

Article III, Section 1. Membership shall be voluntary. All employees of the MU Libraries will be included as members upon appointment and will remain members until and unless they notify the MULSA Secretary that they no longer wish to be considered members. Membership is also open to individuals who are members of the following groups, upon request by the individual to the MULSA Secretary:
• Students and employees of the MU School of Information Science and Learning Technologies
• Student employees of the MU Libraries
• Employees of the Library of the State Historical Society of Missouri
• Employees of the Western Historical Manuscripts Collection
• Employees of the MU Law Library
• Employees of the Library Systems Office
• Retirees from the MU Libraries

Section 2. Members receive communications from the Board, are invited to participate in MULSA-sponsored events and projects, and to vote on matters concerning MULSA and the disbursal of funds raised by MULSA.

B. A new Bylaw, based on the language from the previous (i.e., previously approved but now stricken) Article III, shall be added between Bylaws II and III. That new Bylaw shall read:

MULSA members, student employees of the MU Libraries, and their families or one friend are invited to regular MULSA-sponsored events, including but not limited to the Annual Picnic and the Holiday Party, at no charge. The Executive Board shall strive to adhere to that standard for all sponsored and co-sponsored events. The Executive Board may require fees for exceptional events, but shall not treat employees’ families differently from a single invited guest of the employee’s choosing. Additional invited guests of regular MULSA sponsored events may be former MU Libraries employees and selected people voted on by the Executive Board.

C. The following wording shall be added to Article IV, Section I:

Only MULSA members who are full-time employees of the MU Libraries are eligible for any Executive Board position.

Proposal 2
Plain-language explanation: The proposal broadens the language on awards, as intended by the Board but not carried forward into the published May 2010 ballot language for the annual meeting. It allows the MULSA Board to offer awards for the purpose of improving morale but leaves open the details of the award(s) given, in recognition that specific awards can change or be replaced over time.

The following language of the current Bylaw IV shall be stricken:
An award or prize will be given out each month to two employees of the MU Libraries. The manner or reason for the award/prize will be decided by the MULSA Board. This award or prize will be general in purpose in nature and for the purpose of improving employee morale. The amount spent on each person will not exceed $25.00.

That language shall be replaced by the following:
The MULSA Board may give awards or prizes to individual employees or units of the MU Libraries for the purpose of improving employee morale. The manner or reason for the award/prize will be decided by the MULSA Board. The amount spent on each person will not exceed $25.00.

Proposal 3
Plain-language explanation: The proposal aligns the Bylaws with the practice of using MULSA funds in amounts over $300 to cover event-related expenses while retaining the vote requirement for spending more than $300 for items that may benefit a more limited amount of members, e.g., staff lounge appliances, etc.

The following language shall be added to the Constitution Article VI, Section II A (on electronic votes) and Bylaw I (on purchases):
Expenses related to social events to which all MULSA members are invited shall be exempt from the $300 limit on funds that can be spent without a membership vote.

Proposal 4
The Constitution and Bylaws shall be renumbered in accordance with changes resulting from the passage of the preceding ballots.

MULSA Board 2010/2011 election results

Board officers for 2010/2011 are:

President:                                           Rachel Brekhus (elected 2009 as VP/President-Elect)

Vice President/President Elect:         Karla Geerlings

Secretary                                             Remains vacant

Treasurer:                                           Jack Batterson

Social Co-Chairs:                                Ruthe Morse; Ruth Feldkamp

Staff Room Chair:                               Adrienne Arden

Courtesy Chair:                                  Delores Fisher

MUSE Chair:                                       Mary Aycock

Community Service Chair:                 PT Martin

Book Sale Co-Chairs:                          Sandy Schiefer (elected 2009 for 2009/2011); Kris Anstine (2010/2012)



(language is paraphrased/synopsized)

Regarding the MULSA By-Laws:

Order of Vote for New By-Law/By-Law IV

Proposal One:  Vote to rescind/remove By-Law IV (Super-Star Award, now defunct).


Proposal Two:  New By-Law IV, implementing a more general policy empowering the Board to administer awards or prizes as they see fit.  Prize expenditures are not to exceed $25 per each.



Regarding the MULSA Constitution:

Order of Vote to Amend Constitution Article III

(defining general membership)

Proposal Three: Define general membership for the purpose of event invitations as: All employees of the MU Libraries, Law School Library, Western Historical Manuscripts Collection, State Historical Society of Missouri, Library System Office, UMLD.  Said employees and their family or a friend may attend all regular events free of charge.  Special events may be exempted for the purpose of charging if determined to be necessary by the Board.


Proposal Four: Section 2 : Other invited guest of regular MULSA-sponsored events (at no charge) will be MU Libraries retirees and selected persons voted on by the Board.



Order of Vote to Amend Article IV

(Dues and Registration)

Proposal Five: All sections that deal with collection of dues for the purpose of membership (in main, Article IV regarding the former fee structure) are to be removed.


Proposal Six: Protocol for Voting Membership will include registration every two years for the purpose of voting at Annual Conference, for receiving and voting on electronic information as regards business of the MULSA organization requiring the input of the membership.


Order of Vote to Amend Article V, Section 2

(Membership notification)

Proposal Seven: Section 2 removal of language: Remove the sentence: “The Treasurer shall occasionally place notice in Library News Notes about membership” from Section 2, D.


Proposal Eight: Section 2 addition: The following be added to the end of Section 2, C: “The Secretary shall occasionally place notices in Library News Notes about membership.”


Proposal Nine: Identify Community Service Chair as a member of the MULSA Board, with description of duties.


Order of Vote to Amend Article VI


Proposal Ten: Makes electronic voting language more general; redefines how electronic votes are to be documented and archived.  This is proposed in order to keep up with current and future technologies.


Proposal from the Floor:

Strike language throughout Constitution and By-Laws to remove references to Staff Room Chairs and replace with Staff Room Chair.  The former language reflects an old practice.



Any deficits left by the non-passage of Proposal VI will be reviewed by the board and new proposals may be drafted and distributed in June or July.